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Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Forum

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1 Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Forum
Jimmy Crumbacher 2/15/2017

2 This is a peer review document subject to the confidentiality requirement of the New Mexico Review Organization Immunity Act, NMSA § (2003). Unauthorized disclosure is strictly prohibited and subject to fines.

3 Objectives Preform a systems audit Identify system-based root causes
Propose system-level interventions Prioritize interventions based on effort-yield projections

4 Systems Audit Review the case Identify one outcome to work on
Determine the overall cost of this outcome Identify system-based root causes that contributed to this outcome Pick one systems issue to address Propose system-level interventions Prioritize based on effort-yield projections

5 Case 53 year old woman presents to clinic with severe headache x 4 days. It woke her up from sleep and has not gone away. She has no vision changes, but her ‘vision is so bad, I can’t tell anyway’. ROS: + Nausea and Vomiting PMHx: Seizure disorder - thinks it is controlled and hasn’t had an episode in 10 years. Social: + tobacco, is a caregiver for a younger woman who needs 24 hour assistance

6 Case Continued VSS Exam normal
A/P: Can’t rule out subarachnoid hemorrhage, recommended going to the ER for evaluation. Patient states she can’t wait in an ER, ad hoc for urgent CT.

7 The Outcome CT head never scheduled
3 days later, was seen for another ACV for MSK pain, no mention of headaches

8 What were the costs or potential costs of of this adverse outcome?

9 Systems-Based Root Causes?

10 One Specific Systems Issue

11 Potential Systems-Level Interventions?

12 Effort VS. Yield Can you prioritize these interventions based on effort versus yield?

13 Our Suggested Interventions?

14 Objectives Preform a systems audit Identify system-based root causes
Propose system-level interventions Prioritize interventions based on effort-yield projections

15 References Szostek, Jason H., et al. "A systems approach to morbidity and mortality conference." The American journal of medicine (2010):

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