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Resilience and Hope for Traumatized Children

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Presentation on theme: "Resilience and Hope for Traumatized Children"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resilience and Hope for Traumatized Children
Presented by Sharon Behrens

2 Can You keep me safe? I have more than physical scars…Look at my eyes, they are the eyes of trauma. April, 1990

3 Child of terror April, 1990

4 “Help me, somebody help me!!!!”
grimacing screaming

5 Stabbing and shaking with pencil
Stuck in trauma play for hours if not diverted

6 Stay away from me, so I can feel safe !
Face of Anger Stay away from me, so I can feel safe !

7 Where did you go, my child. “To a scary place, mama
Where did you go, my child? “To a scary place, mama. Where bad people live.” Age 3

8 “TEACH Me” so I can reach my child
Where did joy go?

9 A safe place to be --- a Beginning
“Mama kiss me and make it better.” age 3

10 “You are not alone. I will walk this Journey with you”.
For the love of a child

11 “You died but, I am going to be alright.” Mia Age 5

12 Putting the pieces together

13 To go forward we may have to safely re-visit the past
To go forward you may have to safely re-visit the past To go forward we may have to safely re-visit the past Remembrance Day

14 Adoption Day 1994 Sharon, Mia and Bob a Forever Family at last

15 “What a beautiful child!”
Teachable moments That change everything ! Age 6

16 I can learn to be powerful in my own life.

17 Reaching out to others is part of the healing The Children’s Place conference, Kansas City, Mo.

18 Children Heal Within Families
Jona T han Cydney C y d n e Y Aunt Pat Grandpa & Grandma Grandma Alain Keith Children Heal Within Families

19 We cannot walk this journey alone

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