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New Technology Coordinator Training

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Presentation on theme: "New Technology Coordinator Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Technology Coordinator Training
Image by Photographer’s Name (Credit in black type) or Image by Photographer’s Name (Credit in white type) New Technology Coordinator Training Welcome to the New Technology Coordinator Training Technology Setup and Readiness October 2018 Presentation Title Arial Bold 7 pt 1

2 Agenda Technology Resources Components of Online Testing
Image by Photographer’s Name (Credit in black type) or Image by Photographer’s Name (Credit in white type) Agenda Technology Resources Components of Online Testing General Setup and Requirements Infrastructure Trial Questions and Discussion Support Today we'll be going over (read from the list) Technology Setup and Readiness

3 Pearson Technology Readiness Plan
Image by Photographer's Name (Credit in black type) or Image by Photographer's Name (Credit in white type) Pearson Technology Readiness Plan Technology Survey (Completed) Survey Results Training Readiness Checklist Local Infrastructure Trials Remediation Analytic Data Lets jump into the Pearson Technology Readiness Plan Presentation Title Arial Bold 7 pt 3

4 Technology Readiness Plan
Thanks to Districts & Schools that completed responses to technology survey It’s not too late to take the survey High levels of self-reported readiness (~85% of responses reported 4 or 5 out of 5 for readiness level) Responses helped shape today’s training: Added focus on Chromebooks Technologies used in Iowa (Desktop Restoration Software, Thin Clients & iBoss) Participation in Local Infrastructure Trials Analytic data sent to Pearson Highlight Districts & Schools that have higher than average error rates Focus outbound support based on analytics of error messages received 85% of the responses received so far reported 4 OR 5 out of 5 for their self-reported readiness level for our initial survey Based off the information gathered we were able to add focus on chromebooks and some other technologies that you all use in your infrastructure If any errors are experienced during in these trials, TestNav will attempt to send a small alert to Pearson, we will highlight districts and schools that have higher than average error rates, and focus our outbound support to those districts/schools Technology Setup and Readiness

5 Technology Resources Support pages and resource portals ISASP Portal
Image by Photographer's Name (Credit in black type) or Image by Photographer's Name (Credit in white type) Technology Resources Support pages and resource portals ISASP Portal TestNav 8 Online Support page TestNav 8 download page Now I want to introduce you to our Technology resources that you will reference while preparing your environment. Presentation Title Arial Bold 7 pt 5

6 ISASP Portal
The ISASP Portal, located at will be the primary site you will use to access all other resources and websites needed for the upcoming test administration. Technology Setup and Readiness

7 Technology Page This is your main technology page in the ISASP portal
At the top of this page you'll see the timeline for online testing readiness with the major tasks to be completed before the online testing window opens on March 4th. Technology Setup and Readiness

8 TestNav 8 Online Support Page
Technology Setup and Readiness

9 TestNav 8 Online Support Page (cont.)
Updated to reflect the most current system requirements, newly released OS versions currently being tested, and full setup steps Make use of the Recently Updated section TestNav 8 Download Page Automatically detect Mac and Windows operating systems Installation files for TestNav and ProctorCache The TestNav 8 Online support page is updated as new OS versions are tested and support is added. Download links are accessible from the Technology Setup page of the ISASP portal. Technology Setup and Readiness

10 Additional Technology Resources
From Technology Setup page, scroll down to access additional resources: Technology Guidelines User Guides TestNav 8 download links Schedule Technology Office Hours From the Technology Setup page, scroll down to access additional resources, such as our Technology Guidelines, detailed User Guides, and links to download TestNav. Technology Setup and Readiness

11 Components of Online Testing
Image by Photographer's Name (Credit in black type) or Image by Photographer's Name (Credit in white type) Components of Online Testing Pieces of the puzzle TestNav 8 ProctorCache PearsonAccessnext Presentation Title Arial Bold 7 pt 11

