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How is the DBQ graded? A DBQ is a like a puzzle – with different elements that fit together to make an essay. The way the DBQ is graded you get a point.

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Presentation on theme: "How is the DBQ graded? A DBQ is a like a puzzle – with different elements that fit together to make an essay. The way the DBQ is graded you get a point."— Presentation transcript:

1 How is the DBQ graded? A DBQ is a like a puzzle – with different elements that fit together to make an essay. The way the DBQ is graded you get a point for each requirement fulfilled. You have to use all the pieces in the puzzle to earn a 7. If you don’t fulfill all the points in the puzzle, it does not mean you don’t get it or you really messed up…let’s take a look.

2 POINTS IN A DBQ – “Pieces of the Puzzle”
Context: Did you set up the context of your essay in your intro? = 1 Thesis: is it there and does it do more than restate the question. Does it make an analytical argument = 1 Analysis: Did you explain each document in reference to thesis with as part of a clear and organized argument? =1 Did you do appropriate extended analysis on 4 documents? =1

3 Did you provide outside evidence
Did you provide outside evidence? (Can not double count extended analysis) =1 Synthesis: did you compare to another part of history =1 If you got a 7, I then gave you a + (up to three) for things you did well, which raised your score. If you got a 6 – I gave you up to one plus to raise your score.

4 Score What it could mean 7 – You fulfilled all the requirements
Score What it could mean 7 – You fulfilled all the requirements!! 6 – You fulfilled almost all of the requirements – you get the idea and can “brush up” on what you missed for next time. 5 – Means you are on your way and get the idea. You missed out on two CORE requirements. For many of you this was Extended Analysis or outside evidence. 4 – This might mean you had structural problems and problems with your Eas. 3,2,1– This means you were missing several core requirements and should see me for help before the next DBQ and take the opportunity to fix.

5 DBQ STRENGTHS OVERALL DBQ STRENGTHS: Interpreting documents! Very little misinterpretation. Context! You guys have this down. DBQ STRUGGLES: Extended Analysis (many attempts did not work), Outside Evidence (a lot of you did not attempt) Thesis statements – many were excellent but some still general: tolerant – why? Intolerant – why?

6 It’s all about growth!! You are new to DBQs, but by the end of the year the nit-picky requirements will teach you to write a good essay. DBQs and LEQs support each other. If you struggled with this DBQ the best thing you can do is: Read my comments. Read the examples I give you and the one online Do the rewrite option I am offering (for 5s and below this time) Review samples, rubric etc before the next DBQ

7 Rewrite option Because you are still new to DBQ, I am allowing anyone with a 5 or below to do the re-write process. This does not mean rewriting the whole thing. Fixes are generally no more than a couple sentences per part. How do I do a “fix”? Rewrite just the parts you are missing/did not get points for. For Outside Evidence: 2 sentences of outside evidence and indicate where it would go in your essay. For EAs: Rewrite TWO of the EAs that did not work. If only one did not work, just rewrite one. If you did not analyze 6 docs, analyze one more doc and indicate where you would have used it in your essay. If there were problems with your organization, I have attached an organizer sheet. Complete that in addition to any other fixes. CAN RAISE YOU TO A 56/70 – THIS TIME ONLY. THIS GENEROUS OFFER WILL NOT BE EXTENDED THIS HIGH AGAIN.

8 I got a 5 – is it worth it? It’s only 1.5 points....BUT building your skills is always worth it.

9 Remember – you are learning a new skill that includes interpreting difficult historic documents, incorporating them into “big picture” ideas and getting used to a timed write. It’s all about growth!!!

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