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Political Parties Unit 2.

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1 Political Parties Unit 2

2 Political Party An organized group who share common beliefs who work to win elections, control government, and set public policy.

3 Ideology A set of beliefs that allow a person to view issues in a consistent manner;

4 Democrat A person who believes in the political or social equality of all people. Government regulation of the economy Social programs (welfare, healthcare..)

5 Republican A person who is more conservative in their views.
Free market capitalism Strong national defense

6 The GOP Grand Old Party Another name for the Republican Party.

7 Liberal Believes that government should peacefully promote social reform; likes change.

8 Conservative Cautious about new policies and that the gov’t should stay out of the lives of private citizens and businesses; likes the status quo (No Change)

9 Moderate A person whose beliefs are somewhere between a liberal and a conservative. COMPROMISE.

10 Bipartisan Supported by two parties.

11 Platform Where the party stands on key issues Planks

12 Planks Positions on issues that make up the platform.

13 Coalition An alliance of political groups formed to oppose a common enemy or pursue a common goal.

14 Electoral College Electors who perform the formal duty of electing the President and VP of the U.S.A.

15 Popular Vote The vote for a U.S. presidential candidate made by the qualified voters. One person one vote.

16 Primary Party elections to decide party’s candidate for the general election

17 Caucus Voters gather at a location and group together based on candidate support (Iowa) to decide who should run for the general election.

18 Capital Punishment The legal killing of a person who has committed a serious crime such as murder. Death Penalty

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