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Vocabulary Chapter Chapter 23 Chapter 31 Chapter 40

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1 Vocabulary Chapter 23-44 Chapter 23 Chapter 31 Chapter 40
21. Careen pious quizzical Chapter Chapter Chapter 41 22. Optimistic vaporize dissuade 23. Miscellaneous 24. Chaotic Chapter 35 29. ogle Chapter Chapter 36 25. Besieging roster 31. mill Chapter Chapter 39 26. Crucial infinitely

2 Ch. 23 21. careen (v) ca·reen [kə reen]
1. sway or swerve while moving: to move forward at high speed, swaying, lurching, or swerving from one side to the other 2. move rapidly:  He seemed to careen from one job to the next.

3 Ch. 25 22. optimistic (adj.) op·ti·mis·tic [optə mistik]
1. Having a positive frame of mind: tending to take a hopeful and positive view of future outcomes

4 Ch. 25 23. miscellaneous (adj.) mis·cel·la·ne·ous [missə laynee səs]
1. composed of varied things: made up of a variety of ingredients 2. each being different: a task force of miscellaneous specialists

5 Ch. 25 24. chaotic (adj.) cha·ot·ic [kay ottik]
1. totally confused or disorderly: out of control 2. inherently unpredictable

6 Ch. 27 25. besiege (v) be·siege [bi seej]
1. to surround 2. crowd around somebody: to crowd around somebody in an oppressive way 3. harass somebody or something: The box office was besieged by fans wanting tickets.

7 Ch. 30 26. crucial (adj.) cru·cial [kroosh’l]
decisive: most vital and of the greatest significance in determining an outcome of great importance

8 Ch. 31 27. pious (adj.) pi·ous [pi əss]
1. devoutly religious, sometimes in appearance only 2. praiseworthy: deserving to be praised

9 Ch. 33 28. vaporize (v) va·por·ize [vaypə riz]
to change or be changed into vapor Vanish or make vanish: to vanish, or cause somebody or something to vanish

10 Ch. 35 29. ogle (v) o·gle [og’l]
1. to look at with desire: a prolonged flirtatious look at somebody

11 Ch. 36 30. roster (n) ros·ter [rostər]
1. list of names: the people listed on a roster

12 Ch mill (v) [mil] To move around as a group without apparent purpose: to move around in a confused or restless group Noun 1. flour-making factory: a building or group of buildings in which cereal grains are ground to make flour or meal

13 Ch. 39 32. infinitely (adv.) In·fi·nite [infənit]
1. endlessly 2. not measurable: without any finite or measurable limits 3. greater than any assigned value

14 Ch. 40 33. quizzical (adj.) quiz·zi·cal[ kwizzik’l]
1. questioning: expressing a question, puzzlement, or doubt in a mocking or amused way

15 Ch. 41 34. dissuade (v) dis·suade [di swayd]
1. to persuade someone not to perform an action

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