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Resilience Perspectives

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1 Resilience Perspectives
Greater Manchester - Resilience Perspectives 13th September 2017 Mark Atherton (Greater Manchester Deputy Director for Environment, GMCA) Matt Ellis (Climate Resilience Officer, GMCA)

2 GM – ‘preparing for a volatile climate’
Today we are hearing about a range of City and resilience issues and as will come as no surprise ‘resilience’ as a concept and an aspiration is very important to GM Myself and Mark Atherton work in the GM environment team within the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and as a result we are focussed on climate resilience, what a changing and volatile climate means for GM and what we need to do to address the issues which result Like many cities we have high level commitments to prepare. We have worked with partners such as the university for many years to understand and many of our key critical infrastructure providers are active in managing risks So climate resilience is very important to use. It is a concept we recognise and work as a CA to address. However, climate resilience is a complex technical, policy and delivery challenges involving actions of a large range of stakeholders. And to adapt effectively, stakeholders need to understand relevant climate hazards and impacts and the frameworks within which they and others need to take action to manage related risks. Further, this must be done in a complex landscape of responsibilities and overlapping boundaries (geographic, administrative etc.). So I’d use this image to illustrate the challenge and where it feels like GM is currently Run through

3 Climate Resilience – A Journey from A-B?
But how do we and cities get here (and beyond so wer’re all going through the green door? Well it isn’t always a linear and logical journey from A-B. We’ve seen this conceptual framework from Jeremy earlier. And historically and as a result of being part of the RESIN project we are attempting to be more logical and follow the framework concept However it hasn’t (and still doesn’t always follow this and the journey is therefore less controlled than it might potentially be So for example, and this may feel familiar to some practitioners, we can see a journey like this Run through slide ??? ??? ???

4 Scope – what’s in and what’s not
So in terms of scope we are obviously talking about resilience to climate change and the more obvious direct impacts of climatic hazards on GM and its infrastructure But increasingly we are considering issues in other areas where resilience to shocks and stresses come into play.  So, alongside providing the more well understood climate resilience ecosystem services such as flood and temperature control, the natural environment can more widely improve physical and mental health. And when we consider that poor health outcomes are a stressor or a depressor of peoples general resilience shocks more generally, starting to think about resilience in a wider sense starts to become more important.  Fuel poverty may be similar in terms of helping financial resilience alongside carbon mitigation aspirations but meaning possibly some vulnerable households would then be better placed to manage a climate shock.  But state this multi benefit approach means we need to reach out and engage with many sectors and stakeholders (some we already do) around these positively (Hopefully) overlapping agendas. 

5 Power, leadership and learning - transforming strategy into action
Embedding – GM Strategy and Spatial Framework Leadership – The Mayor of Greater Manchester Power – Devolution and the Combined Authority Knowledge Transfer – awareness and skills Capacity Building – cooperation and joining up Embedding - Gmsf & GMS Leadership - Mayor Power - devolution Knowledge Transfer – awareness and skills Capacity – Cooperation an joing up

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