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L. Karapetyan Ural Federal University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)

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Presentation on theme: "L. Karapetyan Ural Federal University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)"— Presentation transcript:

1 L. Karapetyan Ural Federal University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)

2 Investigations of personality of students and university teachers (literary review)
The studies of psychological characteristics which are predictors of successful learning of students: E.S. Dyachkova, F.H. Koichueva, O.S. Toomsheis, L.S. Podymova, L.V. Karapetyan, G.A. Glotova etc. The studies of personal qualities and individual properties, providing efficiency of pedagogical work of teachers: E.F. Zeer, E.E. Symanuk, N.A. Koval, L.M. Mitina, N.A. Podymov, L.S. Podymova, V.A. Slastenin, etc.

3 Emotional and personal well-being (definition)
Emotional and personal well-being is considered as the holistic existential experience of harmony between internal and external world arising in the process of human life, activity and communication

4 Comparative analysis of emotional and personal well-being of students and university teachers (study design) The purpose of research: to study and to compare the features of emotional and personal well- being of students and university teachers The research sample: 788 people 656 students of humanitarian and technical specialties, 132 university teachers. The research methods: the author’s technique “Self-evaluation of Emotional and Personal Well-being” (SEPW), the questionnaire “Socio- psychological adaptation (SPA) of K. Rogers and R.Diamond in the adaptation of A.K. Osnitsky (2004), “Questionnaire of attributive style”(ASQ) of M. Seligman in the adaptation of Y. Perunov (2006). Methods of statistics: nonparametric criterion of differences – Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Spearman correlation coefficient.

5 The author’s technique “Self-evaluation of Emotional and Personal Well-being” (SEPW)
It is consisted of nine mono-scales: three positive mono-scales of "emotional" component (A) well-being ("happy", "lucky", "optimist") three positive mono-scales of "personal" component (B) well-being ("successful", "competent", "reliable") three negative mono-scales of non-well-being (C) ("pessimist", "unhappy", "envious"). The total estimates for each of the three components were calculated: A - indicator of "emotional" well-being; B - indicator of "personal" well-being; C - indicator of non-well-being; (A+B) - the total indicator of "emotional" and "personal" well-being; (A-B) - the difference between the indicators of "emotional" and "personal" well-being (allows to see the relationship between the expression of "emotional " and" personal " components of well-being); (A+B-C) – index of emotional and personal well-being (overall assessment of the total positive and negative mono-scales).

6 University teachers (n=132),
Comparative analysis of emotional and personal well-being of students and university teachers (results, SEPW) Table 1. Significance of differences in the parameters of SEPW technique between students and university teachers (Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion) Students (n=656), average values University teachers (n=132), p Happy 5,19 5,22 1,000 Lucky 4,78 4,46 ,020 Optimist 5,34 5,15 ,257 Successful 4,85 4,95 ,777 Competent 4,86 5,20 ,011 Reliable 5,60 5,52 Pessimist 2,47 2,41 ,993 Unhappy 1,98 1,86 ,937 Envious 1,66 1,64 А 15,31 14,83 ,006 В 15,30 15,68 ,357 А-В ,00 -,85 ,009 А+В 30,61 30,52 ,198 С 6,12 5,91 ,743 SEPW Index 24,49 24,61 ,505 Teachers evaluate themselves as less lucky and competent, which may be a consequence of their critical self-attitude, more balanced assessments. The total indicator of positive parameters of emotional and personal well-being (A) is significantly lower in the group of teachers. Students' emotional and personal well-being is characterized by greater coherence. Significant differences are shown in bold

7 Comparative analysis of emotional and personal well-being of students and university teachers (results, SEPW) Table 3. Expression of parameters of SEPW technique in the groups of men and women in the students’ sample. Women (students), average values (n=453) Men (students), average values (n=203) р Happy 5,21 5,14 1,000 Lucky 4,83 4,65 ,989 Optimist 5,38 5,26 ,771 Successful 4,89 Competent 4,91 ,464 Reliable 5,62 5,54 ,900 Pessimist 2,43 2,58 ,872 Unhappy 1,93 2,09 ,957 Envious 1,62 1,75 ,610 А 15,42 15,05 ,737 В 15,29 15,33 ,722 А-В ,13 -,28 ,318 А+В 30,71 30,38 ,540 С 5,98 6,42 SEPW Index 24,73 23,96 ,425 Differences in gender in the expression of the same parameters of emotional and personal well-being in the sample of female and male students were not found. That is, for students, gender is not a predictor of this state. Significant differences are shown in bold

