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Session 3 Sensors.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 3 Sensors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 3 Sensors

2 Session 3 Aims: To know what a sensor is (you might have introduced the Gyro Sensor in the last session) Be able to use the EV3 Model to detect lines using a sensor Be able to use a sensor to control action Understand how speed can affect sensing on an EV3 Model

3 What is a Sensor? An input device that can detect or measure physical property Can you think of any sensors that you have seen?

4 BUT You can find more detail in the Help Section of the EV3 software
We are going to talk a bit about the Colour Sensor BUT You can find more detail in the Help Section of the EV3 software When you are in the software – click on the Help Menu at the top of the screen and choose Show EV3 Help. In this case choose General - Colour

5 The Colour (& Light) Sensor
Can detect up to 8 colours Can also detect light intensities (light to dark) via the reflected red light emitted.

6 How to program the EV3 to detect light
The 2 panels you will need are: Flow control (orange) – for sensors Action (Green) – for movement

7 The “Wait” Block Can select logic operators to compare measurements
Can select the colour/intensity that you are looking for Can select which sensor you want to use

8 Challenge - Following a line
Look carefully at the program here and explain what it will do. What will be the impact on your EV3 Model? Now, program your EV3 Model to follow the black line on the challenge mat.

9 Real engineers Making film magic: If you’ve ever wondered how blockbusters get to look so good, it’s down to the work of people like Eugénie von Tunzelmann (picture to the right) who make ground-breaking visual effects. The film industry use a variety of sensors to create amazing effects in films like the Great Gatsby or Harry Potter. Serena is on a mission to prevent plastics from entering our rivers and oceans. Your robots will be doing water clean up challenges too!

10 Great work everyone! See you next time!

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