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Title I Schoolwide, School Improvement, and KansaStar

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Presentation on theme: "Title I Schoolwide, School Improvement, and KansaStar"— Presentation transcript:

1 Title I Schoolwide, School Improvement, and KansaStar
Doug Boline, Assistant Director SETS Michele- welcome Check the audience Intentions of this time SETS| Kansas State Department of Education | Landon State Office Building 900 SW Jackson St., Suite 620, Topeka, KS | |

2 10 Components of a Title I Schoolwide School
1. A comprehensive needs assessment. 2. Schoolwide reform strategies. 3. Instruction by highly qualified professional staff. 4. High-quality and on-going professional development 5. Strategies to attract high-quality, highly qualified teachers to high need schools. 6. Increase parental involvement. 7. Assisting preschool children in the transition. 8. Measures to include teachers in decisions. 9. Ensure that students who experience difficulty receive effective, timely additional assistance. 10. Coordination and integration of Federal, State, and local services and programs.

3 Why become a Title I Schoolwide School?
A Schoolwide is a catalyst for comprehensive reform of the entire instructional program. It allows educators to come together and work collaboratively. It addresses the needs of students in an integrated way. It permits Federal resources to be spent in ways that most effectively raise the achievement of students.

4 School Improvement A Continuous Improvement Cycle.
An honest evaluation of our system. Everyone has something they can improve upon. What is our current reality/status? Where do we want to be? How do we get there? How do we measure impact?

5 School Improvement in Kansas
Kansas Education Systems Accreditation (KESA) Redesign Title I Schoolwide Kansas Learning Network (KLN) – work with CSI, TSI and ATS schools. District Vision/Strategic Plan.

6 Title I Schoolwide Continuing Program Form

7 Title I Schoolwide Plans written under NCLB Need to be Updated
We have plans that go back as far as school year. During the school year, any Schoolwide plans written prior to the signing of the ESSA law (December 10, 2016) will need to be rewritten. All new plans must be submitted via KansaStar. Schoolwide plans should align with any other school improvement initiatives the building has undertaken, i.e., KESA, Redesign, and CSI, TSI, ATS. Doug

8 KansaStar is …. An online platform to document and drive district and school Improvement work. Free to all schools and districts in Kansas.

9 KansaStar –

10 Title I Schoolwide Supplemental Form

11 Title I Schoolwide 5 Components and Indicators

12 5 Components of a Title I Schoolwide
Leadership and Decision Making Curriculum, Assessment and Instructional Planning Classroom Instruction Parent, School, and Community Tiered Support

13 The KansaStar Indicators have been crosswalked with the the KESA Rubric’s and Redesign Principles.

14 KESA Rubric’s

15     Doug

16 KansaStar Access Contact Pat Hill for KansaStar account if you don’t already have one. Pat can also provide technical assistance in using the platform.

17 Doug Boline, Assistant Director
Kansas State Department of Education 900 SW Jackson St. Suite 620 The Kansas State Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:  KSDE General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, KSDE, Landon State Office Building, 900 S.W. Jackson, Suite 102, Topeka, KS 66612, (785)  

18 Evidence-based practices
Federal Funds-ESEA K-12 State At-Risk funds “E” in the subject index

19 Tate Toedman, Assistant Director
Kansas State Department of Education 900 SW Jackson St. Suite 620 The Kansas State Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:  KSDE General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, KSDE, Landon State Office Building, 900 S.W. Jackson, Suite 102, Topeka, KS 66612, (785)  

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