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Week 7 REU Nolan Warner.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 7 REU Nolan Warner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 7 REU Nolan Warner

2 Overview Automatic Queen selection Side by Side Tracks
Ordered updating Future work

3 Automatic Queen Selection
Algorithm Concatenate pixels’ color values of all templates Makes (n * n * # of people) x 3 feature matrix n=length of square template side (e.g. 17*17) Feature vector = [R G B] Do kmeans clustering Find 5 templates with largest # of pixels in small clusters These people have unique colors and become the queens

4 Sequence 1 Queen Bees

5 Sequence 2 Queen Bees

6 Sequence 3 Queen Bees

7 Sequence 4 Queen Bees

8 Side by side tracks Seq 1 Our Method X Correlation

9 Side by side tracks Seq 3 Our Method X Correlation

10 Side by side tracks Seq 5 Our Method X Correlation

11 Ordered updating

12 Ordered updating

13 Ordered updating

14 Ordered updating

15 Ordered updating

16 Ordered updating

17 Ordered updating

18 Future Work Combine color channels for tracking Implement springs

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