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Note Sydney River Superstore- food safety tour-

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1 Note Sydney River Superstore- food safety tour- 18 November 2019– arrive at Superstore at 10:35 am tour finishes at 11:05 am.- we will not have a class that day

2 Lecture September 2019 Good Nutrition on a Small Budget Meeting Canada’s Food Guide requirements for the least money and Obtaining Accurate Nutrition Information

3 Review of principles of food selection and
a good diet Adequacy Balance Energy control Nutrient density Moderation Variety these principles maintained by following Canada’s Food Guides

4 Remember in terms of cost /kg
meats > dairy >fruits and vegetables> grains these principles maintained by following Canada’s Food Guide which calls for less meat and dairy Chicken and pork are cheaper/kg than beef and lamb

5 DO: Buy in bulk, freeze what you can Buy unprocessed foods Buy unpackaged foods wherever possible Buy only what you can eat to maintain components of food selection without waste (reliable fridge and freezer)

6 DO: Read flyers and watch for coupons Shop at bulk food stores or join a food coop Avoid high-end chain stores Live with people who share your enthusiasm for a healthy diet and like similar foods

7 DO: Repeat menu every 3 weeks (chicken, pork, beef) and same for fish type Perhaps substitute soybeans for beef Remember that carrots, peas, chickpeas, various beans, rice and potatoes are relatively inexpensive and very nutritious when consumed in accordance with the dietary principles listed above and Canada’s food guide Not substitute supplements for food

8 Menu for the week Sunday Breakfast eggs bread 1-2 % milk Lunch fruit
Menu for the week  Sunday Breakfast eggs bread 1-2 % milk Lunch fruit fruit juice Dinner vegetables fish

9 Monday Breakfast cereal bread 1-2 % milk Lunch salad fruit fruit juice
Lunch salad fruit fruit juice Dinner vegetables rice

10 Tuesday Breakfast cereal bread 1-2 % milk Lunch cheese fruit
Lunch cheese fruit fruit juice Dinner pancakes

11 Wednesday Breakfast cereal bread 1-2 % milk Lunch fruit fruit juice Dinner vegetables fish

12 Thursday Breakfast cereal bread 1-2 % milk Lunch salad fruit
Lunch salad fruit fruit juice Dinner chicken rice and vegetables

13 Friday Breakfast cereal bread 1-2 % milk Lunch fruit fruit juice Dinner pasta with vegetables

14 Saturday Breakfast cereal bread 1-2 % milk Lunch salad fruit fruit juice Dinner vegetables Fish, fruit juice


16 Obtaining Accurate Nutrition

17 Usually reliable University publications (.edu) Web sites ending in .gov or .org Peer reviewed journal publications (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Nutrition Research, British Journal of Nutrition, Nutrition Reviews, New England Journal of Medicine, Lipids, Journal of Lipid Research, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Journal of Biological Chemistry and Journal of Clinical Investigation)

18 USUALLY RELIABLE Government Health Canada eg Nova Scotia Department of Health Nova Scotia Health Authority Pharmaceutical and nutraceutical firms – caution- they have something to sell but Good science required by Health Canada and FDA

19 USUALLY RELIABLE Volunteer Agencies Canadian Cancer Society Canadian Diabetes Association Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada

20 USUALLY RELIABLE Consumer groups American Council on Science and Health Federal Consumer Information Centre International Food Information Council

21 USUALLY RELIABLE Professional Associations American Dietetic Association Dietitians of Canada American Medical Association Canadian Medical Association

22 Usually unreliable sources
Firms and other organisations that are here one day and gone the next Firms that claim to have qualifications in the field but can produce no evidence of qualifications .com – may be alright but be cautious

23 Evidence of misinformation
Reliable versus unreliable Credentials Real results Evidence of misinformation

24 Credentials -Nutrition and/or dietetics training from an accredited university ( who is doing the accreditation?) -least 3-4 years of training

25 Credentials Watch out for: “nutrimedicine” fee for degree schools liberal use of the word doctor members of “professional societies” dietitian or nutritionist- this term may be unregulated in some jurisdictions

26 -usually- watch out for dry labing or fixing results
Real credentials yield real results usually -usually- watch out for dry labing or fixing results -real results gained by the scientific method

27 Scientific method -hypothesis -objective -method-validity and numbers of subjects -results-data and statistics are accurate -discussion and interpretation

28 Scientific method continued
Conclusions -not generalised to all people – use of word may References Publication in reputable peer-reviewed journals Repetition- with in group and by multiple groups Concept of a food (eg vegetables) to molecules to doses

29 Identifying misinformation
Personal testimonials- Hearsay and gossip Time-tested Is it really true?- such findings would be widely published Nonsense Medical jargon Hunger stimulation point

30 Identifying misinformation
Paranoia People are just out to get me- mostly my competitors Quick and easy fixes Who knows of the overnight cancer treatment “Just a little dab will do you” Natural Not necessarily safer or better

31 Identifying misinformation
Satisfaction guaranteed How, over what time, what recourse do you have? One product does it all Is there only one chemical reaction or disease in the body? Glossy adverts – in all media Watch out for the slick willy approach Have I got a deal for you

32 Identifying misinformation
People telling you not to listen to physicians or other qualified persons

33 Remember if it is too good to be true then it likely is not true and that the internet is hard to regulate- the net is worldwide and not every country has regulations at the point of source

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