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Presentation on theme: "Cupping."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cupping

2 History of Cupping Cupping has been passed down through generations. It can be seen in both European & Asian medical histories. It is unclear which country was the founder. Mainly used for cold’s & flu’s in Europe & traditionally for Acupuncture in Asia. Today it is still used for the same reasons however we have found that it can produce dramatic results when used for musculoskeletal injuries.

3 How does it work? Cupping works by drawing stagnated blood out of the targeted hypertonic muscle. When a muscle tightens (due to fatigue or overuse) the blood inside is not receiving a fresh amount of oxygen and nutrients, so the blood cell cannot be replenished, so it ages.

4 Cupping: Why Cup? Relaxing hypertonic musculature
Breaking up scar tissue Treating contusions (Must be +48 hours) Increasing blood flow to an area Treating fascia and trigger points Flush out stagnated blood

5 Contraindications Open skin, wounds Oedema Surgical Scarring
Varicose Veins Abdomen and breast tissue Flaccid skin, stretch marks Anticoagulent medications Birthmarks, moles Young children Pregnancy

6 IMPORTANT!! As practitioners we must always obtain client consent. For a patient to give consent they need to know exactly what the procedure is and how it works. YOU MUST EXPLAIN: That they will be heavily bruised and tender after the session for up to 5 days and their bruising may last several weeks. That there may be a flame involved in the procedure.

7 Styles of Cupping Static Cupping Slide Cupping Empty Cupping
Myofascial Cupping Blood Letting/ Wet cupping

8 Types of Cups Glass Cups (requires flame) Bamboo Cups (requires flame)
Plastic Cups (requires pump) Rubber Cups

9 Equipment Needed per Patient
Flame Cupping: 1x Methylated Spirits 2x Forceps Cotton Wool Tea light candles Matches Massage Oil Cups: Various Sizes

10 Room Setup To ensure safety, your room will need to have: A sink
Floor boards or tiled floor Fire Blanket/ Extinguisher CONFIDENT PRACTITIONER

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