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Beyond the Sunset What is the soul?.

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Presentation on theme: "Beyond the Sunset What is the soul?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beyond the Sunset What is the soul?

2 Agenda Soul Definitions Does the soul exist outside the body?
Is the soul immortal?

3 Soul Definitions Substance of Life Group of People Spirit Genesis 2:7
Psalms 78:50 Group of People 1Peter 3:20 Spirit Acts 2:27

4 Soul Definitions Distinct from “spirit”
Hebrews 4:12 I Thessalonians 5:23 DISCUSSION: In these verses, soul is distinctly different than spirit. What does soul represent here?

5 Does the soul exist outside the body?
The Claims The dead “cease to exist” The soul does not survive death [The dead are] “wholly unconscious, being entirely out of existence except in God’s memory.” ~ J.F. Rutherford

6 Does the soul exist outside the body?
God of the living Luke 20:37-38 Gathered unto his people Genesis 25:8-10 DISCUSSION: What does “gathered unto his people” mean? Genesis 11:28

7 Does the soul exist outside the body?
“You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.” C.S. Lewis(1898 – 1963)

8 Is the soul immortal? The claims
No Bible verse explicitly states the soul is immortal Only God is immortal 1 Tim 6:14-16 Josephus stated, the Sadducees believed: the soul was not immortal there was no resurrection there was no afterlife

9 Is the soul immortal? Logical Reasoning:
Major Premise: God is an immortal spirit John 4:24; 1 Timothy 1:17 Minor Premise: We are the offspring of God Acts 17:29; Genesis 1:27 Conclusion: Our image, that of an offspring, is an immortal spirit

10 Is the soul immortal? Death cannot kill the soul
Matthew 10:28 The cry of the martyrs Revelation 6:9-10

11 Conclusion “Soul” has numerous definitions
The soul does live outside the body The soul is immortal

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