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What Have We Learned? One Year as Co-Directors Elizabeth Davidson

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Presentation on theme: "What Have We Learned? One Year as Co-Directors Elizabeth Davidson"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Have We Learned? One Year as Co-Directors Elizabeth Davidson
Co-Interim Director Head of Public Services David Brennan Co-Interim Director Head of Technical Services & E-Resources Librarian Towson Conference for Academic Libraries Thursday, July 25, 2019 Albert S. Cook Library, Towson University

2 Session Objectives Explore operational and strategic issues with the model  Discuss and explore the challenges related to this and other position sharing models Explore how longer term planning for library mission and vision have been impacted This session discusses lessons learned after a year of experience with a co-director model at the Hoover Library, McDaniel College. The aims of this session are:  Review and discuss the operational and strategic issues that were directly impacted by the co-director model to encourage discussion and brainstorming about the limits on what can be realistically accomplished with this type of structure; in particular, long-range planning/mission/vision.  to elaborate on issues related to burnout, workload, and what adjustments we look to make going forward into the next academic year. How are we going to talk about this?

3 Discussion! We’ll be having you work in groups of 2/3 to brainstorm about a similar situation, so that you can organically generate your own thoughts about each question that we asked, and you can think creatively (and with a teammate) about things which you would be concerned about in a situation where you are asked to co-manage another position. This does not HAVE to be a director's position!

4 We even approach things like planning for this event in a collaborative manner – you can see the different handwritings and pen colors on the big whiteboard, which is how we usually brainstorm together. 

5 What does this mean? What does this mean when we apply a collaborative approach to planning the management of the directorship on top of our other jobs? 

6 Presume you are presented with this situation.
What is there to worry about? (Besides Everything….) Now it’s discussion time! We’re going to share with you the questions that we felt summarized most of our discussions and concerns as we approached this discussion, and we’re going to ask you to partner with another person in the room to brainstorm how YOU would focus on responding to them! We’ll be compiling the answers at the front on our giant poster board to share with you at the end of the session.

7 What questions would you ask and how would you go about answering them?
Is this a permanent or temporary arrangement? What are the reasons for the vacancy? Who has what roles and responsibilities? How do you decide? How is this going to work? How is success measured?

8 1 Is this a permanent or temporary arrangement?

9 Permanent vs. Temporary
Set goals accordingly - Be realistic Assess the situation honestly Do you want it to be temporary/permanent, or do you actually think/KNOW that the situation is temporary/permanent? David and I intend this situation to be temporary for a period of 3 years at most, but we also know that depending on the fiscal situation of the college we may be told that the situation is more permanent than originally planned. 

10 If Temporary: Plan your Transition back to Solo Directorship
Involvement on search committees – What are your roles? Revisions to director's job description? The transition period You have to be ready to let go of control and back up after your time in the hot seat is over. 

11 What are the reasons for the vacancy?
2 What are the reasons for the vacancy? How did this situation come about, and why does that matter? Think departmentally – and institutionally.

12 Reasons for Vacancy:  Retirement vs. voluntary separation vs. involuntary separation How does this impact morale?

13 Who drives the bus? Assess your Relationship with Provost & Administration
What are the politics in play? Examine the library's role in institutional goals

14 Who has what roles and responsibilities?
3 Who has what roles and responsibilities?  How do you decide? What does this mean with regards to your current responsibilities AND your new responsibilities? Who does what? 

15 Find Balance in your Roles
Who you manage  How you communicate How you bridge gaps 

16 4 How is this going to work? How is success measured?
How is this going to work = how are you going to negotiate this ongoing situation with one another over time? 


18 Ok, maybe it's a little more complicated than that ...
Acknowledge your personalities No cliques  Use your personal experiences Negotiate a way to argue Without Being Personal Without the right people and attitude, this will not work!

19 Measuring Success can be Complex!
What are the goals of the department/institution?  Set progressive benchmarks Discuss your goals with your co-lead, or you may not be on the same page about how or where things are going! Talk up your wins! Sharing your successes with your administrators help them see how you're a positive force.

20 Every situation is different Honestly acknowledge your reality
Wrapping it Up Every situation is different Honestly acknowledge your reality  TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! Be human.

21 For More Information: Thank you!
Elizabeth Davidson – David Brennan Thank you! 

22 A note about the following slides:
In our presentation, we invited our audience to participate in brainstorming their own answers to our questions before we talked about our experience. Here are their thoughts, numbered to correspond to the question they were answering.

23 1 Is this a permanent or temporary arrangement?

24 One team thought that it would be better to take the position for a year, then reassess the situation. Another had experienced this situation, where the next level supervisor agreed to take the position while the library team reorganized. There was much discussion about how budget situations, hiring freezes, projected timelines, the point of departure in the middle of plans or semesters would have an impact on the decision made.

25 What are the reasons for the vacancy?
2 What are the reasons for the vacancy? How did this situation come about, and why does that matter? Think departmentally – and institutionally.

26 Much discussion about how the remaining staff’s morale would be impacted, depending on how a team member left and what type of relationships they left behind!

27 Who has what roles and responsibilities?
3 Who has what roles and responsibilities?  How do you decide? What does this mean with regards to your current responsibilities AND your new responsibilities? Who does what? 

28 There’s a lot of discussion of how negotiation could/would be approached when working with your teammate.

29 4 How is this going to work? How is success measured?
How is this going to work = how are you going to negotiate this ongoing situation with one another over time? 


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