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Club & Society Introduction

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1 Club & Society Introduction
2019 – 2020 Committee Training: Club & Society Introduction Register your attendance here:

2 Opportunities Office The glass-fronted room by the Student Shop. Drop-in whenever you need us  Sign in to website to show mailing list product

3 Your Opportunities Team
Wojtek Salski – Student Opportunities Officer Phone: Lucie Gwilt – Student Opportunities Manager Phone: Thomas Morrissey – Societies Development Coordinator Phone: Louisa Fletcher - Interim Sports Coordinator Phone: TBC

4 What’s Happening This Week
There are a variety of sessions occurring, a description of each sessions can be found on the Committee Training Timetable On the timetable each sessions states: The sessions title The room it will be held in Required number of committee members OR the roles needed Some sessions have additional info: Some are duplicates so look out for “*Only attend one session*” There are a few sessions marked as “Not Compulsory” Some require pre-registration, link on Resource Hub Please note: One committee member to attend: MH First Aid, Emergency First Aid and Risk Assessment Every club/society to attend Risk Assessment Training The full timetable can be found printed around the Union or on the Tîm Aber Resource Hub

5 For a more detailed description of the roles click the links!
Roles & Purposes President (or equivalent) – The main point of contact for external communications with all external groups and individuals. You are ultimately responsible for the smooth and effective running of the committee and the club/society. Secretary – Manages administration, provides help to President. Responsible for administrating annual meetings and following the Constitution as well as the Code of Conduct. The role of secretary is to be the main contact for receiving and sending administrative details of all events/meetings. Treasurer – To manage the accounts, ensuring that all invoices are signed for and paid in a timely manner and that the club/society remains financially stable throughout the year. Additional Roles: Each club and society may have up to 10 committee members in total, possible additional roles include: Vice President Events Manager Social Secretary Media Officer Equipment Manager Health and Safety Officer Welfare Officer Trips Officer Welsh Officer Captain Coach Kit Manager

6 Key Documents Constitution – Provides a set of rules for running a club/society. Provides guidelines for conflict resolution and a framework for action so that the club/society can accomplish its goals. Code of Conduct – Document stating how the society/club is operating. Describes rules of taking action, process of raising a complaint, process of electing the committee and all rules in accordance to NGB recommendations. Risk Assessment – Document assessing the risk of running any activity included in the code of conduct and constitution. Must include potential risks, hazards and actions taken to mitigate the above. Equipment List – Up to date list of club/society equipment available to all members. Recommended to update every time a new piece of equipment is purchased. If your club/society has no equipment, state on the equipment list. To find out how, come to either of the Website, Design and Marketing sessions! Upload all of these to your Club/Societies Microsoft Team and onto your Club/Societies webpage

7 Tîm Aber @TimAberTeam Insurance:
To join any of our Clubs and Societies individuals will need Tîm Aber Insurance It’s a one off annual fee of £4 Once purchased a student can join as many Sports clubs and Societies as they wish Associate members from outside of the university will need to purchase their own insurance

8 Room Bookings Booking forms can also found on the Tim Aber Resource Hub Union Rooms Available: Main Room (booking form needed) Picture House (booking form needed) Meeting Rooms: 1, 2, 3 & 4 Sports Centre Facilities Contact the Sports Coordinator For general enquiries or to book Union rooms

9 Minibus’s We have a fleet of vehicles available for your club/society to use: Fleet: 1 x 17 seater (disabled access) 3 x 15 seater 1 x 9 seater Links: How to guide Availability timetable Register as a driver form Trip registration form Costs: £85 per day hire Fuel Also found on Tîm Aber Resource Hub Driver Requirements: Over 21 2 years or more since passing test UK or EU licence No points Full (manual) licence not automatic For general enquiries or to book your relevant coordinator!

10 Club/Society Elections & By-elections
Advertise all committee positions to members Inform all members of Election date, time and venue – MIN. 2 WEEKS BEFORE Host election: Delegates to give brief speech on why they should be voted in for the specific role Members (paid student members ONLY) to vote either by show of hands or ballot – ballot recommended Existing President (or equivalent) to collate new committee details Deadline to host election and submit new committee details is 1st May 2020 For by-elections / changes to committee mid-year, you must us with the new committee details ASAP so we can update our records

11 Quick Intro to Student Voice!


13 What is Democracy? Democracy = Demos (People) + Kratia (Power)
How do students have power at the Students’ Union? – time for a quick overview!


