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Parent workshop Year 5.

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1 Parent workshop Year 5

2 Topics for Year 5 Autumn Term – Stargazers Space Centre visit.
Earth and Space science – The Solar System, Day and Night. History of space explorations. Art – The Artist Peter Thorpe (Space Art) Hyperlinked power points. Literacy: Non-chronological reports, recounts, alien descriptions, newspaper reports, explanation texts (why is there life on Earth?) and fictional myth.

3 Topics for Year 5 Spring 1 - Scream Machine Visit – Theme Park?
Literacy: instructions, mystery narrative and narrative poetry. DT focussed project.

4 Topics for Year 5 Spring 2 – Beast Creator Mini beast focus

5 Topics for Year 5 Summer Off With Her Head! (Residential and Shakespeare performance) Literacy – persuasive writing and preparation work for residential. History - Tudors

6 Class Routines Day of the week What your child will need: Monday
Book bag Spelling log book Tuesday PE kit (outdoor) Y5C only Wednesday PE kit (outdoor) Y5S only Homework folder Reading scheme book Thursday PE kit (outdoor) Both Y5 Friday

7 Styles of reading in school
Daily reading / RWI / guided comprehension. Individual reading turns **READING SPEED** Reading for home: Free choice books (as many as wanted) Reading scheme (books and home/school diaries to be handed in on a Wednesday for a new book that day).

8 Spellings in school SPAG Taught spelling patterns / rules
Children must be able to apply these spellings across a range of written work. Spelling log books.


10 Grammar (recapping previous years)
Nouns, pronouns Adverbs and adverbial phrases Expressing time and cause through: conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions Subordinate clauses The present perfect tense

11 Grammar (new learning)
Relative clauses (who, which, when, that, an…) A wider range of adverbs. Use of modal verbs in their writing. Commas used correctly to avoid ambiguity. Convert nouns or adjectives into verbs (e.g. intensify).

12 Handwriting Children in Year 5 are expected to join fluently.
Never join after a capital letter. Some letters are ‘break letters’ b, p, z, g, y Letter formation

13 Times tables End of Year 2 expectations: 2x 5x 10x
As above and 3x 4x 8x End of Year 4 expectations: As above plus all others up to 12x12 RAPID RECALL IN ANY ORDER AND CORRESPONDING DIVISION FACTS

14 Any questions?

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