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Abolition Rights Chapter 14 Section 4.

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1 Abolition Rights Chapter 14 Section 4

2 By: Sydney Watson, Sidney Howe, Kristen Dante & Dominique Biondo

3 Abolitionists' Movement
Part 1: Abolitionists' Movement

4 Some key facts: -An abolitionist is someone, or a group of people who protest slavery. -Abolitionists became common in the 1830’s. -The Liberator was abolitionist newspaper. -Abolitionists rescued slaves and helped them get back to Africa. -Most people didn’t like what they were doing because they thought it would ruin the economy. -Abolitionists said that the Declaration didn’t allow slavery. -The Abolition Crusade (1831), was a movement to stop slavery, led by William Lloyd Garrison.

5 Abolitionists Many Americans didn’t want slavery before the country was even created. Abolitionists opposed in an orderly way. Abolitionists had many different reasons to protest/backgrounds. -Equal treatment for all. -Others were opposed to full equality. Many northerners supported slavery because they thought slaves would take their jobs.

6 Part 2: Voices of Slavery

7 Harriet Tubman -Born in Dorchester, Maryland around 1820.
-Married John Tubman, a free African, in 1844. -Ran away because she didn’t want to be sold. -Later came back for her sister and 2 nieces. -Made more and more trips bringing more people to freedom. -Carried a gun with her, threatening to kill people if the runaway slaves wanted to stop or rest. -Came up with new ways to escape; drugging babies so they would be quiet. -She was wanted for $40,000. -Nicknamed Moses because she rescued so many people. -Went to anti-slavery meetings. -Died in 1913.

8 Sojourner Truth -Born into slavery in New York.
-Married Thomas and had 5 kids. -Ran away with her youngest child. -Her children were all emancipated. -Later found out that her sons were sold, and sued. -Won the case and got her sons back. -Became very religious and became a servant. -Took on the name Sojourner Truth to preach. -Gave many inspirational speeches. -After civil war she helped free slaves find jobs. -Died in 1883.

9 Frederick Douglass -Born in 1818 as a slave. -Mom died when he was 7.
-Lived with grandparents and aunt for his early years in life. In 1836 he made a plan to escape. People found out about his plan and put him in jail. He realized his dream and moved to New York. He tried to educate himself. In 1841 he saw William give a speech about slavery. Impressed, and later started giving his own speeches. His many speeches became famous. After the Civil War, he fought for women’s rights and other slave rights . Died in 1895.

10 The Underground Railroad
Part 3: The Underground Railroad

11 What Is It? -Abolitionists came up with lots of ways to rescue slaves and a very effective way was the Underground Railroad. -The Underground Railroad was a path made up of different stops and safe houses leading runaway slaves to free states. -Freedom isn’t guaranteed in the free states (Northern States), because they were still considered property. -The road was very risky and if they were caught, they could be killed. -Bounty Hunters were always looking for runaway slaves to return for money.

12 Bibliography

13 Bibliography

14 Bibliography

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