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Ms. R. Lopez  3rd Grade 2019-2020.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. R. Lopez  3rd Grade 2019-2020."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. R. Lopez  3rd Grade

2 Meet the Teacher FIU Alumni
Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education K-6 8th year teaching 3rd year at MGA! Identical twin (As you will find out )


4 Updated School Hours

5 Class Supplies Supply List posted on teacher’s website
Agendas will be purchased for $10 and are required for each student. Students will have the first week of school to gather and organize supplies in class. FOLDERS: Sign and Return necessary forms (Teacher Forms / School Forms) – see next slide.

6 Forms Needed! School Forms: Lunch application, Parent handbook acknowledgement, Contact Card, Media Release Form) Teacher Forms: Welcome Packet (2 sheets on the back) All forms must be turned in by August 30th! (FORM Sample)

7 MGA Calendar

8 Attendance Policy As per administration:
Referrals will be issued whenever a student accumulates the following: 3 unexcused absences (parents have 72 hrs to provide an excused note and after the 10th excused written note, parents must provide a professional note for any absence to be excused). - 10 tardies

9 Attendance Policy In the case that the parent cannot provide a physician’s note, an incomplete will be issued on class assignments, test, and homework. A “Z” will be given on graded assignments which signifies incomplete assignment and counts as a 0. Incomplete assignments may affect the student’s final grade. It is the parent’s or student’s responsibility to contact the teacher regarding any missed assignments.

10 Curriculum Rigorous Curriculum Science/STEM Program
FSA Testing in Reading and Math (Exact Dates Forthcoming) Will be having an FSA Parent night Mid-year (highly encourage you all to attend)

11 Leader in Me Leadership Binder Some examples of what may be tracked..
-Student Goals -AR -I-READY -Weekly Skills -Times Table Tests

12 Homework Policy Students will be assigned home learning on a daily basis. Home learning assignments will be recorded in the agenda. Home learning will reflect the concepts covered in class. Please review your child’s agenda on a daily basis to stay informed regarding all assignments, tests, due dates and teacher notes. Lack of HW may affect student’s grades. IT IS THE CHILDS FULL RESPONSIBILITY TO COPY IT DOWN. THEY WILL HAVE ALL DAY TO DO SO.

13 Uniform Policy

14 Uniform Policy

15 Jean Days Policy Mater Gardens T-shirt or uniform top ONLY Jeans must be PANTS and not ripped or "skinny." Jeans must be solid colored and earth tones, such as blue, brown, black, white Shoes The shoes must be the same shoes worn with the regular uniform policy. Violation of this policy could result in the issuance of a referral and/or other administrative action. No Uniform Days Policy Shirts · Blouses, sweaters, sweatshirts, turtlenecks, knit shirts, and T-shirts are permitted · Inappropriate shirts include: tank or halter tops, tight-fitting, strapless, revealing shirts showing mid-riffs or lower backs, and T-shirts with indecent or inappropriate language, pictures, or ads Pants · Slacks, jeans, cargo pants, wind pants, joggers and sweatpants are permitted. · Low rider, skinny, leggings or ripped pants are not allowed. *Shorts and capris may only be worn if specified- if so, shorts may not be too short (about knee-length) · Sneakers, loafers, or any closed toe shoes (appropriate taste) are permitted · Flip flops are not accepted

16 Parental Involvement Parents are required to volunteer 30 hours per child and 15 for each additional sibling. (One hour equal $5.00.) Below are some options for completing the volunteer hours: -Cafeteria assistance -Classroom assistance from home -Special school events Classroom donations (receipt MUST be turned into teacher ) -Wish list items (receipt MUST be turned into teacher) -Field trip chaperones Parents must register online and have a volunteer number in order to participate in field trips. There will usually be two chaperones allowed per field trip.

17 Parental Involvement All volunteers NEED to be cleared by the MDCPS to be on school grounds and volunteer. All parents must register online by August 30th. PARENTS WILL BE REQUIRED TO SIGN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THIS. *Letter will be sent home with further details on how to become a volunteer. Parents must go through the PARENT PORTAL.

18 Parental Involvement

19 Cashless System: KEV

20 Grading

21 Grading Breakdown I-ready grading

22 Dismissal Dismissal will be at 3:00 p.m.
Parents must notify the bus company regarding the dismissal time. The school will send a notification to participating bus companies as well, therefore, we need a list of bus students. If you are picking up your students through car line, the parking lot gate will not be opened prior to 3:00 p.m. Any vehicle picking up through car line, must have the child’s silent dismissal card/number visible on the outside. In the case of a sudden change in dismissal, please NOTIFY teacher immediately via phone, or message. Teacher must have proof of change to avoid confusions.

23 Communication If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. However, the most effective way is through or ClassTag, which will be checked on a daily basis. This will minimize interruptions in the instructional process. Please schedule an appointment for conferences and refrain from interfering with morning drop-off and afternoon dismissal procedures. ClassTag APP: Download the app and please me using your most updated address so that I can send you an invite! This APP will provide you with important announcements, home learning assignments, wish list items, field trips, and special activities.

24 Important Information
Summer Reading Projects will be collected the second week of school. They will be graded. No exceptions. THERE WILL BE NO SILENT DISMISSAL ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! Parents will be allowed in the classroom on the first day of school for drop off. During dismissal on the first day, all parents will be asked to wait in a line outside the room for your child to be dismissed by the teacher. Parents will not be allowed inside classroom after school. A sign-out sheet will be provided to the parents. Silent dismissal will begin on DAY 2.

25 Wish List! Please take a post it on your way out if you would like to begin donating items to our class!  We are extremely GRATEFUL!

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