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The Get Involved Group Housing for Disabled People Wednesday 21 September 2016 Friend’s Meeting House 2pm – 5pm.

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Presentation on theme: "The Get Involved Group Housing for Disabled People Wednesday 21 September 2016 Friend’s Meeting House 2pm – 5pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Get Involved Group Housing for Disabled People Wednesday 21 September 2016 Friend’s Meeting House 2pm – 5pm

2 Agenda 2.00pm – Welcome and Introductions
2.15pm – GIG and Possability People updates 2.30pm – Housing Introduction and Quiz 2.50pm – Group workshops 3.20pm – Feedback and questions 3.30pm – Break 3.50pm – Sarah Potter, Housing Adaptations 4.50pm – Feedback Forms and evaluation 5.00pm – Close

3 Introductions

4 GIG & Possability People Updates
Looking After Yourself Consultation results and recommendations End of Year report and stats Benfield Surgery Access Audit news Newsletter articles and content Volunteering opportunities Right Track event – Tuesday 11 October

5 Looking After Yourself STATS
51% stated they felt not at all confident or not very confident in getting their message across to the GP or clinician on what help and support they need. (28 people).  Only 18% felt very confident in getting their message across. 

6 Looking After Yourself STATS
78% of all participants noted that they had multiple health conditions, mostly with a mixture of mental health and physical or sensory conditions.  Over half of respondents stated they had 4 or more health conditions. 

7 Looking After Yourself STATS
Over a third of participants stated they lived with depression alongside their other health condition(s)

8 Looking After Yourself STATS
94% of participants agreed that being active and getting out and about improves their health and wellbeing

9 Looking After Yourself STATS
77% of respondents (36 people) agreed that talking to others made them feel better about their conditions

10 Looking After Yourself STATS
The main barrier people face when accessing the help they need to look after their own health condition/impairment was cost of & access to transportation

11 Looking After Yourself
RECOMMENDATIONS Whole-person approach Access to good quality, trusted health information Offer a range of low-cost community-based travel options Empower patients to become an active partner in their decision-making with GPs and clinicians

12 Benfield Surgery Access Audit

13 Right Track to Wellbeing
Tuesday 11 October, 10am – 4pm BMECP Centre, Brighton Do you experience aches and pains? We can help you to help yourself Meet other people facing similar challenges, get specialist advice and find out about free or low cost support, activities and groups near you

14 Local Pharmacies and Green Bag Scheme

15 Ground rules Keep to the topic! Maintain confidentiality
Participate, do not dominate Only share what you are comfortable sharing Be open to hearing other points of view Go-To Person call-out!

16 Housing

17 Housing How can we improve the flow of information between disabled people and the Housing Service and Adaptation Service?

18 Break Time! 3.30pm - break

19 Housing for Disabled People
Sarah Potter, Operational Manager Housing Adaptations t: E:

20 Setting the Scene Demand
Link to ageing population: 54% people aged 65 and over have a disability that either limits their day-to-day activities a little or a lot Most disabled people live at home not in specialist housing Benefit Independent living Reduce risks falls/injury, reduce hospital admissions, move into care, care packages

21 Looking for Accessible Housing
Building new homes 10% all new affordable homes Shared ownership rented Building new Council homes Homemove, accessible housing register Extra care Patching Lodge: 76 flats; 60 for social rent and 16 for sale New Larchwood- 38 flats for social rent Library Court- 6 flats for social rent Brook Mead - an extra care scheme for older people with dementia, 45 new homes, due to open in July 2017

22 New accessible homes 2016 - 2017 2017- 18 wheelchair unit detail
target completion Outer Harbour - Brighton Marina 2 x 2 bed shared ownership tbc Hardwick Road / Aldwick Mews 1 x 3 bed rent Jul-16 - let Flint Close / 1A and 1B Flint Close (South side) and 22 and 23 Flint Close (North Close) Aug-16 Ardingly Street / Darwell Court 1 x 1 bed 2P rent Jul let Foredown Road / Pierre Close Dec-16 Robert Lodge, PHASE 2 NORTH BLOCK Dec 16 Brooke Mead (Extra Care) TBC Jun-17 Design competition 4 sites (Rotherfield Crescent / Hinton Close / Frederick Street / Natal Road) Jun - 17 Kensington Street Mar - 18 Findon Road (Whitehawk Library) 5 x 2 bed 4P and 1 x 3 bed 6P rent Oct-17 Clermont Road ( Preston Road) 2 x 2bed rent Mar-18

23 Adapting homes Assessment Adult Social Care Housing adaptations Design
OT recommendations Necessary and appropriate Reasonable and practicable Funding Council Private sector Getting the work done

24 Our Housing Strategy Improving housing supply:
Building new council housing with more than 250 new homes in the pipeline, including new extra care schemes like Brooke Mead At least 10% of all new homes are built to be fully wheelchair accessible homes Improving housing quality: Continuing to invest in council homes e.g Senior’s Housing refurbishments, improving communal access project Improving housing support: Improving the provision of adaptations and disabled facilities grants to support residents to be independent at home Developing the housing options approach for council tenants and people in the private sector as an alternative to costly and disruptive adaptations

25 Even better if… What are the barriers To finding the right home
Getting housing adaptations done As a Council what can we do to make sure We are to easy to reach Treat you with respect Listen and act to get things done

26 Thank you Sarah Potter Operational Manager – Housing Adaptations

27 AOB Any other comments? 4.50pm Feedback forms

28 Friend’s Meeting House, Ship Street
Complaints Wednesday 2 November 2pm – 5pm Friend’s Meeting House, Ship Street

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