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Efferent Division: Autonomic and Somatic Motor Control

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1 Efferent Division: Autonomic and Somatic Motor Control
Chapter 11 Efferent Division: Autonomic and Somatic Motor Control

2 About this Chapter Efferent division and what it controls
Pathways receptors and neurotransmitters Antagonistic controls: sympathetic and parasympathetic Control of cardiac, smooth muscle, some adipose tissue and glands in homeostasis CNS control of skeletal muscles through neuromuscular junctions

3 Autonomic Division: Homeostatic balancing
Controls Smooth & cardiac muscle Glands & adipose Antagonistic branches Parasympathetic "Rest & digest" Restore body Sympathetic "Fight or flight" Energetic action

4 Autonomic Division: Homeostatic balancing
Figure 11-1: Homeostasis and the autonomic division

5 Autonomic Control Centers
Hypothalamus Water balance Temperature Hunger Pons Respiration Cardiac Vasoconstriction Medulla Figure 11-3: Autonomic control centers in the brain

6 Autonomic Pathways: Communicate to Body
Coordinates homeostatic responses Autonomic Endocrine Behavioral Blood pressure Osmolarity Tonic regulation Antagonistic control Receptor directed response

7 WHAT IS ROHHAD? ROHHAD is an acronym for rapid-onset obesity with hypothalamic dysregulation, hypoventilation and autonomic dysregulation. It affects the part of the nervous system that controls involuntary actions and the endocrine system. Scientists suspect the condition is genetic but are still unsure. The disease is incredibly rare, and less than 100 people in the world have been diagnosed with it.  Signs and symptoms: Dramatic weight gain over a six to 12-month period Inability to maintain normal water balance in the body Inability to regulate body temperature Slow heartbeat and excessive sweating Very shallow breathing during sleep There is currently no cure for ROHHAD, with the average life expectancy being between five and nine, reports suggest. Because it can affect many different parts of the body, children are often cared for by a team of healthcare providers from various fields. The weight gain is often hard to control through exercise and diet - but keeping active helps to avoid excess from being piled on.

8 Autonomic Pathways: Communicate to Body
Figure 11-2: The hypothalamus and brain stem initiate autonomic, endocrine, and behavioral responses

9 Autonomic Pathways: Two Efferent Neurons
CNS Preganglionic neuron Ganglion Postganglionic neuron Target tissue Figure 11-4: Autonomic pathways

10 Comparison of sympathetic and Parasympathetic Pathways
Neurotransmitters Receptors Figure 11-7: Sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways

11 Parasympathetic Branch: “Rest and Digest”
Preganglionic neurons Originate in Brain stem Lower cord NT: cholinergic Ganglion Near target Nicotinic receptors Postganglionic neuron

12 Figure 11-5: Autonomic sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways


14 Actions of Parasympathetic Branch
Constricts Pupil Bronchioles Slows heart Stimulates Digestion Insulin release Urination Erections

15 Sympathetic Branch: “Fight or Flight”
Preganglionic neuron Short Origin: spinal cord NT: cholinergic Ganglia Sympathetic chain Near spinal cord Postganglionic neuron Long NT: adrenergic

16 Homeostasis Hypothalamus: Homeostatic Functions Hunger, stress
Thirst: body osmolarity Flight/fight pathways Anger & fear Circadian rhythms Coordinates with endocrine system

17 Additonal Functions of Hypothalamus
heart rate urinary bladder contraction blood pressure oxytocin release vasopressin release corticotropin-releasing hormone release[8] thermoregulation panting sweating thyrotropin inhibition GI stimulation satiety neuroendocrine control Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GNRH), also known as Luteinizing-hormone-releasing hormone(LHRH) pupillary dilation shivering

