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What’s happening at the Academy?
Speak Out There are two new ways in which you can speak out about bullying. In the student reception, you will find a ‘Speak Out’ box. You can post your comments in here. Remember, we can only tackle bullying and support those being bullied if we hear about it and have enough information. Posting anonymously can’t work. You can also your concerns to our new address
School Key Words Responsibility Resilience Engagement Ambition Respect
These five words represent where we see ourselves and are now linked to the A1’s you can achieve during lessons
Aerosols and bodysprays
A reminder that aerosols and bodysprays are banned in school. Water based sprays are fine. They cause issues for people with breathing conditions and as a result are potentially very dangerous As a reminder: Food should only be consumed in the dining room or outside Banned Items (There are a few but here are the main offenders) Chewing gum Fizzy or energy drinks Glass Bottles
Science Club Science Club is the place for students who are interested in science to learn about all scopes of science from medicine to chemistry to physics to the environment in a hands on fun atmosphere. We will be: · Building rockets, towers and bridges Understanding sound using slime. (And making slime) Taking a creepy crawly audit Making Fireworks (safely). Producing lightning Parachutes. Musical instruments Secret messages and fire writing. Saving the world from global warming Sugar Monster and the screaming Jelly Babies. Who dunnit?· Making milkshake and sherbet. Science club runs after school on a Thursday until 4.15, in S6. It is open to all years.
Thursday Maths Support 3pm – 4pm
Week Date Higher Topic Foundation 1 12/09/2019 Room 37 Negative Numbers Room 34 Number Skills including Money 2 19/09/2019 Room 43 Factors Multiples Product of prime Room 35 26/09/2019 Room 41 Algebraic manipulation (inc. quadratics) Room 42 Algebraic manipulation 03/10/2019 Room 38 Angles (All) Room 36 Angle basics 10/10/2019 Room 40 Rounding and Estimation Fractions
Rm 39 Subject Champions Subject Champions are teachers who have volunteered to give extra help to all students who are registered to Rm 39. Make the most of their expertise to get extra advice with your subjects and help with your homework. Look out for posters around school and green stars on staff lanyards
Year 7 History – Funky Facts!!! – The Invaders
At the start of the First Century AD, the people living in Britain were called the Celts. Britain had been the target of failed Roman invasions but in AD43 a successful conquest began under Emperor Claudius. By AD84, the Romans were in control of England and Wales. The Romans had left Britain by around AD410, and the Angles, Saxons and Jutes (known as the Anglo-Saxons) began to arrive and settle. From around AD800, a group of raiders known as the Vikings started to attack the east coast of Britain. They settled in the latter half of the ninth century, leading to Viking control of half of England. In 1066, a group known as the Normans arrived from Northern France and began their conquest, leading to the reign of William I.
Year 8 – Funky Facts!!! – The ‘Age of Exploration’ and the ‘New World’
During the 15th and 16th centuries, leaders of European countries paid for expeditions hoping that explorers would find wealth and lands. The Portuguese were the earliest involved as around 1420AD, caravels (small ships) zipped along the African coast, carrying spices, gold, slaves and other goods from Asia and Africa to Europe. Spain also supported exploration and conquest. In 1492, the King and Queen paid for Christopher Columbus to sail across the Atlantic ocean searching for land and trade routes to the Far East. The Niña, the Pinta and the Santa Maria arrived in the Caribbean, looking for the “pearls, precious stones, gold, silver, spices, and other objects” but Columbus did not find much. Columbus did not “discover” the ‘New World’, as the Vikings had been there in the 11th century, however, his voyages kicked off centuries of exploration in North and South America. Queen Elizabeth I supported English exploration during the latter half of the sixteenth century.
Year 9 History – Funky Facts!!! – Emmeline Pankhurst
Emmeline Pankhurst was born on 14 July 1858 in Manchester into a very wealthy family. In 1903 she, along with her daughters Sylvia and Christabel, founded the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) which campaigned for British women to have the right to vote. The WSPU used extreme methods in order to get their message heard. They were called suffragettes. Members were known to smash windows, damage public property and even start fires. Many were arrested and some sentenced to time in prison, where they were treated very badly. In 1914 the First World War began. Emmeline Pankhurst encouraged WSPU members to put their demonstrations on hold, in order to focus on the war effort. When the war ended in 1918, the Representation of the People Act was introduced, giving women over the age of 30 who owned property, the right to vote.
