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Status of HBOCs for TBI Indication

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1 Status of HBOCs for TBI Indication
Paula F. Moon-Massat, DVM, DACVAA Neurotrauma Dept., NMRC Silver Spring, MD Disclaimer The views expressed in this presentation are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Navy, Department of Defense, nor the U.S. Government. This presentation was prepared as a part of officials duties. Title 17 USC provides that Copyright protection is not available for any work of the United States Government, defined as work prepared by a military service member or employee of the U.S. Government as part of their official duties.

2 Rationale for TBI Benefit
Improved neurologic outcome PtbO2 Duration hypoxemia Fluid needs balanced CPP (oxygen delivery) Cerebral edema HBOC characteristics

3 Clinical TBI HBOC Data Historical Currently DCLHb No TBI trials
Exclusion criterion Compassionate Use Cerebral ischemia trial

4 TBI-Related Clinical Trial
[Prolong Pharma] Pts at risk for delayed cerebral ischemia following subarachnoid hemorrhage Exclusion: hemorrhage 2° to trauma  Endpoint Measure PbtO2 and CBF Neurological function Size of cerebral infarction

5 Preclinical TBI HBOC Data
TBI ± Trauma Studies N Species TBI 2 rat TBI + Trauma 9 7 swine 2 rodent Relevant Others w/ Brain Data N Species Trauma [4 have brain data] 4 of 16 swine Hemodilution 4 3 swine, 1 rat CPB 2 Top-load 1 rat 11 – 22 Studies w brain data ( )

6 HBOCs in TBI Preclinical Studies
HBOC-201, HBOC-301 (HbO2 Therapeutics) MP4CO-NP (Sangart) M101 (Hemarina) Oxyvita, Oxyvita C (OXYVITA Inc.) PNPH (Synzyme) Sanquinate (Prolong Pharmaceuticals)

7 HBOC-201 Trauma-only Swine Survival (N = 15)
Less severe More severe

8 HBOC TBI + Trauma Survival (6 swine, 2 rodent)
Less severe More severe

9 Collective Summary * (any species, HBOC)
2 4 8 1 12 3 PtbO2: 12/ CPP: 8/8 … CBF: 1/5 … ICP: 4/7… CVH: 4/4 … CVMO2: 2/2 …... Risk = Benefit * TBI (2), TBI + Trauma (10), Trauma (4), CPB (2), Dilution (3)

10 Collective Summary * (Cont.)
4 2 1 9 Risk = Benefit Wean/Extubate: 2/3…... Biomarkers: 1/1…...... Fluids: 9/9 … Edema: 2/2 … Contusion: 1/2 … Histopath: 4/6 … * TBI (2), TBI + Trauma (10), Trauma (4), CPB (2), Dilution (3)

11 Vasoconstriction Tissue-specific?
Type of Study Tissue Effect of HBOC Studies (N) Microvascular (1° rodent) Muscle Mesentery Vasoconstriction 18 Vascular ring (bovine) Lung Heart 1 (rat) Brain No effect 5

12 Blood flow - Tissue-specific?
With HBOC: Reduced muscle Unchanged brain (all other tissues) (Mongan, 2009)

13 HBOC Summary TBI Indication
Clinical Sparse 2 Compassionate Use – promising/cautionary Pre-clinical Acute or delayed Localized or global Brain vs. systemic differences Risk/Benefit No cerebral pial vasoconstriction CBF not skeletal blood flow Other (i.e., enzyme induction)


15 Future HBOC Studies Information on Optimizing the products
Autoregulation (CVH, BP, O2) Simultaneous and concurrent measurements Type of TBI (penetrating, blast, mild) Cognitive tests, behavior, longer duration studies Optimizing the products Dose Timing Frequency

16 TBI Compassionate Use JW, MVA (2009): D7: PbtO2 after HBOC
D9: Edema, death 12 h after HBOC Reperfusion injury? JW, MVA (2002): D2-5: HBOC for anemia D19: Discharged Marinaro, 2009; Cothren, 2002

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