8 Comparative analysis of emotional and personal well-being of students and university teachers (results, SEPW) Table 4. Expression of parameters of SEPW technique in the groups of men and women in the university teachers’ sample. Women (university teachers), average values (n=99) Men (university teachers), average values (n=33) р Happy 5,22 5,21 1,000 Lucky 4,27 5,03 ,021 Optimist 5,30 4,70 ,050 Successful 4,98 4,88 ,920 Competent 5,18 Reliable 5,83 4,61 ,008 Pessimist 2,28 2,79 ,538 Unhappy 1,68 2,39 ,016 Envious 1,64 1,67 А 14,80 14,94 ,621 В 16,02 14,67 А-В -1,22 ,27 ,138 А+В 30,82 29,61 ,066 С 5,60 6,85 ,003 SEPW Index 25,22 22,76 Men evaluate themselves as more lucky, but apparently luck does not bring them happiness, because the rate of "unhappy" for them is also significantly higher than for women. The value of the total indicator of distress (C) is also significantly higher in men’s sample, but the SEPW Index – significantly lower. Women, whose scores on the final indicator of emotional and personal well-being (SEPW Index) are significantly higher, have, also, higher scores on the total indicator of personal well-being (B) and on the parameters of "optimism" and "reliability". Significant differences are shown in bold

9 Comparative analysis of emotional and personal well-being of students and university teachers (results, SPA) Table 6. Significance of differences in the basic parameters of SPA between students and university teachers. Students are a more adapted than teachers. Students have high self-esteem, they are completely satisfied with themselves, with their personal characteristics . We can observe in the teachers’ sample such characteristic as reduction the criticality of thinking: they are not aware of their negative features and personal barriers. Teachers take full responsibility for what is happening in their lives. The average values on the scale of "emotional comfort" in the group of teachers are significantly lower than in the group of students. Norms Students, average values (n=458) University teachers, average values (n=82) p Adaptation 68-170 137,18 136,71 ,060 Disadaptation 84,11 79,02 ,193 Self-acceptance 22-42 44,86 43,29 ,027 Self-rejection 14-28 14,86 13,16 ,280 Acceptance of others 12-24 23,67 26,07 ,001 Rejection of others 16,66 16,26 ,482 Emotional comfort 24,33 22,06 ,000 Emotional discomfort 16,60 16,07 ,451 Internality 26-52 51,82 55,18 ,322 Externality 18-36 21,88 19,71 ,108 Domination 6-12 10,19 8,83 ,037 Guided 18,10 18,96 ,293 Escape 10-20 15,45 13,20 ,084 Significant differences are shown in bold, average values outside the standard range are underlined

10 Comparative analysis of emotional and personal well-being of students and university teachers (results, SPA) Table 7. Significance of differences in the integrative indicators of SPA between students and university teachers. Only one significant difference on the scale of dominance is revealed (р=0,011; р≤0,05), which indicates that students have a more expressed desire for leadership, tendency to solve personally significant problems at the expense of others significantly higher than for women. Students, average values (n=458) University teachers, average values (n=82) Adaptation 62,66 63,77 Self-acceptance 74,71 76,53 Acceptance of others 63,54 66,87 Emotional comfort 60,98 59,18 Internality 63,70 67,61 Domination 52,76 47,08

11 Comparative analysis of emotional and personal well-being of students and university teachers (results, SEPW, SPA) Adaptation Self-acceptance Acceptance of others Emotional comfort Internality Domination Happy ,407(***) ,304(***) ,357(***) ,430(***) ,293(***) ,195(***) Lucky ,345(***) ,362(***) ,298(***) ,373(***) ,336(***) ,332(***) Optimist ,464(***) ,471(***) ,448(***) ,449(***) ,406(***) ,252(***) Successful ,358(***) ,309(***) ,291(***) ,359(***) ,301(***) ,290(***) Competent ,105(*) ,114(*) Reliable ,201(***) ,226(***) ,177(***) ,167(***) ,214(***) ,138(**) Pessimist -,455(***) -,461(***) -,422(***) -,452(***) -,373(***) -,271(***) Unhappy -,463(***) -,435(***) -,398(***) -,371(***) -,232(***) Envious -,161(***) -,106(*) -,133(***) -,151(**) А ,498(***) ,459(***) ,458(***) ,505(***) ,417(***) ,292(***) В ,317(***) ,294(***) ,253(***) ,285(***) ,250(***) А-В ,321(***) ,299(***) ,311(***) ,331(***) ,258(***) ,151(**) А+В ,482(***) ,440(***) ,423(***) ,481(***) ,420(***) ,316(***) С -,509(***) -,493(***) -,456(***) -,499(***) -,410(***) -,243(***) SEPW Index ,538(***) ,506(***) ,472(***) ,532(***) ,314(***) Table 8. Correlation of parameters of SEPW technique with integrative indicators of SPA in a sample of students (n=458) (Spearman correlation coefficient). Correlation analysis shows the presence of multiple correlations (84 out of 90 possible). Positive parameters are positively associated with integrative indicators, negative –negatively associated The obtained data give grounds to consider the adaptive abilities of students as a predictor of their emotional and personal well-being. Note: ***r=0,16, p≤0,001; ** r=0,13, p≤0,01; *r=0,10, p≤0,05

