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Class News Ms. Mayo A Peek at this Week… School

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1 Class News Ms. Mayo A Peek at this Week… School- 620-845-2585
2nd Grade Sept. 9-Sept. 13 Spelling Words grass trips crack still west mask clap plans milk belt fog tub by he she Ms. Mayo School Cell - Classroom Twitter- @mskmayo A Peek at this Week… Grandparent’s Week is this week- luncheon directions have been sent home with students today. Hope to see lots of guests. Reminder to speak to your children about keeping their hands and feet to themselves- we have had a lot of issues with this. I realize in past years this class has had 2-5 adults with them, however due to number changes we only have 1-3 depending on the time of day. - They have got to take some responsibility to have some self control in this issue, by second grade I expect them to have a higher level of restraint than younger students. They should be setting the example in the lower hallway as they are the leaders in the downstairs! School policy dictates an office referral for hitting/kicking/spanking/etc. We have spent a great deal of daily class time reviewing expectations and consequences in combination with treatment of others. It is starting to eat into our academic time, which no one wants. I will not tolerate any hands/feet being put on others- this policy applies to everyone! Thank-you for your help and support with this matter. There was some confusion to the vocabulary list sent home last week- I sent it home to study the words, there is no assignment for this. For this week and from now on- I made a list of words and attached it to the sight words for the week. This is just meant as a study tool. Vocab and comprehension test will always be on Friday for the week’s story along with sight words for the week. Hope this helps. What are we covering this week: Reading/Language Arts- “Finding Cal”, “Not Norman”, Comprehension- character, setting, events, Genre- Fiction, Grammar- Subjects, Friendly Letters Math- We will finish up Chapter 1 this week- Test on Wed. Some of the kids are really struggling with reading 3 digit numbers. You can help with this at home by writing larger numbers and having them read them to you- asking which number is in the hundreds, tens, ones places., Science- Begin Classifications of Animals.

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