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Test of Perceptual Skills 3rd Edition, 2006

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1 Test of Perceptual Skills 3rd Edition, 2006
TVPS-3 Test of Perceptual Skills 3rd Edition, 2006

2 Introduction of TVPS-3

3 TVPS-3 Anthor: Nancy A. Martin, Ph.D.
Assess visual perceptual abilities without requiring motor involvement when making response

4 Characteristics Not language-relevant (by saying, pointing. or other method upon agreement): Available for people with impairments of: motor, speech, hearing, neurological, or cognitive functions. Black & white colors: Available for color-blindness

5 Purpose of TVPS-3 For OT, school psychologist, optometrists et al.,:
To provide a reliable measure of perceptual abilities Help to figure out what problem is Used to monitor progress of intervention.

6 Psychometric Report of TVPS-3
Reliability: Internal consistency: Coefficient alphas: 0.96 for whole test; 0.75 ~0.88 for subtest Split-half reliability: Spearman Brown coefficient: 0.96 for whole test; 0.76 ~0.88 for subtest Test- retest reliability (Temporal Stability ):0.97 (range: 0.34 ~ 0.81)

7 Domains-1 TVPS-3,16 plates: MVPT-3, 5 plates: Spatial relationships
Visual discrimination Figure-ground Visual closure Visual memory Sequential memory Form constancy MVPT-3, 5 plates: Spatial relationships Visual discrimination Figure-ground Visual closure Visual memory

8 Domains-2 Visual Discrimination DIS Visual Memory MEM
Spatial Relationsip Form Constancy Sequential Memory Figure-ground Visual closure DIS MEM SPA CON SEQ FGR CLO

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