18 Examples of Autonomic Reflexes
Cold Water (Whole Body) Immersion causes tachycardia Exposure of face to cold water causes bradycardia: Mammalian Diving Reflex via Vagal Nerve Pupillary Reflex-Pupil Constricting in response to light Baroreceptor Reflex- Low BP in carotid sinus results in tachycardia and blood vessel constriction Carotid Sinus Reflex- Increased pressure within or external manipulation of carotid sinus results in bradycardia Dilation of Blood vessels as body temperature increases Secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine from the adrenal medulla in response to fear or stress Sweating in response to increased body temperature

19 Autonomic Effects on Cardiovascular System
Target Sympathetic (adrenergic) Parasympathetic (muscarinic) cardiac output β1, (β2): increases M2: decreases SA node: heart rate (chronotropic) β1, (β2) [4]: increases Atrial cardiac muscle: contractility (inotropic) β1, (β2)[4]: increases at AV node β1: increases conduction increases cardiac muscle automaticity [4] M2: decreases conduction Atrioventricular block [4] Ventricular cardiac muscle β1, (β2): increases contractility (inotropic) increases cardiac muscle automaticity [4] --- Heart

20 Autonomic Effects on Blood Vessels
Target Sympathetic (adrenergic) Parasympathetic (muscarinic) vascular smooth muscle in general α1:[5] contracts; β2:[5] relaxes M3: relaxes [4] renal artery α1[6]: constricts --- larger coronary arteries α1 and α2[7]: constricts [4] smaller coronary arteries β2:dilates [8] arteries to viscera α: constricts arteries to skin arteries to brain α1[9]: constricts [4] arteries to erectile tissue α1[10]: constricts M3: dilates arteries to salivary glands hepatic artery β2: dilates arteries to skeletal muscle Veins α1 and α2 [11] : constricts β2: dilates Blood vessels

21 Stimulatory Actions of Sympathetic Branch
Pupil dilation Salivation Heart beat & volume Dilation Blood vessels Bronchioles Catecholamine release Fat breakdown Ejaculation

22 Inhibitory Actions of Sympathetic Branch
Digestion Pancreas secretion Urination

23 Adrenal Medulla: A Modified Sympathetic Ganglion
Sympathetic stimulation Catecholamine release to blood Epinephrine Norepinephrine Travel to: Multiple targets Distant targets

24 Adrenal Medulla: A Modified Sympathetic Ganglion
Figure 11-10: The adrenal medulla

25 Synapses in Autonomic Nerves
Varicosities NT released to ECF No cleft Impact Large area Slow acting Long duration Figure 11-8: Varicosities of autonomic neurons

26 Mechanism: Norepinephrine Release and Recycling
Figure 11-9: Norepinephrine release at a varicosity of a sympathetic neuron

27 Review of Efferent Pathways: Motor & Autonomic
Figure 11-11: Summary of efferent pathways

28 Somatic Motor Division: Controls Skeletal Muscles
Body movement Appendages Locomotion Single neuron CNS origin Myelinated Terminus Branches Neuromuscular junction Figure 11-11: Summary of efferent pathways

29 Neuronmuscular Junction: Overview
Terminal boutons Synaptic cleft Filled with a fibrous Matrix (collagen) AChE Hold axon terminal and motor end plate together Motor end plate On muscle Nicotinic receptors

30 Neuronmuscular Junction: Overview
Figure 11-12: Anatomy of the neuromuscular junction

31 Neuronmuscular Junction: Mechanism of Signal Conduction
Axon terminal AP signals ACh release Motor end plate 2 ACh bind opens cation channel Na+ influx Membrane depolarized Stimulates fiber contraction

32 Neuronmuscular Junction: Mechanism of Signal Conduction
Figure 11-13: Events at the neuromuscular junction

33 Summary Autonomic branches: sympathetic and parasympathetic
Regulate glands, smooth & cardiac muscles Team with endocrine to regulate homeostasis Are regulated by hypothalamus, pons & medulla Have pathways with 2 neurons and a ganglion Use varicosities to release NTs Have diverse receptors: tonic & antagonistic regulation

34 Summary Efferent motor neurons control skeletal muscles
Single long myelinated neuron from CNS Neuromuscular junction structure & mechanism

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