15 Elections … are important!

16 Elections Autumn By-Elections
Elections for positions covering Academic Reps, vacant Volunteer Officer roles and NUS Conference delegates. Standing Opens: Monday 16th September 2019 Standing Closes: 12pm Monday 7th October 2019 Candidates Briefing: 4pm and 6pm Monday 7th October 2019* Voting: Monday 14th – Friday 18th October Results: Friday 18th October *Volunteer Officer roles and NUS Conference delegates only.

17 Elections Spring Officer Elections
Elections for all positions covering Full-time and Volunteer Officers roles. Standing Opens: Wednesday 1st January 2020 Standing Closes: 12pm Tuesday 25th February 2020 Candidates Briefing: 4pm and 6pm Tuesday 25th February 2020 Voting: Monday 9th – Friday 13th March 2020 Results: Friday 13th March 2020

18 Elections Spring By-Elections
Elections for positions covering Academic Reps and vacant Volunteer Officer roles. Standing Opens: Monday 16th March 2020 Standing Closes: 12pm Friday 27th March 2020 Candidates Briefing: 4pm Friday 27th March 2020* Voting: Monday 20th – Friday 24th April 2020 Results: Friday 24th April 2020 *Volunteer Officer roles only

19 Meetings … help us help you!

20 Zones A successful Zone allows students to address issues most relevant to them in a much more personal setting with a range of attendees that can: Update everyone with their plans and events Encourage the Full Time Officer to take action on an issue Provide feedback on Ideas you may want to submit to Council Suggest wording and improvements for Ideas or Campaigns Help provide facts and personal experiences relevant to the topic Identify how working on an Idea or topic could have positive effects Identify opportunities to work together on joint problems Answer questions

21 Sports/Society Zones What are Zones? Updates from Staff and Officers
Informal Discussion Agenda is Student Led – submit topics you wish to be covered It is an opportunity for you to: Raise Issues and Ask Questions Who should attend? Any student! However, we recommend at least 2 of your committee members attend each one to ensure you are up to date on issues arising or any changes throughout the year 2019/20 Dates: 14th October 11th November 3rd February 2nd March

22 Senedd Senedd is the highest decision making body at AberSU. Senedd is designed to represent all students, and sets what AberSU believes in and works on. Senedd is led by an elected student chairperson. All students can submit ideas and speak at any Senedd. If an idea is passed through Senedd it becomes Union Policy for three years, forming part of our work.

23 Senedd – who can vote? 5 Full Time Officers 11 Volunteer Officers
6 Faculty Representatives 2 UMCA Executive Members 5 Representatives of Sports Clubs 5 Representatives of Societies For ideas to be passed through Senedd all meetings must reach a Quoracy of 50% +1 of all voting members.

24 The BIG MEETING (AGM) Every registered student is automatically a member of the Students’ Union and can attend, speak and vote at the meeting. The meeting can only go ahead with 100 members present. Follows the same process as Senedd, only every student present at the meeting can vote.

25 Sports and Societies Zone Deadline for Amendments
Meeting Cycles Sports and Societies Zone Mondays, 6pm Academic Zone Welsh Culture Zone Wellbeing Zone Deadline for Ideas Mondays, Midday Deadline for Amendments Senedd Mondays, 6pm, Main Room October 2019 14/10 15/10 16/10 17/10 21/10 28/10 04/11 November 2019 11/11 12/11 13/11 14/11 18/11 25/11 02/12 The Big Meeting Holidays and Exams February 2020 03/02 04/02 05/02 06/02 10/02 17/02 24/02 March 2020 02/03 03/03 04/03 05/03 09/03 16/03 23/03

26 Meetings don’t work without the students!
These meetings and ways to raise feedback are there for you all year round encourage others to use them.

