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Forms of Gov’ts.

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1 Forms of Gov’ts

2 Gov’ts are separated into two principles:
Rule of ____-gov’t is run according to laws and a Constitution United States, United Kingdom Rule of ____-gov’t is run by men who manipulate the law China, North Korea, Cuba

3 Another Consideration
_____________ Government- gov’t is restricted in what it may do, people have rights that cannot be taken away Characteristics Constitutions Civil Rights Political and Economic Freedoms Citizen Voice

4 1. Geographic Placement of Power
Governments can be organized into 3 Categories 1. Geographic Placement of Power _________ Gov’t- all powers come from a central agency, powers are limited by the people, may create local gov’ts for convenience Medieval kingdoms

5 ____ Gov’t- power is divided between a central agency and local gov’ts, both levels act independently on citizens US and SC, each gov’t has its own powers _____________ Gov’t- an alliance of independent states to handle defense and commerce CSA

6 2. Legislative and Executive Relationships
____________ Gov’t- legislative and executive branches are separate, but check each other’s power USA, France _____________ Gov’t- the legislative branch chooses the executive (Prime Minister) from their body United Kingdom, India

7 3. Number of Participants
___________________- supreme power rests with the people, two types: _______- citizens vote on every issue _______- citizens choose people to represent their interests _________________- authoritarian, power is absolute and unchallengeable, 2 types: _______- a small group rule the state _______- one person rules the state

8 What’s the Difference between Authoritarian and Totalitarian Systems?
A totalitarian system attempts to control virtually ______ aspects of the social life including economy, education, art, science, private life and morals of citizens. An Authoritarian system allows citizens to live their lives while the government is run by a dictatorship.

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