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Benchmarking cross sections for PIGE The Fluorine case

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1 Benchmarking cross sections for PIGE The Fluorine case
M. Axiotis1, A. Lagoyannis1, K.Preketes-Sigalas1,2, S. Fazinic3, V. Foteinou1, S. Harissopulos1, M. Kokkoris2 G.Provatas1 1Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, NCSR “Demokritos”, 2 Department of Physics, National Technical University of Athens 3 Institute Ruđer Bošković, Zagreb, Croatia

2 PIGE Proton Induced Gamma – ray Emission Quantification
Traditional way: Comparison of yields with standards IAEA has initiated a program for measuring differential cross sections aiming at a standard-less method

3 Differential Cross Sections
23Na(p,p’γ1-0)23Na Eγ = 440 keV 19F(p,p’γ2-0)19F Eγ = 197 keV Possible reasons Target thickness Charge accumulation Efficiency calibration Background subtraction

4 The Concept Differential cross section Thick target yield
Target thickness No need. Standards of known concentration are sufficient Charge accumulation Cross check with a well studied element in the same standard Efficiency calibration Background subtraction Huge peak to background ratio

5 Test Case: Sodium The majority of cross sections reproduce the measured thick target yields

6 Existing thick target yields
The Fluorine Case BUT At Ep = 2200 keV Integrated yield: 3.1 x 106 Measured yield: 8.7 x 105 Except from M.J. Kenny et al.

7 Experimental Setup Two detectors in two different angles
Ep = 1700 – 4000 keV Efficiency calibration with two different sources (152Eu, 226Ra) Two different standards containing Fluorine and Sodium Chamber acting as Faraday cup Difference in background subtraction ~ 1%

8 (for details see K. Preketes – Sigalas talk)
Comparison of Integrated Yields Sodium (for details see K. Preketes – Sigalas talk) NIST standard Phospate Rock Na = 0.26 at% F = at% Home Made standard Na = 5.3 at% F = 5.3 at%

9 Comparison of Integrated Yields

10 Comparison of Integrated Yields

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