12 Online Testing Components
TestNav 8 Delivers test content and allows student interaction Can be used with all major platforms Maintains and transmits student responses Early Warning System (EWS) App Check PearsonAccessnext Administrative site Set up test sessions, manage live testing Some essential technology specific functions Training Site for Infrastructure Trial ProctorCache (Optional) Allows test content to be stored locally Reduces bandwidth Optional for bandwidth challenged schools (<100 kbps/student testing) TestNav 8 PearsonAccessnext TestNav 8 is the student testing application that is available for download on all major platforms. TestNav contains several built-in tools, App Check to verify successful installation, and an Early Warning System ensures a secure testing environment on the device and manages the saving and transmission of student responses. PearsonAccessnext is the Administrative site used to manage live testing. Assessment administrators will use PAN to configure their test sessions, or logical groups of students, to manage their student test attempts. There is a Training Site used for practice purposes during the Local Infrastructure Trials. ProctorCache is an optional local caching solution that can be used for schools and districts that may be lacking sufficient bandwidth for online testing. We recommend contacting our support teams to discuss ProctorCaching if you are unable to meet the Federal E-Rate target of 100kbps/student. ProctorCache Technology Setup and Readiness

13 Working Together Test Monitors manage test sessions in PearsonAccessnext Test devices gather content from ProctorCache machine Student responses are periodically transmitted to Pearson servers Technology Setup and Readiness

14 TestNav 8 – Overview Installable test client
Available on all major platforms Minimal setup and configuration Built in tools AppCheck Early Warning System (EWS) A quick overview for TestNav 8 TestNav 8 is an installable test client that is available on all major platforms. It requires very minimal setup and configuration and has its own set of built in tools such as app check and its early warning system (EWS) Technology Setup and Readiness

15 TestNav Platform Performance
The TestNav environment that Iowa will be using is isolated and dedicated to Iowa in Amazon AWS. Iowa data does not mix with data from any other state, and the Iowa infrastructure will automatically scale to meet the needs of Iowa students. Technology Setup and Readiness

16 ProctorCache – Overview
ProctorCache is optional Pearson supplied software that allows you to pre-download encrypted test content early and distribute it to TestNav during test time. Download (precache) test content Serve content at local area network speeds Eliminates redundant downloads of test content Low minimum system requirements and simple setup Technology Setup and Readiness

17 PearsonAccessnext – Overview
PearsonAccessnext is the web based assessment portal where administrators will organize and deliver the online assessment. In this site, technology staff can: Set up technology configurations Precache test content if using ProctorCache PearsonAccessnext Training Site is our non-production, training instance Run an Infrastructure Trial in the Training Site Participation is important, as we collect information about errors experienced in near real time PearsonAccessNext is a web based assessment portal where administrators will organize and deliver the online assessments. In this site, tech staff can set up configurations for TestNav and Precache test content (if using proctorcaching) The Pearsonaccessnext training site is our non-production, training instance, you will be able to run an infrastructure trial using the training site . remember that participation is important because we gather analytic data in real time, and it’s better to fix any configuration issues before live testing begins in March. Technology Setup and Readiness

18 General Setup and Requirements
Set up your environment Firewalls/Content Filters TestNav 8 ProctorCache Infrastructure PearsonAccessnext Presentation Title Arial Bold 7 pt 18

19 Firewalls/Content Filters
Infrastructure requirements found on TestNav 8 Online Support page (ISASP Portal > TestNav 8 Online Support (under Quick Links) > Network Requirements and Guidelines). Configure your services, applications, and devices Whitelist traffic to and from the Pearson URLs Traffic will flow on ports 80 and 443 If using ProctorCache, traffic will flow on internal ports 4480 and 4481 All appliances and services that may impede, reroute, delay, alter, or block data between TestNav, ProctorCache, or the Pearson servers should be configured to allow traffic to and from TestNav. The URLs listed here must be fully whitelisted in any device or service that is between the student testing devices and Pearson servers. Traffic will flow on ports 80 and 443. If using a ProctorCache, it will use internal ports 4480 & 4481 to deliver test content to students. Technology Setup and Readiness

20 Firewalls/Content Filter Special Considerations
If using SSL Decryption/Inspection, you will need to make an exception rule to not allow the scanning of TestNav secure http traffic to or from the URLs listed on our Whitelist. Inspecting secured http traffic can sometimes result in interrupting TestNav traffic If using Reverse-DNS Lookup, you will need to make a rule preventing Reverse-DNS checks against the provided URLs. Test Content hosted in Amazon Web Services Reverse-DNS lookup may result in false positives Failure to fully Whitelist TestNav URLs can result in errors during student testing Note: Reverse-DNS lookup is commonly enabled by iBoss content filters by default, and you may need to work with iBoss to properly secure your environment. I’m now going to share two special considerations that may apply to your environment. We want you to learn from problems other users have had configuring their networks. If using SSL Decryption/Inspection, you will likely need to make an exception rule to not allow the scanning of TestNav secure http traffic to or from the URLs listed on our Whitelist. Inspecting secured http traffic can sometimes result in interrupting TestNav traffic If using Reverse-DNS Lookup, you will need to make a rule preventing Reverse-DNS checks against the provided URLs. Test Content hosted in Amazon Web Services Reverse-DNS lookup may result in false positives from shared IP address Failure to fully Whitelist TestNav URLs can result in errors during student testing Note: Reverse-DNS lookup is commonly enabled by iBoss content filters by default, and you may need to work with iBoss to properly secure your environment. Technology Setup and Readiness