27 So What Kind of thing can we work on?
Ideas come in in all shapes and sizes! If you have an Idea for a ‘quick fix’, you may only need to let us know in a couple of sentences, whereas some Ideas end up as policies that can be a few pages long!

28 If you have any questions

29 Equality & Inclusion AberSU operates a strict Equal Opportunities Policy Inclusivity training and workshops will be held in Term 1 Clubs and Societies will be asked to display an Inclusivity statement on their webpage - This will be sent out in the coming weeks Take our ‘No Excuses’ Pledge – tackling bullying, harassment and violence on campus Will link to benchmarking (Tim Aber Accreditation Scheme) criteria



32 #HiddenDisabilities #HiddenDisabilities #HiddenDisabilities
NO INITIATION Please do not initiate any interaction (verbal or non-verbal) with me. #HiddenDisabilities PLEASE INITIATE I would like to socialise but have difficulty initiating. #HiddenDisabilities NEUTRAL You can communicate with me at your own discretion. #HiddenDisabilities

33 Tîm Aber Accreditation Scheme
Way of recognising the development of our Clubs and Societies and celebrating achievements Benchmark Club/Soc development, ensure that participating groups offer the best possible experience for members and supporters, builds sustainability, helps to boost club and society reputation and gain access to a number of group perks How does it work? Any student group affiliated to Aber SU can take part and can achieve 4, 3, 2 or 1 star accreditation. Register for the scheme and submit evidence for the criteria your group has met here Wait for your evidence to be approved by staff And track your progress as you work through the scheme Rewards will be offered to those who gain accreditation

34 We will send out more information on this soon!
Tîm Aber Accreditation Scheme We will send out more information on this soon!

35 Any questions about RAG?
Aber RAG “Raising & Giving” Every Club & Society should host a RAG event / activity of some form Your designated RAG week has already been sent out by Wojtek You can raise for one of the SU Charities (currently being voted on by students) or choose your own Any questions about RAG?

36 DEADLINE TO APPLY: Friday 20th September 12pm!
Grants £10,000 allocation for 19/20 to be split between Societies and Clubs So far we have had 42 applications for the summer grant Clubs and Societies so far have asked for £14,567 The grant panel will meet next week to decide allocation Grant Panel Structure: Opportunities Office Team: Wojtek, Lucie, Louisa & Tom DEADLINE TO APPLY: Friday 20th September 12pm! Go to: Tim Aber Resource Hub > General Forms and Information > Apply for a Grant

Fresher's Fair Dates and Times: Monday 23rd September – Wednesday 25th September Club and Society stalls: Monday and Tuesday Open 9:30am – 16:00pm (9:30am - 10:30am is quiet hour) Clubs/Socs can set up from 9:00am Key Info: Stall allocation: check s or go to the Resource Hub Two chairs and table (0.9mx0.6m) No designated drop-off point, any vehicles on double-yellow lines will be clamped Only 3 committee members on a stall at one time NO external brand promotion, alcohol or own music Promotional material NEEDS to be bilingual The full details can be found in the Freshers’ Fair Terms and Conditions on Tîm Aber Resource Hub NO SIGN-UP SHEETS | MAILING LISTS

38 Key Dates General Training starts (facilities) 30th September
BUCS Fixtures Begin 9th October Team Photos W/C 9th March Societies Awards Dinner 28th April Sports Awards Dinner 29th April Committee 2020/21 Elections Submitted by 1st May Zones 1st Zones meeting 14th October 2nd Zones meeting 11th November 3rd Zones meeting 3rd February 4th Zones meeting 2nd March Main Events Homecoming Sat 2nd November Aber Challenge *NEW* 8th - 10th November Superteams (Women’s) 14-16th February Superteams (Men’s) 21st – 23rd February Varsity & Societies Fest *NEW* 21st March Aber 7s 2nd & 3rd May

39 If in doubt, ASK US! Checklist Summary Key Documents
Uploaded to MS Teams – 4th October Constitution Code of Conduct Equipment List Risk Assessment Update webpage on SU website Contact details Key documents Inclusion statement Complete grant form – 20th September (12pm) Begin ‘Tim Aber Accreditation’ process If in doubt, ASK US!

40 Questions? Register your attendance here:

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