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TSI and Student Success

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1 TSI and Student Success
Suzanne Morales-Vale, PhD Keylan Morgan, MEd Division of College Readiness and Success March 29, 2019 NTCCC Forum, Gainesville, TX

2 Agenda Overview of Texas Higher Education Strategic Plan (60x30TX)
Overview of College Readiness Definitions Trends TSI Policy Updates TSIA Writing Benchmark HB 2223 Implementation Rules and Policies HB 2223 Reporting TSIA, Version 2.0 Resources/Support Q&A


4 College Readiness Definitions and Trends
Some of the slides include data from Fall 2016, but most don’t. Fall 2016 data isn’t completely certified yet, so I removed the schools that still had error records. Thank Charlie Busbey for running some of these analyses. Definitions and Trends

5 Demonstration of College-readiness and TSI Exemptions
TSIA scores ACT scores SAT scores STAAR EOC – English III and Algebra II (4000) HS College Preparatory Course Successful completion of a college-level course as accepted by the receiving institution Use example of dual credit – depends on the course AND whether the school accepts it as a FCLC

6 THECB Definition of College Readiness Differs From:
Dual credit eligibility TEA definition of “college readiness,” “postsecondary,” “college, career, and military readiness” (CCMR)

7 Dual Credit Eligibility vs. College Readiness
Dual Credit Eligibility- not a college readiness benchmark but allows qualifying students to ENROLL in a college-level course (by subject area(s)): PSAT-MNSQT/Aspire English II EOC (4000) Algebra I EOC (4000) + Algebra II course (grade of A, B, or C) TAC, Section 4.85 Students meeting above eligibility requirements are not considered college ready until successful completion of the college-level course (grade of A, B, or C)

8 TEA: College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR)
4/20/18 College Ready Meet criteria of 3 on AP or 4 on IB examinations Meet TSI criteria (SAT/ACT/TSIA/College Prep course) in reading and mathematics Complete a course for dual credit (9 hours or more in any subject or 3 hours or more in ELAR/mathematics) Earn an associate’s degree Complete an OnRamps course* Meet standards on a composite of indicators indicating college readiness* *Implementation in 2019 & beyond NOTE: TSI benchmark is only in reading and math /

9 TEA: College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR)
4/20/18 Career Ready •Earn industry-based certification •CTE coherent sequence coursework completion and credit aligned with approved industry-based certifications (one-half point credit) •Graduate with completed IEP and workforce readiness (graduation type code of 04, 05, 54, or 55) •Be admitted to postsecondary industry certification program* Military Ready Enlist in the United States Armed Forces *Implementation in 2019 & beyond NOTE: TSI benchmark is only in reading and math

10 College readiness of incoming cohorts increased in 2017 after two years of declines
Source: CBM002

11 60 percent of first-time entering students in Fall 2017 were college ready.
The majority of students who are not college-ready and who enroll in developmental education are in community colleges. Comparison to fall 2016: Statewide: 53.6 CR ( CR)/ 46.4 NOT CR ( ) –almost 7 point gain! CTCs: 32.9 CR ( CR)/67.1 NOT CR ( NOT CR) --almost 10 % point gain! Universities: 81.9 CR ( CR)/18.1 NOT CR ( NOT CR) almost 3 % point gain! Possible Reasons: 1) lowering the TSIA college readiness benchmark for writing 2) Increase in DC enrollments and thus completions

12 Almost half of non-college-ready students from Fall 2016 remained not-ready after 1 year
We actually measure two major checkpoints for students who enter non-college ready in each subject. Becoming college –ready (through TSI-retake, successful completion of Developmental education, or completing a FCLC).

13 Math continues to be the subject with the most students who are not college-ready and also have the lowest FCLC completions after a year

14 Successful completion of FCLC has increased over past 5 years
We expect these percentages to increase significantly as a result of HB Preliminary data show 60-70% FCLC completion after one semester, compared in 17-39%

15 Graduate rates at two-year colleges are 10 percentage points higher for college ready students compared to students who enter not college-ready. Because more students who entered not college ready are becoming college-ready quicker (HB 2223), we expect graduation rates for those entering not college-ready to increase.

