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Implementing the toolkit Training resources

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing the toolkit Training resources"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing the toolkit Training resources
eviQ Education

2 Training requirements
All staff expected to take triage calls require: training competency assessment Three components Pre-reading Toolkit manual Face to face Group session Local facilitator Presentation Discussion Scenario practice Competency assessment Observed clinical practice Skills assessment Local facilitator Annual reassessment

3 Pre-reading - resources
UKONS resources Toolkit manual eviQ Education resources Rapid learning – minimodule Summarises key points 5 minutes Practitioners should be encouraged to read the toolkit manual prior to attending training. Avilable from eviQ and eviQ Education websites. The eviQ Education mini module provides an introduction to the toolkit and summarises the key points of the manual. Staff may wish to use the mini module as a refresher or as supplementary pre-reading prior to attending face to face training.

4 F2F training- resources
UKONS resources Powerpoint slide deck Adaptable Includes History Rationale for use Triage process Roles and responsibilities Documentation and data records Auditing Telephone consultation and communication skills scenarios Downloadable from eviQ Education eviQ Education resources Our case studies and ppt from earlier today Adaptable These slides can be adapted to local policies and procedures e.g. to include local emergency numbers or contacts. The training slides include details such as: development of the tool and rationale for use the triage process professional roles and responsibility accurate documentation and data recording auditing telephone consultation skills and techniques

5 Added bonus - consolidate
Scenario practice Branched narrative case studies Choose your own ending The eviQ Education scenarios each follow a call from a patient or carer to an advice line and provide an additional opportunity for learners to test their knowledge and practice their triage skills. The scenarios allow learners to experience the outcomes of decisions they make by providing alternative endings coupled with feedback and rationales. Scenarios may be accessed at any time but are best used to consolidate learning following face to face training, prior to competency assessment.

6 Competency assessment
Competency assessment record Toolkit manual Skills assessed: Giving clinical advice Reassuring patients/carers Identifying ability of callers to act on advice Completion of assessment pathway Decision making Documentation A competency assessment record is included as part of the toolkit on pages The competency framework assesses knowledge and skills requirements for the following domains: giving clinical advice, including; emergency situations and monitoring for changes in condition reassuring patients/carers identifying ability of patient/carer to act on advice, treatment or care requirements ensuring callers contact the line again if required to do so completing the assessment pathway and documenting and reviewing decisions documenting any decisions that fall outside of the guideline and including a rationale

7 Miss anything? Guide for facilitators Rapid learning minimodule 5 mins
Includes governance training and competency requirements links to training resources

8 Where can I find it all?

9 Where can I find it all? eviQ Education Rapid learning Scenarios
Slide deck Manual Triage tool Log sheet

10 Thank you! Questions?

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