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Amazing Me / Fire & Light

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1 Amazing Me / Fire & Light
English A-Z letter names, alphabetical order Grammar: Sentence work incorporating correct punctuation, introduction of nouns & adjectives Writing skills: Weekend, holiday & trip news, character descriptions using adjectives. Handwriting: Practise correct letter formation, introduce capitals Non-Fiction: Factual information, instructions & captions/labels Phonics: Read Write Inc Scheme Reading: Individual reading scheme / Library, Non-fiction books Topic: Science: My home and family, my body, my senses; (linked to weekly experiments), light sources History: Great Fire of London, Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot, Florence Nightingale Geography: Autumn & Winter (observe changes in the natural environment), identify foods from UK and abroad SMSC & Fundamental British Values Democracy, Remembrance Day, Hindu festival of Diwali, Creation story, Saint Andrew, Christmas Story St Andrews Values: Creativity, Courage, Collaboration, Compassion, Curiosity, Commitment Year 1 Autumn Term 2019 Amazing Me / Fire & Light Important Events Harvest Festival, Bonfire Night, Nativity Maths Number: Counting, reading & writing 1 – 20, counting in 2s, number bonds to 10 and 20, place value, addition and subtraction up to 20, problem solving, mathematical vocabulary (equal to, more than, less than, most, least) Topic: Recognising and naming common 2D and 3D shapes, Properties of shapes Art & Design Technology Use a range of materials to design, make & evaluate products (DT/ Independent Learning) To use drawing and painting to express & develop ideas as well as observational skills Create work in the style of Archimboldo (cc. link Harvest) & Andy Goldsworthy (cc. link Seasons) PSHEE Introduce Pre-Prep Values Introduce Rainbow behaviour chart Jigsaw Scheme: “Being in my world” “Celebrating difference” PE Invasion Games – Football, Hockey & Netball. Working as a team, rules, attack and defence. Hand eye coordination– Activities to develop hand eye coordination Music Singing: Popular songs (from memory) Music Ace Interactive Introduction to percussion: to play a variety of instruments and maintain a steady rhythm ICT Technology: Use technology to create, organise, store, manipulate & retrieve data, follow instructions to use programs, recognise technology beyond school French: All about me, Numbers 1-20, Revision of colours, Days of the week, Opposites, Christmas in France

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