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Su-Jin Kim Gyeongsang National University Fall 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Su-Jin Kim Gyeongsang National University Fall 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Su-Jin Kim Gyeongsang National University Fall 2017
3. Moment Su-Jin Kim Gyeongsang National University Fall 2017

2 OCW Moment Moment calculation scalar Moment calculation vector Moment about a specified axis

3 OCW Principle of moments Moment of a couple Simplification of a force and moment system Reduction of a distributed load

4 Index Moment Moment calculation Moment about a specified axis
Principle of moments Moment of a couple Simplification of a force and moment Resultants

5 Moment Moment scalar : M = d F , M = r F sinα
Moment vector : M = r x F Unit : Nm d F r M α

6 Moment calculation vector
Moment cross product : M = r x F = (rx i + ry j + rz k) x (Fx i + Fy j + Fz k) = (ry Fz - rz Fy) i + (rz Fx - rx Fz) j + (rx Fy - ry Fx) k F r M

7 Moment about a specified axis
Moment about axis a : Ma = M · n F r M n Ma a

8 Principle of moments Momnt of 2 forces = Sum of 2 moments
M = r x F = r x ( F1 + F2 ) = r x F1 + r x F2 = M1 + M2

9 Moment of Couple Couple is the moment produced by two equal, opposite, non-collinear forces F,-F Couple magnitude : M = d F M F -F d

10 Moment of Couple Couple vector : M = r x F
is free vector (does not depend on the reference point) M F -F d r

11 Resultants Force : R = F1 + F2 + F3 + … = Σ F
Rx = Σ Fx, Ry = Σ Fy, Rz = Σ Fz Moment : M = M1 + M2 + … = Σ (r x F) F1 F3 F2 M1 M2 M3 M R

12 Reduction of a distributed load
Distributed load  Centroid + resultant Force

13 Ex1. Door

14 Ex2. Weight

15 Ex3. Moment of Couple 200 N 0.8 m

16 Ex4. Angle moment graph a M 70 kg a 0.3 m

17 Ex 5. Arm moment

18 Ex. 5 Body moment

19 Project. Container ship
Industry 4.0: Crain measure weight of container  SW select the position minimize Moment.

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