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WISE GIS Group 15 January 2008 John Cima.

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1 WISE GIS Group 15 January 2008 John Cima

2 Chapter 3.1 Reference datasets

3 Reference datasets Three Types
Water Reference GIS datasets hydrological layers to provide a comparable basis for visualisation and assessment cross Europe. Background GIS datasets European-wide layers to provide context to mapping and support analysis External GIS datasets other analytical layers (such as CCM2) maintained by third parties to support of analysis and visualisation Main criterion is “relatively stable over time”

4 Water Reference Datasets
River Basin Districts Sub-Units Subsets of Water Bodies Rivers Lakes Transitional Waters Coastal Waters Artificial Waters Heavily Modified Waters Surface Water Bodies Groundwaters

5 Water Reference Datasets
WISE Reference Dataset Background information 1. Large Rivers and Lakes Rivers with a catchment size > 50,000 sq kms and tributaries > 5000 sq kms Large Rivers Based on 1 :10,000,000 GISCO data, supplemented by Article 3 Main Rivers and compiled as part of the electronic Article 3 submission delivery process. Large Lakes are Lakes with a surface area > 500kms 2. Main Rivers, Lakes, Artificial Waters, Heavily Modified Waters, No specific definition of main Transitional Waters, Costal Waters and Groundwaters. Main Rivers based on the Art.3 resubmission. Then processed to ensure that they represent all rivers with catchments > 500 km2. Large Lakes are Lakes with a surface area > 100kms Large Artificial Waters and Heavily Modified waters are a selected subsets of water bodies All transitional, coastal and groundwaters are considered to be Main

6 Water Reference Datasets
WISE Reference Dataset Background information 3. Water bodies Equivalent to the Article 5 Submissions of Rivers, lakes, transitional waters, coastal waters and groundwaters. 4. RBDs Derived from the Article 3 resubmissions. Available at four scales. 5. Sub-Units To be based on the proposed submission of Sub-Units.

7 Use of Water Reference Datasets
All Member States reporting can be represented as or linked to hydrographical features Indicators can be represented at either hydrological level or aggregation level Only objects defined at the hydrological level will be displayed. At aggregation level only overall indicators (e.g. RBD average or max/min values) are displayed.

8 Outline time table and progress
Commission responsibility to create Water Reference datasets. Process started in 2006 and is planned to continue until 2010 Longer term plan being devised by EEA Current state of play The Large River Network was established in 2006 based on the 1:10,000,000 GISCO rivers data set, supplemented by Article 3 Main Rivers. The rivers that will form the basis of the Main River Network were established in 2007 as part of the Article 3 re-submission process. Work now required to develop into a topological hydrological layer Harmonised set of the River Basin District polygons were established in 2007. National RBDs harmonised to EGM boundaries Revision underway to include the Article 3 re-submission detail and due for completion in early 2008. Plans required to incorporate Sub-Units

9 Issues with Water Reference datasets
Main Rivers How to link WFD River Water Bodies to Main Rivers Determining line graphics for rivers provided as point geometry Providing extensions of river water bodies to meet the coast-line Main Heavily Modified and Artificial water bodies Agreeing sub-set criteria e.g. large reservoirs National Borders Graphical inconsistencies Duplicate definition of water bodies Establishing the European hydrological codes Maintaining changes Water Bodies, RBDs and Sub-Units

10 Background and External datasets
As defined in the WISE viewer Background layers are as follows Water layers, Borders, Countries, Forest, Ocean, Settlements, Roads, Built-up areas Available at various scales External datasets CCM, Corine, Euro Regions, Competent Authorities

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