21 TestNav 8

22 TestNav 8 – System Requirements
Minimum and recommended system requirements located on the TestNav 8 Online support page (ISASP Portal > TestNav 8 Online Support (under Quick Links) > System Requirements). Requirements for hardware and software All major platforms are supported and have separate requirements System Requirements for the TestNav 8 application are shown here and can be found on the TestNav 8 Online Support Page for later reference. Note that all major platforms are supported, and have separate requirements. Technology Setup and Readiness

23 TestNav 8 – Setup Detailed setup steps for all supported devices can be found on the TestNav 8 Online support page (ISASP Portal > TestNav 8 Online Support (under Quick Links) > Set up and Use TestNav). Device setup varies slightly by device type Setup generally follows a few main steps Verifying system requirements Viewing setup instructions Installing the app Verify installation using App Check Detailed setup steps for all supported devices can be found in our TestNav 8 Online Support page, and the setup steps vary slightly by device type. In general setup follows a few main steps: 1) Verify your devices meet TestNav system requirements 2) View setup instructions 3) Install the app 4) Verify installation using App Check when complete Technology Setup and Readiness

24 TestNav 8 – Future Update Installation
TestNav 8 Update Path Update methods will differ by test device Typically TestNav will only receive major app updates over the summer, when school is not in session. Chrome, and Windows store apps - automatically update iOS – install from the App Store Mac and Windows desktop app – download and install from TestNav download site TestNav typically receives a major app update once per year, over the summer months. Each device type handles updates in a different way. TestNav on Chromebooks will auto-update after a new version is released to the Chrome web store. TestNav deployed from the Windows Store on Windows 10 devices will auto-update when a new version is released to the Windows Store, if you allow auto-updates from the Windows store. Updates to TestNav on iOS must be downloaded from the App Store, either automatically, individually, or deployed from a Mobile Device Manager. TestNav on traditional desktops will need to have the newest version installed from Technology Setup and Readiness

25 TestNav 8 – Upcoming Support Changes
Pearson aligns support requirements with changing technologies When updates are released, Pearson first tests a beta version and reports bugs to developers When the final version is publicly released, Pearson also tests this version to ensure TestNav compatibility before supporting it Pearson follows the lead of Operating System vendors, and when hardware or software deprecates, Pearson drops support for it TestNav 8 Support page lists Operating System versions currently being tested for compatibility, and the Recently Updated details support changes Testing in Progress Windows 10 RS5 iOS 12.1 ChromeOS 70 TestNav developers add support for new OS versions as they are released. Pearson first tests the beta version and reports any bugs to developers. We must keep in mind that the beta version is not the same as the final public releases, so we must also fully test the final public version to ensure TestNav compatibility before supporting it. As such, newly released OS versions are not immediately supported, but often will be validated shortly after public release. Our TestNav 8 System Requirements page lists the Operating Systems that are currently being tested, and any changes are logged in the Recently Updated page. Currently we are testing to add support for Windows 10 RS5, iOS 12.1, and ChromeOS 70. Technology Setup and Readiness

26 TestNav 8 – Requirements – Chrome OS
Other Considerations Convertible Chromebooks can not be used in tablet mode Current ChromeOS versions supported are Note that convertible Chromebooks cannot be used in tablet mode. Technology Setup and Readiness

27 TestNav 8 – Requirements – iOS
Other Considerations External wired keyboard recommended TestNav is supported on iPads running various iOS versions in the iOS 10, 11 and 12 range. External wired keyboards are recommended, but not required. Technology Setup and Readiness