Year 10/11 History – Funky Facts!!! – Medieval Ideas about Medicine
People in Medieval Britain believed illness was a punishment sent by God for their sins. Prayer was suggested to be the most effective form of treatment. Many people believed that ‘bad air’ spread disease. Some made the connection between dirt and stench. Doctors would look at zodiac charts to find the best time for a patient to be treated. People believed that the alignment of the stars and planets led to some diseases. Balancing the humours was a common form of treatment. This included purging, such as bloodletting, cupping, and prescribing emetics or laxatives.
Duke of Edinburgh Students in years 9 and 10 are invited to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh's award this year. For more information and to collect a letter please go to room 34 at lunch time on Tuesday 24th September.
Code Club / Robotics Club
Learn to code with the help of skilled sixth formers Every Tuesday in ICT 4 3:10 – 4:10
SISTER ACT 2020 Auditions will be held on 25/26/27th Sept, location A0.14 at the College. You will be allocated an audition time and these are on the notice boards in the music corridor and also have been mailed out to you if you have given us your mail address. If you are not able to come, please notify us as soon as possible and we will try and re-arrange a time slot. We have a huge amount of auditions, so please ensure you are prepared for the audition. Scripts have been sent out to people that have given their mail address to Miss Watkiss, if you haven’t please do so urgently. All that put their name down to be in the show NOT BACKSTAGE have all the information needed for auditions, if we have been given your mail address. ALL AUDITIONING FOR THE CHORUS/DANCER, TO LEARN THE SAME SONG FOR AUDITIONS, THE LIFE I NEVER LED As a team we are really excited about the upcoming auditions and looking forward to seeing you. PERFORMING ARTS STAFF
This week in PE Lots going on again this week in PE
MONDAY: Year 7 and 8 Netball Training TUESDAY: Year 7/8/9 Football Club TUESDAY: Year 9/10/11 Netball Training WEDNESDAY: Year 7/8/9 Football v Lutterworth C (Home) WEDNESDAY: Year 7/8/9 Netball v Lutterworth C (Home) WEDNESDAY: Year 7/8/9 Badminton Club THURSDAY: Year 10/11 Football v Lutterworth C (Away) THURSDAY: Year 10/11 Netball v Lutterworth C (Away) THURSDAY: Year 10/11 Badminton Club FRIDAY: Friday Lunchtime Club
PE Friday Lunchtime Club Week 1 - Yr 7 & 8
This is new club for any students who have received no B1’s in PE for the 2 weeks before the Friday Club. There are 2 sports on offer………………………….. FOOTBALL – Astro (Meet at the side gate next to the PE Mobile) DODGEBALL – Site B Sportshall These clubs start at 1.30pm & YOU DO NOT need to get changed.
PE Friday Lunchtime Club Week 2 - Yr 9, 10 & 11
This is new club for any students who have received no B1’s in PE for the 2 weeks before the Friday Club. There are 2 sports on offer………………………….. FOOTBALL – Astro (Meet at the side gate next to the PE Mobile) DODGEBALL – Site B Sportshall These clubs start at 1.30pm & YOU DO NOT need to get changed into kit.
Dance Extra Curricular
Monday 3:15-4:30 Dance Academy Tuesday 1:25-1:55 Musical Theatre - new class with spaces available for years 9-13! Tuesday 3:15-4:30 Street dance (please note the change from Thursday for this week only) Wednesday 3:15-4:30 KS3 Dance Academy Thursday 1:20-1:55 Dance Club - new class with spaces for years Please not this class takes place at site A hall - not at the college. See Mrs P with my questions
Dance Club Year 7-11 Dance Club will take place on Thursday lunchtimes at site A hall. STARTING 26/09/19! This will be a great class exploring musical theatre and commercial dance. Participants will have the option of taking part in the Dance Showcase but this is not essential!
At Wigston Academy
Champions League Due to a slight technical issue the Champions League results and league tables will follow shortly
Treat Friday
Year 7
Have a good week
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