16 At universities, graduate rates are more than 30 percentage points higher for college ready students

17 % Total Underprepared Population
Table 1: ABE Levels, by Subject, as Percent of Total Population Classified as “Underprepared” Diagnostic Score Reporting Year ‘16 % Total Underprepared Population Reporting Year ‘17 ABE Math Score = 1 207 0.05% 331 0.08% Score = 2 569 0.14% 796 0.18% Score = 3 2,529 0.62% 3,067 0.71% Score = 4 15,065 3.69% 16,807 3.89% ABE Reading 68 0.03% 81 453 568 0.22% 467 0.19% 525 0.21% 3,986 1.62% 4,260 1.66% ABE Writing 239 0.09% 405 0.15% 238 212 1,134 0.44% 1,146 0.43% 5,256 2.05% 5,823 2.18% Adult Education – defined as below high school knowledge and skills levels (ABE diagnostic levels 1-4) AE participants in HE: ranging from 2-4% of the total underprepared population in HE Slight uptick between 2016 and 2017 Source: Reporting Year(s) 2016, 2017 CBM002, TX Higher Education Coordinating Board

18 Table 2: BASE NCBO Enrollments by Reporting Year
Students Enrollments 2016 3,096 3,528 2017 4,617 5,322 BASE NCBO Enrollments grew by 1,794 between 2016 and With 1,521 more students making up those enrollments. BASE NCBO is a co-enrollment with DE or CTE course (i.e., IET/ICP/ATX models) designed for levels 3-4 (near HS levels) Pell grants/federal financial aid can be used for courses/interventions at minimal high school skill levels only Source: Reporting Year(s) 2016, 2017 CBM00S, TX Higher Education Coordinating Board

19 Table 3: CERT 1 Completions by Reporting Year
Students Cert 1 Completions Change in Number of Completions 2015 28,232 32,007 2016 28,015 32,382 +375 2017 28,857 33,237 +855 CERT 1 Completions have grown over the past two years. In 2017, CERT 1 completions outpaced the population of students that pursued the program. Degrees&Certs awarded - CTCs ,280 45% (tot com) ,295__45% (tot com)___ CERT 1 32,382 28% 33,237 27% CERT % % AA 80,217 68% 84,568 69% University & CTC completions: 262,191 (55% BA, 45% other) Source: Reporting Year(s) 2015, 2016, 2017 CBM009, TX Higher Education Coordinating Board

20 Policy Updates TSIA Writing Benchmark
HB 2223 Implementation Rules and Policies HB 2223 Reporting TSIA, Version 2.0

21 TSI Assessment Rule Change
Effective the institution’s first class of fall 2017, the following minimum passing standards for reading , math, and writing on the TSIA shall be used to determine a student’s readiness to enroll in entry-level freshman coursework: Math (no change) Reading- 351 (no change) Writing - Placement score of at least 340 and an essay score of at least 4 Placement score of less than 340, and ABE Diagnostic Level of at least 4, and an essay score of at least 5

22 Understanding HB 2223 Requires each IHE to develop and implement for developmental education a corequisite model(s) Each institution shall ensure that at least 75 percent* of the institution's students enrolled in developmental coursework, other than adult basic education or basic academic skills education, are enrolled in developmental coursework described by this subsection. *phased-in over 3 year period: 25% fall 2018; 50% fall 2019; 75% fall 2020

23 Definition of Corequisite (aka Mainstreaming, Co-Enrollment, Course Pairing)
Rule 4.53(7): Co-requisite (also known as corequisite or mainstreaming)--An instructional strategy whereby undergraduate students as defined in paragraph (24) of this section are co-enrolled or concurrently enrolled in a developmental education course or NCBO, as defined in paragraph (18) of this section, and the entry-level freshman course of the same subject matter within the same semester.