28 TestNav 8 – Requirements – Windows
Other Considerations Windows RT tablets are not supported Requires read and write access to local home directory Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 are supported. Note: Windows RT (RunTime) tablets are not supported, and students must have read and write access to local home directory in order to save their response data. Technology Setup and Readiness

29 TestNav 8 – Requirements – Mac
Other Considerations Requires read and write access to local home directory macOS are supported Again, note that students must have read/write access to local home directory in order to save their response data. Technology Setup and Readiness

30 TestNav 8 – Requirements – Linux
Other Considerations Requires read and write access to local home directory For Linux, Fedora 24 and Ubuntu are supported, and students must have read/write access to the local home directory in order to save their responses during testing. Technology Setup and Readiness

31 TestNav 8 – Setup – Chromebook
Chromebook setup steps can vary depending on the management options for the device. Shared Setup Steps: Verify devices meet minimum system requirements View setup instructions Verify the installation using AppCheck Managed Devices Install TestNav on all devices from the Admin console Allow data to persist for the TestNav 8 application Set the TestNav 8 application to run in kiosk mode Unmanaged Devices Unmanaged Chromebooks/Chromeboxes purchased in 2017 and later cannot run in kiosk mode. See Google Support for more information. Enter development mode on the Chromebook Install the TestNav 8 app as a kiosk application Repeat for all unmanaged devices Note: It is absolutely critical that Managed Chromebooks are configured to keep User Data after Sign-out. In the event of technical difficulties Chromebooks must not erase Student Response Files and logs needed for troubleshooting Setting up TestNav on Chromebooks will either be done for Managed, or Unmanaged Chromebooks. If using Managed Chromebooks, TestNav will be installed using the Google Admin Console, Under Kiosk Settings. Note: it is absolutely critical that Managed Chromebooks are configured to NOT ERASE ALL LOCAL USER DATA after each sign-out. In the event of technical difficulties Chromebooks must not erase Student Response Files or TestNav log files needed for troubleshooting. If using Unmanaged Chromebooks, note that Google has blocked devices from 2017 and later from installing Kiosk applications without being enrolled in their Admin console. Technology Setup and Readiness

32 TestNav 8 – Setup – iOS TestNav uses Apple Automatic Assessment Configuration (AAC) to secure the iPads for testing. Main setup steps Verify devices meet minimum system requirements View setup instructions Search for “TestNav” in App Store Install TestNav Verify the installation using App Check Considerations TestNav can be installed on multiple devices using a Mobile Device Manager (MDM) Do not use MDM configured Single App Mode, or else AAC will not engage and result in a TestNav error TestNav uses Apple Automatic Assessment Configuration (AAC) to secure the iPads for testing. If using a Mobile Device Manager, it must not be configured to lock users into TestNav by Single App Mode or Autonomous Single App Mode. Using either of these controls will prevent TestNav from engaging Apple’s AAC, and TestNav will not properly self-lock into Kiosk mode, and students will not be able to start their tests. Technology Setup and Readiness

33 TestNav 8 – Setup – Traditional Desktop
Traditional laptop and desktop devices running the Windows, Mac, or Linux operating systems. Main setup steps Verify devices meet minimum system requirements View setup instructions Gather installation files from Install TestNav Verify the installation using AppCheck Considerations Device initialization applications / Desktop restoration software (ex. Deepfreeze – Preserve Pearson Directories) User account read/write access to home directory Background applications and processes Windows Cloud Clipboard must be disabled (Windows 10 only) Siri and Keyboard Dictation must be disabled (Mac only) Thin clients need to be thoroughly tested in Local Infrastructure Trials to verify successful operation with high stakes testing For Traditional Desktop installations of TestNav on Windows, Macs, and Linux, extra considerations must be given to background applications and processes. TestNav errs on the side of test security, and it will not tolerate any other process attempting to become the active window. If there are any system notifications, balloon notifications, pop-up alerts for out-of-date software, our application will recognize another process attempted to steal focus from TestNav, save the student work, and exit the student from their test. Windows Cloud Clipboard will need to be disabled on Windows 10 devices before they can be used with TestNav. Siri and Keyboard Dictation services must be disabled on Macs before they can be used with TestNav. Thin Clients must be thoroughly tested if they will be used for high stakes testing. Technology Setup and Readiness

34 Training Exercise: Install TestNav
From the Training Exercise handout, follow the Install TestNav instructions to download and install TestNav on your computers Launch TestNav and select Iowa Technology Setup and Readiness

