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An Introduction K. Merino

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1 An Introduction K. Merino 2019-2020
AP European History An Introduction K. Merino

2 Test Information The exam will be on Wednesday, May 6th, at 12:00 pm.
Exam time: 3 hours 15 minutes The AP Exam questions measure students’ knowledge of European history and their ability to think historically. Questions are based on key and supporting concepts, course themes, and historical thinking skills. Test Information

3 The Exam Format & Explanation

4 Exam Format Exam Sections: Section 1: Section 2:
Part A (40%) Multiple Choice, 55 questions, 55 minutes Part B (20%) Short Answer, 3 questions, 50 minutes Section 2: Part A (25%) DBQ, 1 question, 60 minutes Part B (15%) LEQ, 1 of 3 questions, 40 minutes Exam Format

5 Exam Breakdown: Multiple Choice
Section I: Part A Multiple Choice | 55 Questions | 55 Minutes | 40% of Exam Score Questions appear in sets of 2–5. Students analyze historical texts, interpretations, and evidence. Primary and secondary sources, images, graphs, and maps are included. Exam Breakdown: Multiple Choice

6 Section I: Part B Short Answer | 3 Questions | 40 Minutes | 20% of Exam Score
Questions provide opportunities for students to demonstrate what they know best. Some questions include texts, images, graphs, or maps. The SAQ section includes: Question 1, required: Question 2, required: Choose between – Question 3, covering periods 1 & 2 or Question 4, covering periods 3 & 4 Exam Breakdown: SAQs

7 Section II: Part A Document Based | 1 Question | 60 Minutes (includes 15 minute reading period) | 25% of Exam Score Analyze and synthesize historical data. Assess written, quantitative, or visual materials as historical evidence. Exam Breakdown: DBQ

8 Section II: Part B Long Essay | 1 Question | 40 Minutes | 15% of Exam Score
Students select one question among three. Three options on the same theme: Period 1 Periods 2-3 Periods 3-4 Explain and analyze significant issues in European history. Develop an argument supported by an analysis of historical evidence. Exam Breakdown: LEQ

9 Historical Reasoning Skills

10 Describe an accurate historical context for a specific historical development or process.
Explain how a relevant context influenced a specific historical development or process. Use context to explain the relative historical significance of a specific historical development or process. Contextualization

11 Describe similarities and/or differences between different historical developments or process.
Explain relevant similarities and/or differences between specific historical developments and processes. Explain the relative historical significance of similarities and/or differences between different historical developments or processes. Comparison

12 Describe causes or effects of a specific historical development or process.
Explain the relationship between causes and effects of a specific historical development or process. Explain the difference between primary and secondary causes and between short- and long- term effects. Explain the relative historical significance of different causes and/or effects. Causation

13 Continuity and Change over Time
Describe patters of continuity and change over time. Explain patterns of continuity and change over time. Explain the relative historical significance of specific historical developments in reflection to a larger pattern of continuity and/or change. Continuity and Change over Time

14 Historical Themes INSPECT

15 Interaction of Europe and the World (INT)
Motivated by a variety of factors, Europe’s interaction with the world led to political, social, and cultural exchanges that influenced both European and non-European societies. Why have Europeans sought contact and interaction with other parts of the world? What political, technological, and intellectual developments enabled European contact and interaction with other parts of the world? How have encounters between Europe and the world shaped European culture, politics, and society? What impact has contact with Europe had on non-European Society? Interaction of Europe and the World (INT)

16 National and European Identity (NEI)
Definitions and perceptions of regional, cultural, national, and European identity have developed and been challenged over time, with varied and often profound effects on the political, social, and cultural order in Europe. Why have certain definitions and perceptions of regional, national, and European identity developed? How have these identities been challenged over time? How do art, literature, and philosophy reflect or challenge these identities? National and European Identity (NEI)

17 Social Organization and Development (SCD)
Economic, political, and cultural factors have influenced the form and status of family, class, and social groups in European history, affecting both the individual and society. What forms have family, class, and social groups taken in European history, and how have they changed over time? How and why has the status of specific groups within society changed over time? Social Organization and Development (SCD)

18 States and Other Institutions of Power (SOP)
European states and nations developed governmental and civil institutions from 1450 to the present to organize society and consolidate political power, with a variety of social, cultural, and economic effects. What forms have European governments taken, and how have these changed over time? In what ways and why have European government moved toward or reacted against representative and democratic principles and practices? How did civil institutions develop apart from governments, and what impact have they had upon European states? How and why did changes in warfare affect diplomacy, the European state system, and the balance of power? How did the concept of balance of power emerge, develop, and eventually become institutionalized? States and Other Institutions of Power (SOP)

19 Economic & Commercial Developments (ECD)
Economic development, especially the development of capitalism, played an important role in Europe’s history, often having significant social, political, and cultural effects. How has capitalism developed as an economic system? How has the organization of society changed as a result of or in response to the development and spread of capitalism? What were the causes and consequences of economic and social inequality? How did individuals, groups, and the state respond to economic and social inequality? Economic & Commercial Developments (ECD)

20 Cultural and Intellectual Developments (CID)
The creation and transmission of knowledge, including the relationship between traditional sources of authority and the development of differing world views, had significant political, intellectual, economic, cultural, and social effects on European and world societies. What roles have traditional sources of authority (church and classical antiquity) played in the creation and transmission of knowledge? How did the major Western philosophical traditions reflect the changing European economic, political social, and cultural climate? How did the changing European economic, political, and social climate of Europe affect the European cultural and intellectual movements? How and why did Europeans come to value subjective interpretations? Cultural and Intellectual Developments (CID)

21 Technological and Scientific Innovation (TSI)
Scientific and technological innovations have increased efficiency, improved daily life, and shaped human development and interactions, having both intended and unintended consequences. How did Early Modern Europeans challenge the nearly sacrosanct Classical understanding of the world? How did technological and scientific innovations affect European culture, social order, economic development, and political climate? Technological and Scientific Innovation (TSI)

22 Periodization

23 Period 1 1450-1648 Units 1 & 2 Renaissance to Peace of Westphalia
Humanism New Monarchies Age of Exploration Renaissance Art Reformation Counter-Reformation Baroque Wars of Religion Thirty Years War Period Units 1 & 2

24 Peace of Westphalia to Congress of Vienna
Absolutism Bourbons, Stuarts, & Hapsburgs Constitutionalism Scientific Revolution Enlightenment Balance of Power Wars of Louis XIV Dutch Republic English Civil War French Revolution Napoleon Period Units 3, 4, & 5

25 Period 3 1815-1914 Units 6 & 7 Congress of Vienna to World War I
Concert of Europe Industrial Revolution The Isms Darwin New Imperialism Nationalism Communist Manifesto Revolutions 1848 Crimean War Unification of Italy & Germany Realpolitik Period Units 6 & 7

26 Period 4 1914-Present Units 8 & 9
World War I to the Present Total War World Wars 1 & 2 Age of Anxiety Fascism Cold War NATO vs Warsaw Pact European Union Physics, Psychology, Medicine Period Present Units 8 & 9

27 Resources

28 Important Resources College Board Course and Exam Description
AP Classroom (Personal Progress Checks) AP Euro class page Tom Richey’s review videos (as well as review videos created by others) Relevant Crash Course videos Khan Academy Important Resources

29 Class Website How to join: Go to website
In the right margin, enter your where indicated, and click “Follow”. Make sure to use an that you check regularly. This is the primary means of communication for this course. Video links, readings, assignments, handouts, etc. will be posted here. Class Website


31 Any Questions?

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