24 Definition of Corequisite (aka Mainstreaming, Co-Enrollment, Course Pairing)
Rule 4.53(7): (continued) The developmental component provides support aligned directly with the learning outcomes, instruction, and assessment of the entry-level freshman course, and makes necessary adjustments as needed in order to advance students' success in the entry- level freshman course. Participation in the entry-level freshman course is not contingent upon performance in the developmental education component of the corequisite.* *sequential models

25 Definition of Undergraduate
Rule 4.53(24): (24) Undergraduate student—a student, other than a high school student enrolled in college-level coursework for dual credit, who enrolls at a Texas public institution of higher education in a field or program of study. Corequisite models are for high school complete students only

26 When do HB 2223 requirements take effect?
: At least 25% of the IHE's students enrolled in DE coursework must be enrolled in corequisite models : At least 50% of the IHE's students enrolled in DE coursework must be enrolled in corequisite models : At least 75% of the IHE's students enrolled in DE coursework must be enrolled in corequisite models How measured? By subject area By institution or campus (per CBM reporting) By semester, including summer Insert table Minimum percentage required

27 Which students are exempt? (unduplicated)
STUDENT IS ENROLLED IN A DE COURSE/ INTERVENTION AND (i) assessed at ABE Diagnostic levels 1-4 on the TSI Assessment* or enrolled in BASE NCBOs; (ii) is reported as college ready; (iii) enrolled in adult education/AEL or reported with ESOL waiver; (iv) enrolled in a degree plan not requiring a freshman–level academic mathematics course; OR meets one or more of the exemptions as outlined in §4.54 (relating to Exemptions, Exceptions, and Waivers) *initial semester only

28 HB 2223 Applies To The Following Students:
STUDENT IS ENROLLED IN A DE COURSE/ INTERVENTION AND Students with TSIA Developmental Education Diagnostic results (e.g., TSIA math ); Students with TSIA ABE Diagnostic results of Levels 5 and 6; OR Underprepared students enrolled in developmental education courses/interventions not otherwise exempt

29 Additional Changes from HB 2223
Texas Success Initiative (TSI) statute relocated Section changes to Article I, Section 1.01, F-1 DE Hours Eligible for Funding are Reduced Section Universities: Reduced from 18 hours to 9 hours Community Colleges: Reduced from 27 hours to 18 hours ESOL: Remains at 18 hours/Universities and 27/CC 89.4% of DE students currently meet these new mandates

30 Clarification- starting Spring 2019
Only IRW DE courses will count as a corequisite model for HB 2223 CIP Approval Codes (e.g., CTCs) The following courses/interventions will no longer count as part of a corequisite model (e.g., CTCs) DE Reading /61 12 DE Writing /62 12 Because IRW course/intervention is required at the exit-level, DE Reading and DE Writing courses/interventions will not count as part of the corequisite model. If the student is enrolled in a corequisite model with DE Reading or DE Writing, the student will not count in the institution’s HB 2223 percentage calculation.

31 Reporting for HB 2223 Percentage of DE students in corequisite models will be determined through CBM reports State reporting officials provide THECB data on: College-readiness status of each student TSIA and ABE Diagnostic level scores TSIA waiver and exemption status Developmental coursework taken by each student (i.e., subject and type of DE instruction) Communication with your institution’s reporting official is important – ensure corequisite models are being reported correctly ensure exemptions are being reported correctly For questions about reporting, please contact Melissa Humphries (THECB): (512)

32 Reporting for HB 2223 Your institution’s reporting administrator has received several s with your institution’s fall and spring 2018 HB 2223 calculations Serves as a checkpoint to determine if your institution is reporting correctly Annual DEPS DE Report, approved by the Board and sent to Governor and Legislators, reports in aggregate and by-institution progress on HB 2223 Report follow-up will be based on verified CBM data, expected spring 2019 Participation as required by HB 2223 Fall 2019 corequisite outcomes Future reports will include longitudinal data

33 DE Report – January 2019 DE Report, approved by the Board and sent to Governor and Legislators, reports in aggregate and by-institution progress on HB 2223 Report follow-up will be based on verified CBM data, expected spring 2019 Participation as required by HB 2223 Fall 2019 corequisite outcomes Future reports will include longitudinal data

34 DE Report – January 2019 Includes 4 Recommendations for Serving Underprepared Students Developmental education is delivered via corequisite models by 2023; All community colleges have access to Adult Education and Literacy programs, either directly or through partnerships; All students completing the high school College Preparatory Course (Section ) be administered the TSI Assessment; Funding for serving underprepared students addresses all students, including those identified as not college- ready and those college-ready but are still struggling.

