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Presentation on theme: "KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION SERVICES"— Presentation transcript:

Dr Leon Gabriel 24 July 2019

2 CONTENTS Purpose of Knowledge and Information Services
Objectives linked to Strategic Objectives Organogram Roles, functions and staff establishment Operational plans, key performance areas Key Output Costs Key Challenges

3 Purpose of the division
The KISD is responsible for the strategic leadership, development, promotion and dissemination of knowledge and information in support of the work of Members of Parliament: Planning and implementation of knowledge-development, Knowledge collaboration and knowledge-sharing initiatives, including seminars and discussion forums on matters pertinent to the work of Parliament. Reactive and proactive research for Committees and individual Members of Parliament in their legislative and oversight roles, incorporating public participation processes. Analytical research briefs, background papers and fact sheets are also produced in support of the participation of Members in various multilateral parliamentary bodies and other international engagements. Simultaneous interpretation into all 11 official languages and South African Sign Language in all plenary sittings of the Houses and in some committees and public hearings (as capacity allows).

4 Purpose of the division continued
Production of the official record of the sittings of the Houses through the Hansard report, including translations from the language of the floor into English, as required. Facilitation of public participation and the development and promotion of multilingualism through the translation of daily papers and other official parliamentary publications, as required. Electronic document management through the development and implementation of a file plan and facilitation of implementation of the electronic document management system (uVimba/Alfresco) Full library service, including inter-library loans, portfolio development and access to electronic information resources, including journal subscriptions and electronic newspapers.

5 Objectives of KISD Programme 3: Core Business Strategic Objective 2.1. Reduce average turn-around time for provision of procedural and legal advice, content and analytical advice, research products, minutes and reports and related services for Houses, committees and Members. KEY OUTPUT DIVISIONAL OBJECTIVE OUTCOME GOAL PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Research, Information and Analysis To enhance committee oversight of government departments, Executive accountability to Parliament and improve quality of deliberations in Committees and debates in the Houses of Parliament through provision of information and research services. Strengthen oversight and accountability Timeous provision of relevant analysis, research and information Professional Multilingual Communications Services To enhance public participation and facilitate communication amongst Members of Parliament through the availability and efficiency of Language Services (Translations, Interpreting). Enhance public involvement Timeous and high quality translations and interpreting services Knowledge Creation and Organisation To enhance committee oversight of government departments, Executive accountability to Parliament and improve quality of deliberations in Committees and debates in the Houses of Parliament through knowledge creation, codification and sharing Knowledge development, sharing and codification and knowledge resource organization systems developed (Printing, Hansard, Electronic Document Management, PAIA, Telephony)

6 Organogram KISD Language Services Reporting Unit Translations Unit
Interpreting Unit Research Parliamentary Information Centre (Library) Reference Rare & Historical Processing & Indexing Acquisitions and Serials Documentation Document Management Clerk of Papers & Registry Document technical Services (Printing)

7 High-level Operational Plan
Input (Inbound logistics) Parliamentary Programme Service requests Client needs (expressed and derived from historical usage data) Activities (Operations) Recording & Reporting Translation of Hansard and non-Hansard documents Interpretation in Houses and Committees (on request) Desktop and empirical research, production and presentation of research papers Data and information searches and provision of information Library collection Development Document Management (manual and electronic) Tabling of official documents Printing Telephony technical management Outputs (Outbound logistics) Knowledge Creation and Organisation Knowledge development, sharing and codification Memoranda of Understanding with research and academic institutions Professionally printed and bound documents and reports Institutional file plan and electronic document management system (uVimba) Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) compliance Telephone management official report of House proceedings (Hansard) Information and Analysis Library collection including online newspapers and subscriptions Library catalogue Research papers, concept papers, legislative analyses Reports of sectoral parliaments and special reports Professional Multilingual Communications Services Translated documents Simultaneousor consecutive interpretation services Stakeholder Management (Marketing) Services Charter Personal engagement with key clients (Chairpersons of Committees, Members of Parliament, Division Managers) Outcomes (Service) Seminars, colloquims / discussion sessions, round-table discussions Codification advice and support Access to increased professional expertise - Strategic collaborations - MoUs with research institutes, academic institutions Documentation services (electronic and physical document management) Printing (reports, official documents, daily papers) Verbatim reporting of House proceedings Non-partisan, objective research, information and library services Research presentations Reporting at special parliamentary events (sectoral parliaments, Taking Parliament to the People) Translations Simultaneous or consecutive interpretation services

8 Staff Establishment and Functions
Roles and functions Staff Establishment and Functions

9 Professional Multilingual Communication Services
Key Output Costs Professional Multilingual Communication Services Research, Information and Analysis Knowledge Creation and Organisation

10 Challenges No dedicated budget for empirical research: impact on enhanced support to oversight and law-making Technical equipment and tools of trade: language services (booths, DRT, translations software) Unfunded vacancies (frozen posts): Documentation Section (9), Research (17), PIC – Library (10), Language Services (23)


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