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Langford Primary School

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Presentation on theme: "Langford Primary School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Langford Primary School
Team : Reception Class teacher: Sabela Castro Teacher Assistant: Emma Turtle

2 Behaviour Expectations – our policy
Langford In Harmony Stay on Green Any concerns are communicated via face to face or over the phone Star of the Week- 100% attendance, stay on green the whole week and aspect of learning.

3 Routines Home learning :
English and Maths practice will be sent every week in order to secure aspects learned during the week (e.g games or songs) -It will be sent on a Friday. -It should be returned by Wednesday. Reading: new reading scheme. PE is on Friday- please ensure they have their full P.E. kits Library is on Monday´s- each Monday they will be taking books home and will have to return them next Monday.

4 Curriculum this term Maths: Number recognition
Counting and one to one correspondence (up to 20) Number bonds (up to 5) English: Writing and guided reading tasks based on different books Describing words (adjectives) Literacy: the way stories are structured (beginning, middle and end). Phonics: Learning the different sounds in the alphabet What are graphemes and phonemes Segment and blend sounds to write words Topic: This term we will be learning about ‘Ourselves’ and what makes us unique.

5 Communication I am available before and after school or you can book in a meeting with the office.

6 How you can support your child at home
Continue to read your child as often as possible In case English and Maths practice was sent- ensure is completed to a high standard Read all letters and communication from school

7 Questions

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