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Studies in Philippians(22) Whose Example Will You Follow

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1 Studies in Philippians(22) Whose Example Will You Follow
Studies in Philippians(22) Whose Example Will You Follow? Philippians 3:17-19

2 Previously Paul has sought to encourage these brethren to endure He reminds them of what he has gladly given up for them (and others He has not given up and presses on toward the goal. Today we notice two groups of examples

3 Join in following my example
Following a godly example (3:17-18) Join in following my example 1 Corinthians 11:1, 4:16 1 Thessalonians 1:6 This was not prideful It is not wrong to appeal to yourself as a proper example, when it is truthful and done with humility – Romans 12:3 Consider Paul’s actions and motives!

4 Following a godly example (3:17-18)
Note those who so walk “Note” – to recognize, watch closely Luke 11:35 – take heed that your light is not darkness Romans 16:17 – note those causing divisions 2 Corinthians 4:18 – look not at things that are seen… Galatians 6:1 – considering yourself Philippians 2:4 – look out for interests of others

5 Following a godly example (3:17-18)
Thought: We are quick to notice and identify faults? Do we take the time to notice those doing what is right? Do we do so with the same fervor?

6 Following a godly example (3:17-18)
As you have us for a pattern Pattern - authority Why were they a pattern? They did what they were supposed to do 1 Timothy 4:12 – be an example Titus 2:7 – young men to show themselves pattern of good works Romans 6:17 – that form of doctrine Are your actions a pattern worthy of imitation?

7 Many walk – there are many who are ungodly
An example NOT to follow (18-19) Many walk – there are many who are ungodly They comprise the majority – 1 John 5:19 – the whole world lies under the devil’s sway Ephesians 2:2-3 – the course of this world Matthew 7:13-14 – only 2 paths, 22:15 – few are chosen

8 An example NOT to follow (18-19)
Of whom I have told you often – possible familiarity with these false teachers. There is a place for repetition and continual warnings – rarely will one respond with only 1 warning. Even Jesus constantly warned His disciples Philippians 3:1, 2 Peter 3:1, Hebrews 5:11-12, 2:1 – repetition

9 Even weeping – Paul grieved at rejection by so many
An example NOT to follow (18-19) Even weeping – Paul grieved at rejection by so many Psalm 119:136, Luke 19:41, Romans 9:1-2 Do we grieve for the ungodliness around us? Does it provoke us to warn others, including our friends? Will we PASSIONATELY warn them?

10 An example NOT to follow (18-19)
They are enemies of the cross of Christ What constitutes an enemy of Christ? - Anyone who rejects Jesus - Anyone who despises or declares war on God - Anyone who refuses to obey Him Likely in this text, Paul is continuing to warn against Judaizing teachers, though all types of enemies would apply

11 Whose end is destruction There are doomed to eternal condemnation
An example NOT to follow (18-19) Whose end is destruction There are doomed to eternal condemnation 2 Thessalonians 1:6-9 Matthew 25:46 2 Peter 2:1-3 – destruction… This is WHY we grieve and ought to be moved to act – 2 Corinthians 5:9-11

12 An example NOT to follow (18-19)
Whose god is their belly (appetite) They are driven by carnal desires, seeking to gratify their cravings Romans 16:18 How many today are driven by selfish appetites and motives as they make moral, spiritual and life decisions? How many won’t give them up? 1 Corinthians 6:12 2 Timothy 3:1-5 – selfishness

13 Whose glory is their shame Tied to previous description – “And”
An example NOT to follow (18-19) Whose glory is their shame Tied to previous description – “And” Judaizing teachers gloried in the flesh of Gentiles – Galatians 6:13 Prideful attitudes – Romans 1:28 Puffed up rather than mourning – 1 Corinthians 5:1-2 Boasting in arrogance, leaving God out – James 4:16

14 Jeremiah 6:15, 8:12 An example NOT to follow (18-19)
Whose glory is their shame How many today are prideful, to the point of parading their ungodliness? - sensuous lifestyles - immodest dress – their bodies - bragging about abortions, gambling, etc. Even among brethren some boast of their compromising and tolerant attitudes, false doctrines they teach, etc. Jeremiah 6:15, 8:12

15 Romans 8:5-6 – they live according to the flesh and not the Spirit
An example NOT to follow (18-19) Who set their mind on earthly things This is WHY they reject God! They are worldly – 1 John 2:15-17 Some seek to establish their own religions, faith – cf. Romans 10:3 Romans 8:5-6 – they live according to the flesh and not the Spirit

16 Ephesians 5:11, 2 Corinthians 6:14 – we are to avoid such
An example NOT to follow (18-19) Who set their mind on earthly things How many today live only for today’s gratifications? We are uncomfortably aware of the increasing atheism, skepticism and agnosticism in our society. And it is the preferred attitude around us We see the watering down of truth for selfish reasons Ephesians 5:11, 2 Corinthians 6:14 – we are to avoid such

17 Who set their mind on earthly things
An example NOT to follow (18-19) Who set their mind on earthly things Such will face the condemnation of God 2 Peter 2:9-10 But we live differently – Colossians 3:1-2, Philippines 3:29ff

18 Whose example are you following?
Whose Example? Phil. 3:17-19

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