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The Standards Based Classroom
Quinton L. Ward Assistant Principal of Instruction August 2019
Standards Based Classroom (SBC)
Each room should have the following: - Instructional Board Whiteboard Word Wall Classroom Library Classroom Data Wall Make-up work Station Each day the 3 part lesson model will be used
What is an instructional board?
The Instructional Board
Purpose The purpose of the instructional board is to inform students of the following: The standard that they are learning The task that they have been assigned to practice for a given standard It is also to provide the students with an example of how what they are learning should look after that standard has been mastered.
The Standard The standards refers to the Georgia Standards of Excellence. The standard defines what is to be taught in a particular subject. An element is a component or subsection of that standard.
Rubric The Rubric spells out to the child the criteria which determines whether they have met the standard, exceeded the standard or did not meet the Standard
Student Exemplar Student exemplars are examples of student work. The student exemplar should be graded work which provides examples of work that has met and/or exceeded the standard. Please refrain from posting work that has not met the standard.
The Task The Task refers to the specific assignment given by the classroom teacher to develop the students comprehension of the targeted standard. These are the directions to the actual assignment.
The Circumstances Circumstances are the specific instructional methods used to accomplish the task. For example Think Pair Share, Small Group work, or Jig Saw to name a few.
Student Exemplar Student Exemplars are examples of student work. The student exemplar should be graded work which provides examples of student work that has met and exceeded the standard. The student exemplar is an example of the work. Please refrain from posting work that has not met the standard. Teacher Commentary, is the most important component of the instructional board. The teacher commentary gives a detailed explanation of what was done correctly and why it was correct as well as what was done incorrectly and an explanation of why it was incorrect. The statement, “Good Job!” or “Excellent work” is not adequate commentary because it does-
Student Exemplar cont’d
not explain to the child what was good and why it was good. The student should be able to obtain a good understanding of what meeting or exceeding the standard is and is not. They should know what you are looking for. Samples of student work relevant to the standard being introduced should be available as the teacher is introducing the standard. The exemplar can be created by the teacher until actual student work is available.
Student Exemplar/Model
The Instructional Board Student Exemplar/Model The Standard Circumstances The Task Student Exemplar Rubric Click on any section to get an explanation of that section of the board
The White Board
The White board The following items should be found on the white board daily: Standard (written out, legible, and large enough to be read from the rear of the room. Do not list the abbreviated number alone) Essential question 3 Part lesson (Opening, Work Period, and Closing) What will be taking place during these segments of the lesson. The assignment that is to be worked on and the assignment to be collected Upcoming events with dates (Test, Quiz, Project, Field trip, etc.
Whiteboard example Upcoming Events Posted Standards Essential Question
Please make sure that what you have written for the Opening, Work period, and Closing is clear to students and the evaluator. Opening Work Period Closing Homework
Word Wall/Data Wall Each room is to have a word wall which displays content specific vocabulary relevant to the course and current unit of study. Usage of the terminology relevant to the standards should be spoken in class daily. Each room shall have a section of a wall designated as the team data wall. Class specific performance data should be posted. No individual student scores should be posted. More details should follow Data Wall- print out a copy of your grade book by student ID number so kids can see what assignments they have missed. Use the student growth data template
Student Make-up/Lesson Plans/Subfolder
Students should be given at least 1 documented opportunity to make up missing assignments. Please see notes section for details. A Lesson plans should be posted weekly in Outlook 365 and your lesson plan folder that is placed on the wall in a folder near the front of your classroom. When absent, a substitute folder should be turned in to your department chair and replenished after each unit. Students should be given 1 documented opportunity for students to make up missing work. Documented- The student shall sign for his/her make up work. The student should be given a specific date for the work to be returned. It does not matter if the student was absent excused or unexcused, Out of school suspended, in school suspension, or simply did not do the assignment. The child should receive one documented opportunity to make-up missing work. I strongly suggest the use of USAtestPrep, Brain Genie, etc. These plat
Substitute Folder Welcome Letter Lesson plans Seating Charts
Bell Schedule Class sign-in sheets Assignment sheet Teacher comments page Emergency procedures Please ensure that your teacher work space is organized and free of clutter
The 3 Part Lesson Opening- a good opening has a hook (initial focus), an appropriate introduction of the standard, a mini lesson, and clear directions leading to the work period Work period – should be student centered and collaborative in nature. Students should know what they should be working on. There should be a product. The closing- should provide a review of what was learned via presentations, student lead discussions, etc. A hook is the tool, visual, the object lesson, the imagery, the device that is used to get the students attention such that they are interested in what you are getting ready to teach.
The 3 Part Lesson Your hook is how you are going to get the children to initially focus (interested) on the standard that you will be presenting Each teacher shall monitor the progress of their students during the work period segment of the lesson. As the teacher monitors progress, they should check the quality and accuracy of the work being completed, making sure students are on task, and/or the teacher conducts student conferences. At no time should the teacher be engaged in planning preparations or grading papers. The teacher should be directly engaged with the learner. Monitoring the progress of students is a critical component of the work period.
Communication Check your and phone messages at least 3 times daily (when your arrive, during your planning period and before you leave for the day. Return all calls and within 48 hours Document all parent contacts in Infinite Campus Update your voice mail greeting & Personal Verification
Security Lock up your personal possessions
If you confiscate something call the parent and inform them of what happened and how they can pick it up. If you lose the confiscated item you are responsible for its replacement Lock your class when you are away from your room Do not cover any of the glass panes of your classroom door.
Classroom Please post your emergency procedures on the wall.
Place your lesson plan folder in a folder on the wall near the front door of the classroom. Prepare all bulletin boards in your room. Your bulletin boards should contain instructional material based on the content taught by the teacher.
Professionalism Dress professionally everyday Be on time
When attending meetings or staff development sessions off campus, secure a sub., dress professionally, be on time, and positively represent Clarkston High School Go to your immediate supervisor to address your concerns When attending meetings arrive on time, be prepared to take notes, do not be argumentative with the presenter Refrain from sidebar conversations during the session Be positive and receptive
Protocol/Chain of command
Do not contact district personnel. The protocol is to first inquire from your department chair, then our instructional support specialist, your content assigned assistant principal, and then your principal. Your assistant principal or your principal will contact the district for questions that can not be answered from within. You should never jump the chain unless the information is of a personal nature (ie. Insurance, finance, payroll, etc). The purpose of this is to reduce the volume of calls and s addressing questions that could easily be answered by your immediate supervisor.
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