35 ProctorCache Overview

36 ProctorCache – Determining If Needed.
Did you experience system slowness/latency during the Infrastructure trial? Did your school or district use a high percentage of available ISP bandwidth? Proctor caching is only recommended if you do not meet the minimum bandwidth requirement. (100 kbps/student testing) If you determine ProctorCaching is needed for your organization please visit our support page for additional setup information. You may also contact Pearson support or set up an Office Hours meeting to discuss your concerns Technology Setup and Readiness

37 ProctorCache – Overview
The primary advantage of ProctorCaching is that test content is download only one time to a local cache inside of your network, instead of each student device downloading a copy of the content needed during testing if retrieving content directly from Pearson Servers. Technology Setup and Readiness

38 Working Together *** TestNav, ProctorCache & PearsonAccessnext

39 Working Together – How does TestNav know where to download content from?
TestNav devices gather content from ProctorCache machine (if implemented) How does TestNav know where the ProctorCache machine is on the school/district network? ProctorCache configurations are applied to TestNav via a TestNav Configuration in PearsonAccessnext Technology Setup and Readiness

40 Technology Tasks Technology coordinators will be responsible for creating TestNav configurations in BOTH the PearsonAccessnext Training Site and PearsonAccessnext operations site. TestNav configurations Formally identify ProctorCache machines, if used List primary and secondary Save Response File (SRF) locations Create App Check configuration identifier Configuration is usually created before test sessions are created Technology Coordinators are responsible for creating a TestNav configuration. This configuration will tell the TestNav clients two things: 1) Where TestNav will download the test content from, either the local ProctorCache, or directly from Pearson Servers. 2) Where TestNav will save student responses. By default, TestNav will only save to the local device, but if you want an insurance policy against catastrophic device failure resulting in missing student responses, you can also configure a secondary save location for TestNav. This configuration eliminates the need to make these configurations at the individual device level. Technology Setup and Readiness

41 Creating a TestNav Configuration
Log into the PearsonAccessnext Training site, select Setup>TestNav Configurations. On the Tasks menu select Create/Edit TestNav Configurations and select Start. Enter a configuration name Select the organization(s) that will use the configuration Enter a ProctorCache computer name (if not using ProctorCache this field must still be populated. (The name is just a generic name and does not correspond to a network address or machine name) Enter the ProctorCache computer’s static internal IP address** Enter the ProctorCache computer’s port** **Important: If ProctorCaching is NOT being used, you MUST leave the IP Address and Port fields blank. Creating a TestNav configuration is done from the Setup Menu, then select TestNav Configurations. Use the tasks drop-down menu to select Create/Edit TestNav Configurations and select Start to create your configuration. Note: Defining the Default Precaching Computer is required, even if not using a ProctorCache. If not using a ProctorCache, then you must leave the IP Address and Port fields blank and TestNav will download test content directly from Pearson Servers. Technology Setup and Readiness

42 TestNav Configuration
Set Save Response File (SRF) locations. Define different locations by testing devices Ability to define both primary and secondary SRF location for Windows, Mac, and Linux ChromeOS, and iOS can only customize secondary locations Note: Chromebooks & iPads can only use a SFTP path for their secondary save location. You will need to install and configure a SFTP server in your environment if wanting to use a secondary save location for these mobile devices In addition to defining the Default Precaching Computer, you can also configure the Response File Backup Locations. Note: Chromebooks and iPads can only use a SFTP path for their secondary save location. You will need to install and configure a SFTP server in your environment to use a secondary save location for these mobile devices. Technology Setup and Readiness

43 TestNav Configuration
Unique configuration identifier is created once a configuration is saved. Use configuration identifier with App Check Verify connection to ProctorCache IP and port Verify SRF locations After creating and saving your TestNav Configuration, a Configuration Identifier will be generated. This is used in TestNav’s App Check tool to verify connection to your unique ProctorCache, and test the validity of your response file locations. Technology Setup and Readiness

44 Export/Import TestNav Configurations
TestNav configurations created in the Training Site can be exported and imported to PearsonAccessnext. Import or Export TestNav Configurations TestNav configurations created in the Training Site can be exported and then imported into the Production site for use in live testing. Technology Setup and Readiness

45 Training Exercise: Create TestNav Configuration
Follow the directions on your Training Exercises handout to Create a TestNav Configuration You must fill in the required fields Computer name is not tied to a network machine name or address, it can be anything Leave the IP & Port fields bland if you are not using ProctorCache Technology Setup and Readiness