35 Developmental Education Program Survey (DEPS)
New items included: 2 questions about HB2223 implementation costs 2 questions about placement; one for Math Pathways, and another for IRW THECB Reporting on the DEPS The DEPS will be used to report corequisite percentages for fall 2018 CBM used as addendum once available Preliminary Findings The Developmental Education Program Survey (DEPS) is administered through the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and contains items related to DE student placement, DE course and intervention options, and college preparatory courses. The registered DEPS contact for your institution is responsible for the completion of this survey as part of the evaluation requirement in accordance with TAC §4.60.

36 DEPS: Preliminary Findings - Overview
32 Public Universities 8,361 Corequisite Enrollments 84% Meeting the 25% Math Corequisite Enrollment Goal 94% Meeting the 25% IRW Corequisite Enrollment Goal 65 Public Community and Technical Colleges 40,401 72% 92% Meeting the 25% IRW Corequisite Enrollment Goal

37 DEPS: Preliminary Findings – Statewide Overview
37% of eligible DE students are enrolled in a corequisite model for Math 76% of institutions met the 25% corequisite enrollment goal for Math 52% of eligible DE students are enrolled in a corequisite model for IRW 93% of institutions met the 25% corequisite enrollment goal for IRW

38 DEPS: Preliminary Findings - Challenges & Investments
Top 3 Implementation Challenges Scheduling corequisite course sections/support Providing sufficient number of qualified faculty to teach in a corequisite model Communicating between faculty and advisors about corequisite options Top 3 Investments for Implementation Costs associated with enhancing academic support services (e.g. supplemental instruction, tutoring, math / writing lab etc.) Professional development for instructors of new developmental education courses Compensation to faculty for curriculum development or course redesign work

39 TSIA, Version 2.0 Upcoming Changes: Integrate Reading and Writing
Aligns with SAT/ACT, Secondary Education Expands current delivery of IRW at exit level to all levels Improve transportability of test results Reduce diagnostics to one test Anticipated effective date: Fall 2020

Holistic advising is used to place underprepared undergraduate students Cannot be used to make a student “college-ready” Cannot be used for high school students wishing to enroll in college-level coursework through dual credit Should be used to determine best course/intervention placement for student (e.g., course, NCBO, ALP, SI) TSI Statute requires institutions to assess entering, non-exempt undergraduate students on the TSIA for college readiness develop an individualized Plan for Academic Success for those not meeting the college readiness benchmark GIPWE reference to “meeting TSI requirements” (p. 19) Holistic advising models are for high school complete students only

TSI does not require students to be “TSI- met/complete” in order to graduate Most students will be TSI-met/complete through TSIA, DE, and/or successful college- level coursework completion Individualized Plan for Academic Success The institution determines the support necessary that aligns with faculty expectations for students’ programs/degree plans Example: AAS students who complete a college-level science course in lieu of college-level math may not be required to be “TSI-met” in math in order to graduate

42 86th Legislative Session)
Some highlights: incorporating TSIA in K-12 Accountability and ESSA Testing allowing score set by the Board on HS equivalency tests (GED, HiSET, TASC) to be eligible for TSI exemption Study needed to determine appropriate score(s) reducing mandatory testing for K-12 students improving transferability and applicability of courses

43 Resources/Support
Enter “TSI” in the Learn More search bar Sign up for the TSI/DE listserv for latest updates Austin Community College, Corequisite PD Program Advising and Placement DE and College-level Faculty Collaborations Corequisites for non-English/Math courses Model Evaluation and Continuous Improvement Administration and Adjunct Support Collaborating with Texas Community College Education Initiative and Catch the Next

44 Resources/Support –Upcoming Events
Call with the Co-Board (spring 2019) TexAAN – Texas Academic Advising Network P-16 PD Conference (Austin, June 24) Texas Corequisite Project Needs Analysis Survey (feedback ongoing) Transformational Teaching Workshop (Austin, March 7-8) Continuous Improvement Conference (Austin, June 8-9)

45 Discussion/ Q&A THECB Contacts: Suzanne Morales-Vale, PhD 512.427.6262
Division of College Readiness and Success Keylan Morgan, MEd Bobby Jenkins, MEd DE/TSI Reporting Division of Strategic Planning and Funding

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