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Solar System & Universe Study Guide

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1 Solar System & Universe Study Guide
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2 Study Guide: Universe & Solar System
8 planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune The Asteroid Belt Ptolemy created a solar system model with Earth in the center. Copernicus created a solar system model with the Sun in the center. Heliocentric model

3 Study Guide: Universe & Solar System
7. Compare & Contrast Meteors are shooting stars burning up in Earth’s atmosphere. Meteoroids are chunks of rock less than 1m floating in space. Meteorites are meteors that hit the Earth’s surface.

4 Study Guide: Universe & Solar System
8. Rocks and metals 9. rocks, dust, ice, & frozen gases; the tail points away from the sun 10. Spiral, on the Orion arm 11. spiral, elliptical, irregular 12. Galaxies * Youngest = Irregular * Oldest = Ellipticals 13. The Asteroid Belt

5 Study Guide: Universe & Solar System
14. Inner Planets/Terrestrial Planets Rocky surface, few moon, smaller, w/ dense cores. Mercury = no atmosphere (extreme heat & cold), 1 revolution = 88 days. Venus = thick atmosphere, 462˚C from greenhouse gases, Earth’s sister (same size) Earth = only planet w/life & water Mars = red from iron in soil, tallest volcano (Olympus Mons), dust storms

6 Study Guide: Universe & Solar System
15. Outer Planets/Gas Giants Large planets, mostly gaseous atmosphere, lots of moons. Jupiter = spins fastest (9.9 hrs), largest, Great Red Spot = storm raging over 300 yrs. Saturn = least dense (could float), impressive rings, farthest planet seen without telescope. Uranus = tipped on side, rotates up & down, coldest planet Neptune = windiest (over 2,000 km/hr), longest orbit (165 yrs around the sun), Great Dark Spot = storm like Jupiter’s, blue from Methane in atmosphere

7 Study Guide: Universe & Solar System
16. About billion years ago. 17. Big Bang 18. Pinwheel shape, rich in gas & dust, bulge & disk, young & old stars. 19. Round or oval shape, bulge only, cool gas & dust, mostly old stars. 20. No predictable shape, rich in gas & dust, youngest stars.

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