12 Comparative analysis of emotional and personal well-being of students and university teachers (results, SEPW, SPA) Table 9. Correlation of parameters of SEPW technique with integrative indicators of SPA in a sample of university teachers (n=82) (Spearman correlation coefficient). In the sample of teachers there are only 5 significant connections out of the 90 possible connections. The higher is the competence of the teacher, the more positively he assesses himself and others. The teacher, who considers himself a pessimist, is not interested in communication, joint activity, and prefer individual, autonomous mode of functioning to the group one. The question: whether the ability to adapt predict emotional and personal well-being of teachers, - remains controversial and requires a detailed study on a larger sample. Self- acceptance Acceptance of others Internality Competent ,224(*) ,220(*) Pessimist -,260(*) В ,242(*) А-В -,227(*) Note: *r=0,22, p≤0,05

13 Comparative analysis of emotional and personal well-being of students and university teachers (results, ASQ) Table 10. Significance of differences in the parameters of ASQ between students and university teachers. Students, average values (n=485) University teachers, average values (n=50) p Negative sustainable attribution 2,72 2,94 ,665 Positive sustainable attribution 3,43 3,52 1,000 Negative general attribution 3,39 3,34 ,912 Positive general attribution 3,24 2,96 ,275 Negative internal attribution 4,51 4,84 ,009 Positive internal attribution 3,58 ,010 Hope 5,67 6,28 ,161 Negative indicator (В) 10,31 11,12 ,407 Positive indicator (G) 10,10 9,42 ,205 Intergrative indicator (G – B) -,18 -1,70 ,029 Both students and teachers have the final indicator in the zone of uncertainty, but students are still significantly more optimistic than teachers. Students have significantly higher values on the scale of "positive internal attribution", which indicates their tendency to take credit for the positive moments of life that to themselves. Significant differences are shown in bold

14 Comparative analysis of emotional and personal well-being of students and university teachers (results, SEPW, ASQ) Table 11. Correlation of parameters of SEPW technique with scales of ASQ in a sample of students (n=458). Negative sustainable attribution Positive sustainable attribution Negative general attribution Negative internal attribution Hope Negative indicator (В) Positive indicator (G) Intergrative indicator (G – B) Happy ,093(*) ,092(*) Lucky ,091(*) Optimist ,103(*) Successful ,164(***) ,116(*) Competent -,092(*) ,120(**) -,191(***) -,155(***) -,159(***) -,216(***) ,230(***) Pessimist -,111(*) -,107(*) -,118(**) Unhappy -,103(*) -,090(*) -,093(*) Envious ,096(*) А ,100(*) В ,125(**) ,110(*) А-В ,173(***) ,146(**) ,192(***) ,199(***) -,145(**) А+В ,108(*) С -,095(*) А+В-С ,118(**) The correlation analysis demonstrates the presence of a sufficiently close correlation structure (39 links out of 150 possible ). We can consider the attribution style as a predictor of emotional and personal well-being of students. Note: ***r=0,15, p≤0,001; ** r=0,12, p≤0,01; *r=0,09, p≤0,05

15 Comparative analysis of emotional and personal well-being of students and university teachers (results, SEPW, ASQ) Table 12. Correlation of parameters of SEPW technique with scales of ASQ in a sample of university teachers (n=50) In the sample of teachers, only 8 connections out of 150 have reached the level of significance, which impugn the possibility to consider the attribution style as a predictor of emotional and personal well-being of teachers. Negative sustainable attribution Negative general attribution Negative internal attribution Happy ,366(**) -,401(**) Unhappy ,286(*) ,304(*) А -,388(**) А+В -,337(*) А+В-С ,310(*) -,280(*) Note: ** r=0,36, p≤0,01; *r=0,28, p≤0,05

16 Comparative analysis of emotional and personal well-being of students and university teachers (conclusions) Emotional and personal well-being of students and teachers, as participants of the integral educational process, should be considered within a single conception. Students' emotional and personal well-being is characterized by greater coherence, in addition, they evaluate themselves as more lucky and competent than teachers. For students gender is not a predictor of emotional and personal well-being, whereas in the teachers’ sample the influence of gender is obvious, since among university teachers emotional and personal well-being is more manifested in women than in men. Students have more expressed adaptive abilities than university teachers. In addition, the ability of adaptation is a predictor of emotional and personal well-being of students. Emotional and personal well-being of teachers is less connected with their adaptation features. The attribution style can be considered as a predictor of emotional and personal well-being of students. In addition, students, more than university teachers, demonstrate an optimistic attribution style.

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