46 Verifying All the Pieces Work Together: *** App Check

47 TestNav 8 – App Check – Overview
App Check tool is built into TestNav No additional installation or configuration Accessed from the TestNav 8 User Drop-down Menu Basic tests can be completed in around 10 seconds App Check is a built-in tool that confirms the device is running a supported operating system (OS). After it checks the OS, App Check confirms that the device or computer is configured to launch TestNav in kiosk mode, and verifies the connectivity to TestNav servers. Technology Setup and Readiness

48 TestNav 8 – Launching App Check
Select the user dropdown menu and select App Check. App Check is used to verify student devices can launch TestNav successfully.

49 App Check continued Configuration Identifier found under TestNav Configurations in PearsonAccessnext. App Check (without Optional Configuration Identifier): App Check (with Optional Configuration Identifier): The configuration identifier allows TestNav to also check connection to ProctorCache computers & SRF directory read, write & delete permissions. You see green checkboxes for Kiosk Mode readiness and connectivity to TestNav, if the system passes. If one of these fails, you will see a Fail message and must check your connection and settings before running App Check again. Proctor Cache Pass Proctor Cache Fail Technology Setup and Readiness

50 App Check continued App Check errors for Cloud Clipboard History or Roaming on Windows 10. TestNav will check during App Check, at login and with every navigation.  If it finds Cloud Clipboard history or roaming enabled, it will display an error message and the examinee will be forced to leave the test. User will see the following errors when these features are enabled: The feature to save multiple items in the Cloud Clipboard has been detected. Please disable this feature. The feature to sync across devices in the Cloud Clipboard has been detected. Please disable this feature. New feature we will see after Sept 18, 2018.

51 TestNav Early Warning System

52 TestNav 8 – EWS – Overview
The Early Warning System (EWS) is a background process in TestNav No additional installation or configuration efforts Display messaging to the screen in the case an issue is detected Monitors background applications and connectivity Stages and transmits student responses Technology Setup and Readiness

53 TestNav 8 – EWS – Student Responses
While a student is testing, the EWS stages responses before transmitting them to the Pearson servers. Responses are written to an encrypted Saved Response File (SRF) After a few responses are recorded, they are sent in a package to the Pearson servers TestNav listens for a confirmation message of successful transfer When a confirmation is received, the SRF file is erased and a new file is created If no confirmation is received, responses are retained in the SRF file until the next transmission cycle Technology Setup and Readiness

54 TestNav 8 – EWS – Triggers
Even though there are multiple error codes, the majority of the potential issues can be traced back to a few main scenarios. Connectivity Unable to retrieve content Unable to transmit responses Saved Response File Issues Unable to write or read to SRF location Potential Security Issues Application launches while TestNav is in secure mode Application attempts to capture focus Running application messages the screen Technology Setup and Readiness

55 TestNav 8 – EWS – Error Codes
If an EWS message is displayed, it will contain a specific error code. Complete error code documentation can be found on the TestNav 8 Online Support page (PearsonAccessnext > TestNav 8 Online Support > Troubleshooting > Error Codes). Numeric error code is usually accompanied by a description of the error and potential resolution steps. Technology Setup and Readiness

56 Technical Troubleshooting During Testing
Common Error Codes 1001: “Your test has been saved. Please notify your test administrator.” Early Warning System initial message, does not indicate the issue, another error code will follow 1009: “Unable to download test content” Network connection issue between the testing device and Pearson servers. 1017: Primary SRF location is not writable. Your responses will be saved in Alternate save location only. Primary location: <path> You may choose to continue with the test or exit the test and make the save location writable. 1018: Alternate SRF location is not writable. Your responses will be saved in Primary save location only. Alternate location: <path> You may choose to continue with the test or exit the test and make the save location writable. 3005: “TestNav has detected that another application attempted to become the active window” This could be caused by pop-ups in the background, power saving features, or system key combinations like ctrl+alt+del 8026: “Unable to connect to the proctor caching computer. Please contact your administrator.” Network connection issue between the testing device and the local Proctor Caching device

57 Technical Troubleshooting During Testing- Continued
9058/9059: “The username or password you entered is incorrect.” If the username/password being used is accurate, the student may be on the incorrect login page. To get on the correct login page click the User icon in the top right and select “Choose a different customer”. Then pick Iowa from the App Home Screen.

