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Vocabulary Workshop Unit 2 (Part 1). 1- Because my baby sister likes to tantalize the dog, she will sometimes offer him a bone and then take it back.

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1 Vocabulary Workshop Unit 2 (Part 1)

2 1- Because my baby sister likes to tantalize the dog, she will sometimes offer him a bone and then take it back. 2-Although I tried to tantalize my little sister with ice cream, I still could not prevent her from telling dad about the book I lost. So, to tantalize is most probably to …………… ( tease – satisfy – feed ) 3-When the settlers first landed on the continent, they tried to subjugate the natives and turn them into slaves. 4- Because the evil pirate captain failed to fully subjugate his crew, he was killed by his first mate during the mutiny. So, to subjugate is to………………….. (obey – conquer – disobey )

3 5-Politicians are always good fodder for comedians. 6-Every experience he had was fodder for shaping his character. So fodder is likely to be …………….. ( useful people or things – useless people or things – problematic people or things ) 7-Callas feinted to pass the ball and then shot it into the net. 8- Peter feinted a shot to the left. They were all tricked. So to feint is to ……... ( pass – move – pretend to move)

4 9-She can be very erratic, one day she is friendly and the next she'll hardly speak to you. 10- This channel is generally erratic and constantly shifting. So people or things that are erratic are likely to be …………………… ( regular – not regular – steady ) 11- He expressed himself in a terse and vigorous style. 12-Because they had little information on the suspect, the police issued only a terse statement to the media. So if sth is terse, it is likely to be ……………….. ( diffuse – long and wordy – to the point )

5 13-After my essay fell into the muddy puddle, it was illegible because of the blurred ink. 14-Not even the psychiatrist could understand the mad man’s illegible writing. So the writing or print that is illegible is …………… ( easy to read – impossible to read – can be read ) 15- He travelled abroad in quest of a more lucrative business venture. 16-The child care business is not very lucrative. It combines many losses. So businesses, jobs, markets,etc. that are lucrative are……………….. ( profitable- unprofitable – losing )

6 17-It is late so we will adjourn this debate until tomorrow. 18-Until the director finds another lead actress, we will adjourn the production of the film. So to adjourn is to………………….. ( cancel – postpone – end ) 19-They threatened him with expulsion from school. 20-This is the second expulsion of a club member this year. So expulsion is the act or process of making sb……………. ( invited – welcomed – leave )

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