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Money and Receipting Policies and Practices

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1 Money and Receipting Policies and Practices
ACTIVITY FUNDS Money and Receipting Policies and Practices

2 Title 70, Sub-Section 5-129 The Local Board of Education of each school district shall exercise control over ALL funds and revenues on hand or hereafter received or collected. Activity Funds shall be deposited to the credit of the account maintained for the benefit of the particular activity.

3 Activity Funds vs. General Funds
Activity Funds – Funds generated from Extra Curricular or Co-Curricular activities. They are “Non-appropriated” Funds because they are received directly from citizens rather than indirectly through tax revenues. General Funds - Funds generated from local, state, and federal sources.

4 ESTABLISHMENT Board of Education – Adopts Policies, approves Sub-Accounts and fundraisers. Superintendent – Administer all board policies. Activity Fund Custodian – Appointed by the Board to account for funds, implement and enforce internal controls. Must be bonded. Countersigns all checks from the Activity Fund. Principal/Site Secretary – Designated as site supervisor. Sponsors – Supervises all activities of the organization/sub-accounts.

5 ACTIVITY FUND REVENUE Admissions – Athletic Events, School/Class Plays, Carnivals, Dances, etc. Concessions – Sales at Athletic Events, Vending Sales, Cafeteria or Meal Collections. Dues, Fees, and Donations to Student Organizations/Clubs (membership shall not be mandatory), Supply Fees, Senior Assessments, Tournaments. Fundraising Activities – Book Fairs, Student Sales (Popcorn, Magazines, Spirit Items), Sale of Advertising in student publications, Student Store, etc. Class Pictures, Banquets, Yearbooks, etc.


7 Track and Receipt Board Approved Fundraiser
Notification of Start of Fundraiser Complete Requisitions and receive a PO# for fundraiser vendors All checks collected should be made out to the school Write Receipts using school issued prenumbered receipt books Receipts should contain: Date, Received From Name, Subaccount Number, Reason for deposit, amount, and type (Cash or Check)


9 Track and Receipt Board Approved Fundraiser
All purchased items expended and coded through the Activity Fund NEVER use cash collections to purchase additional supplies NEVER pay an individual person with cash Inform students of who is collecting money if the sponsor is absent Submit Profit/Loss Report to AF Custodian

10 Deposit Count Sheets

11 Forms

12 Forms

13 Forms

14 Resources

15 Resources

16 Audit Exceptions/Findings
Not depositing funds in a timely manner Invoices dated prior to a purchase order being approved Invoices not signed verifying receipt of goods Negative Fund Balance in subaccounts, issuing check in excess of fund balance Not reconciling gate receipts / not using prenumbered tickets Not having supporting documents (Missing purchase orders or invoices) Employees paid from Activity Fund for extra duty.

17 Audit Exceptions/Findings
Issuing one receipt to several students Not adequate signatures on checks that cleared the bank Child Nutrition subaccount had a balance at the end of the year. Crossing Fiscal Years Gaps in the receipt books Expenditures from subaccount for something other than the funds intention Activity Fund Custodian sign check and also stamp the cosigner’s name


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