58 Technical Troubleshooting – What To Do?
Resume the student in PearsonAccessnext Have the student log in again on the same testing device If the same error occurs repeatedly, or if the same error is affecting multiple students, contact your Technology Coordinator Do not move the student to another testing device unless the student safely exits the test using the log out feature. This is to help prevent student responses from becoming more difficult to retrieve. If the school has set up secondary network save locations in the TestNav Configurations for testing devices this step can be ignored. TestNav will always look in the primary and secondary save locations for a Student Response File when the student logs into the test. Response file secondary backup locations can be added for Chromebooks, iPads, in PearsonAccessnext using SFTP as a save location.

59 Infrastructure Trial Localized Environment Testing Overview
Image by Photographer's Name (Credit in black type) or Image by Photographer's Name (Credit in white type) Infrastructure Trial Localized Environment Testing Overview Pearson remediation Setup Presentation Title Arial Bold 7 pt 59

60 Infrastructure Trial – Why do it?
An Infrastructure Trial is a “dress rehearsal” of for online testing. It does not use real student information and is completed in the PearsonAccessnext Training Site. This is a low-stakes, dry run for confirmation that: TestNav is configured correctly Devices can successfully run TestNav Network will bear the full load Minimal extra setup is required Time spent for the Infrastructure Trial will be recovered once the test admin starts! Time is not wasted, as the tasks need to be completed for Live Testing Technology Setup and Readiness

61 Infrastructure Trial – Uncovering Issues
Overloaded access points Devices that were configured but reimaged Devices that were configured but did not meet system requirements Devices that did not have the latest TestNav 8 app ProctorCache ports 4480 or 4481 closed Content filter and firewall issues Background applications Users not knowing how to launch TestNav Staff training issues Staff test administration and troubleshooting experience Technology Setup and Readiness

62 Infrastructure Trials: Major Steps
Install TestNav. (Mac or Windows) Install ProctorCache (If desired) Create a TestNav Configuration Generate Sample Students Create a Test Session Add Sample Students to Test Session Prepare and Start the Test Session Print TestNav testing tickets Run App Check Sign-in to TestNav to verify successful testing operation Presentation Title Arial Bold 7 pt

63 Infrastructure Trials: Install TestNav
To download TestNav please go to  Select your preferred download method. (If your preferred download method isn’t presented, click “Download TestNav for another platform” to see additional options.) Once TestNav has been successfully downloaded, simply run the application to complete the installation process. Presentation Title Arial Bold 7 pt

64 Infrastructure Trials: Generate Sample Students
Today you should have received an invite to the PearsonAccessnext Training site, check your , create your account and login to the Training site. From Setup > Students, open the task list and select Generate Sample Students. Select Start. Fill in the required details (select your organization, assign any grade, for Test select Infrastructure Trial, for Type select Online, enter the desired Number of Students, then select Generate to finalize. Select Exit Tasks after the success message. Presentation Title Arial Bold 7 pt

65 Infrastructure Trials: Create Test Session
From Testing > Sessions, open the task list and select Create / Edit Sessions. Select Start. Fill in the required details (name your session, select your organization, select Infrastructure Trial from the Test Assigned drop-down, select today’s date as the Scheduled Start Date, and select the name of the Precaching Computer previously defined in your TestNav Configuration). Finalize your selection with the Create button. Select Exit Tasks in the top-right corner of the page. Presentation Title Arial Bold 7 pt

66 Infrastructure Trials: Add Sample Students to Test Session
After creating your session it will be selected for the next step, assigning Sample Students to the Test Session. Open the task list and select Add Students to Sessions. Select Start. Select your Session, Search to find the student(s) you want to add, or select the down arrow next to the Search button, and select Show all results. Select students (up to 50) you want to add. Select Add and Exit Tasks after the Success message. Presentation Title Arial Bold 7 pt

67 Infrastructure Trials: Prepare and Start Test Session
Your Test Session will automatically be selected for the next steps, preparation, and starting. Select Prepare Session. Wait a few moments for the status to change to Ready. Select Start Session. Select Session Prepare Session Presentation Title Arial Bold 7 pt

