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Epidemiology Carl Backman 2/26/2004 SOCY2100 -- C. Backman.

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Presentation on theme: "Epidemiology Carl Backman 2/26/2004 SOCY2100 -- C. Backman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Epidemiology Carl Backman 2/26/2004 SOCY C. Backman

2 Epidemiology The study of the distribution of disease 2/26/2004
SOCY C. Backman

3 Uses of Epidemiology Monitoring public health
Understanding aspects of specific diseases Developing public policy Monitoring corporate health and safety Developing corporate health and safety policy 2/26/2004 SOCY C. Backman

4 Monitoring public health
Establishing baselines for “normal” patterns of illness and death in a community Identifying public health “hot spots” Unexpectedly high rates of disease Requires baselines Tracking the effectiveness of the health care system Historically and contemporaneously 2/26/2004 SOCY C. Backman

5 Understanding aspects of specific diseases: Etiology
Understanding disease etiology [the causes of a disease] Who does and does not get the disease How the disease is spread 2/26/2004 SOCY C. Backman

6 Understanding aspects of specific diseases: Developing and evaluating interventions
Therapy Medication Surgery Diet Physical therapy Vaccines Other preventative measures Life style change, including diet 2/26/2004 SOCY C. Backman

7 Developing public policy
Determining the “profile” of disease in a state or country Helping determine social and financial costs of disease in a state or country Helping determine how most effectively to distribute resources for care Helping determine how most effectively to distribute resources for research 2/26/2004 SOCY C. Backman

8 Corporate applications
Many of the public health applications of epidemiology can also be used in corporate settings Monitoring health and, especially, safety Safety is a HUGE corporate issue these days Determining corporate causes of “disease” (mostly injuries) Developing corporate policies to minimize risks and costs of injuries and disease 2/26/2004 SOCY C. Backman

9 Public Health Examples
Monitoring public health SARS epidemic Infant mortality Understanding specific diseases Occupational diseases like asbestosis Development and evaluation of flu vaccines Helping determine public policy NIH funding priorities OSHA regulations 2/26/2004 SOCY C. Backman

10 Corporate Examples Staff injuries at a residential facility for violent children with developmental disabilities Establishing injury profile Establishing injury costs Discovering injury causes Recommending interventions Laboratory safety issues at Auburn U. Any hospital 2/26/2004 SOCY C. Backman

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