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23 Electric Potential all sections

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1 23 Electric Potential all sections
Just as force/charge was useful, Work/charge = volt is useful Electric field = volt/meter /

2 Potential Difference V

3 Inferring V from E

4 Work done by the electric field depends on direction of motion.

5 Potential is defined = Change In Potential, and is relative to a reference position (usually where V = 0)

6 Energy

7 Work done by push may be opposite of work done by field
work done by the field in this diagram is negative this causes DU to be positive



10 Potential is a Scalar Integral which is an easier calculation than E which is a Vector Integral

11 All charge at distance r.


13 dq dV V


15 If x >> R: which is a point-charge potential

16 If x << R: Potential approaches finite value but…
Potential approaches finite value but… the Potential is not the same function as found for an infinite plane of charge since V ≠ 0 when r = infinity

17 x V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 E = 0 inside a conducting shell implies V = constant inside

19 Example Equal Potential Lines

20 Electric Field

21 Summary Potential is a convenient scalar function which describes the charge situation Electric field can be deduced from the potential


23 Potential of Point Charge in Spherical Shell


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