68 Infrastructure Trials: Print TestNav Test Tickets.
Your Test Session will automatically be selected for the next steps, printing TestNav testing tickets. There are two options for printing testing tickets: print all tickets for the session or selected student tickets. To print testing tickets for all students in the session, select the Resources dropdown menu (under the session name) and select Print all for this session. To print individual testing tickets, select the checkbox next to the student(s), select the Resources dropdown menu (under the session name) and select Print selected for this session. Select a print format and then print the testing ticket(s). Select from the following: 1 Per Page: One student test ticket per page *default print format Multiple Per Page: Multiple students testing tickets per page Grid: All testing tickets print in a grid List: All testing tickets print in a list. Print testing ticket using your browser’s print function. Print testing ticket using your browser’s print function. Presentation Title Arial Bold 7 pt

69 Infrastructure Trials: Run App Check
Launch Testnav and select Iowa. Select the user dropdown menu in the top right. Select App Check and select Run App Check. Kiosk Mode and Connectivity to TestNav, should have passed. Select Back to Sign in when complete. Presentation Title Arial Bold 7 pt

70 Infrastructure Trials: Sign-in To TestNav
Select a sample student from the printed testing tickets. Sign in to TestNav with the username and password provided on the testing ticket to verify successful testing operation. Notes run here in Arial Regular 6 pt Presentation Title Arial Bold 7 pt

71 TestNav 8 – Analytic Data
TestNav clients will occasionally send out analytic data after receiving an error Device Operating System collected TestNav Error Messages District/School info Pearson collects the analytics data to shape technical support strategy Districts receiving a large number of errors will stand out for outbound support calls Analyze data on a District / School level Compare Districts & Schools against State averages

72 TestNav 8 – Analytic Data Participate in Infrastructure Trials!
Pearson receives analytic data from TestNav errors and if necessary, Proactive Technical Support staff may make outbound calls to Districts & Schools Different Layers Shades of Green: Number of successful student logins Red Circle Shade/Size: Increases as there are more errors recorded

73 Questions and Discussion
Image by Photographer's Name (Credit in black type) or Image by Photographer's Name (Credit in white type) Questions and Discussion Putting it all together Big picture Easy wins Presentation Title Arial Bold 7 pt 73

74 Big Picture The assessment is delivered using a few main components
TestNav 8 (optional) ProctorCache Training Site and PearsonAccessnext Technology Resources ISASP Portal (non-secure page) TestNav 8 Online Support Page Technology coordinators have essential functions Work with test coordinators while planning the assessment Set up and configure TestNav, ProctorCache, and infrastructure Create TestNav configurations in PearsonAccessnext Precache test content Assist with technology related issues during test time Image by Photographer's Name (Credit in black type) or Image by Photographer's Name (Credit in white type) Technology Setup and Readiness

75 Questions & Discussion – Easy Wins
ProctorCache Popup windows stopping precache Underpowered ProctorCache machines Wireless ProctorCache machines – potentially slower speeds TestNav Customer Selection Credentials will not work Background Applications Screen Savers Flash player update Windows sticky keys Google Drive Trackpad gesture programs Content Filters Blocking specific content types – check ProctorCache administration page Technology Setup and Readiness

76 Support Multiple Support Options Pearson help desk
Image by Photographer's Name (Credit in black type) or Image by Photographer's Name (Credit in white type) Support Multiple Support Options Pearson help desk Technology office hours Presentation Title Arial Bold 7 pt 76

77 Support – Technology Office Hours
Schedule time with a technology field engineer. ISASP Portal > Technology Setup > Technology Office Hours Set up a one-on-one virtual meeting Time slots range from 15 minutes to 1 hour Talk through edge cases, specific setup instructions, or challenges Schedule your Technology Office Hours Technology Setup and Readiness

78 Technology Office Hours: Scheduling Demo
Schedule your Technology Office Hours Technology Setup and Readiness

79 Questions? Monday – Friday, 6:00am – 7:30 p.m. (CT)
Submit a Pearson help desk request through PearsonAccessnext Support contact information is posted at the following pages:

80 Technology Readiness Timeline
Technology Setup and Readiness

81 TestNav Early Warning System and Error Codes
TestNav Error Documentation: TestNav 8 Online Support: Early Warning System Triggers: TestNav Error Codes: Find SRF and Log Files:

82 More links… ISASP Portal:
PearsonAccessnext Online User Guide: PearsonAccessnext Production Site: (Coming Spring 2019) PearsonAccessnext Training Site:


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