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Power point Victorian novel Virginia Woolf James Joyce

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1 Power point Victorian novel Virginia Woolf James Joyce
Caterina Sguassero

2 Victorian Novel Main features:
idealized portraits of difficult lives in which hard work, perseverance, love and luck win out in the end;. Virtue would be rewarded and wrongdoers are suitably punished. it gives a moral lesson at the end. is the literature produced during the reign of Queen Victoria ( ) (the Victorian era).

3 Literature devices Narrator:always present visible both in 3° and 1° person. It is omnicient and alternates summaries of previous events, personal commentries, scenes, character’s description, conversation, rteported conversations, conclusions and precis. The plot is very long. It is organized into a lot of chapters.

4 Virginia Woolf She is a Modern writer:
She Rejects the traditional sandards of the victorian literature. Radical trasformation in wich people consider reality and concept of life. Charls Darwin and the theory of evolution Einstein’s theory of relativity: In literature space and time were no linear. Present exist in the mind of the character. time of conciousness, Internal monologe. No story line , focus on the conciousness of characters Plot is reduced to the minimum:one day Narrator is eclipsed, shift of the point of view Mrs dalloway


6 James Joyce Ulysses Time is simultaneous. Stream of conciousness
No story line. Focus on the conciousness of character Plot is reduced to the minimum Narrator disappears Narrator disappears, no connectors, no puntuation, the use of language and of the same structure let’s the reader understant the text. The reader must cooperate with the text.

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