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Habitats Committee, 3 May 2017, Brussels

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1 Habitats Committee, 3 May 2017, Brussels
Carlos Romão - EEA Zelmira Gaudillat – ETC/BD Establishment of the reporting format under Art.17.1 of the Habitats Directive

2 Article 17 report format for the period 2013-2018
Preparatory work: Draft versions 1, 2 & 3: November 2015 – March 2016 Draft versions 4 & 5: April – July 2016 Final draft (version 6): approved by NADEG (5th meeting) on , together with Article 12 report format

3 Article 17 report format for the period 2013-2018
‘Tweaks’ made to the report format for approval today Typing mistakes corrected Codes for trends removed (e.g. ‘0 = stable’ now reads ‘stable’) Wording for ‘year’ and ‘period’ clarified Layout improved

4 Thank you for your attention

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