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APUR 102 The University Purchasing Card and Purchase Requisitioning

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1 APUR 102 The University Purchasing Card and Purchase Requisitioning

2 This session will provide an overview of processes to include:
Purchase Requisitioning Adding Supplier in PeopleSoft FAQs Match Exception Purchasing Card: How To: Obtain electronic bank statements Modify user address in PeopleSoft Update a my wallet transaction Apply use tax Create and submit an expense report

3 Requesting a New Supplier
To verify a supplier in PeopleSoft use the navigation: Main Menu > Suppliers > Supplier Information > Add/Update > Review Supplier There are three ways you can search for a supplier: (1) Select “Contains” to enter part of the name of the supplier, (2) Select “Contains” to enter part of the address, and (3) Select “Tax Identification Number” or “Employee Identification Number” to enter the TIN/SSN or VIP number. If a supplier is not in PeopleSoft, complete the Supplier Information Packet found on the Purchasing Department website and submit completed forms to Within two days, you can check the Review Suppliers page to verify the supplier is approved.

4 Purchase Requisitions/Purchase Orders/Receiving
Most of your requests for purchases will start with creating a Purchase Requisition. To create a requisition for goods or services, use the Purchase Requisition link. To begin creating a requisition: Navigation Path: Main Menu → eProcurement → Requisition To use a requisition for purchase: The requisition must be equal to or greater than $10,000 Exceptions: All assets must use a purchase order ($5,000 or greater) All radioactive material must use a purchase order (regardless of dollar limit) Suppliers that require a Purchase Order SC State Contract Items Any Construction related procurements

5 Purchase Requisitions/Purchase Orders/Receiving
Requisitions for Blanket Purchase Orders (BPO) Minimum of $10,000 per year Minimum of 12 invoices/vouchers issued per fiscal year Blanket Orders are Valid for 1 fiscal year Blanket Orders will be closed out each fiscal year Charged to only one account per line item Begin Purchase Requisition line description with “Blanket Order Effective …” BPO is to be charged to one Account or one Accounting Distribution line per line item If this is a duplicate order from a previous year include the following statement: “Cancels and Supersedes PO #20000XXXXX”

6 Purchase Requisitions/Purchase Orders/Receiving
Requisitions for an Asset A Capital Asset is an item that is greater than $5,000. All Asset Categories can be selected containing the description “...>5K” All Asset Category descriptions include the word “Asset”, making it easier to select the appropriate one Select an Asset Category code that has 5-digits and the letter A For example, Laboratory Equipment (Asset), 49000A All assets will be included on annual departmental inventory

7 Purchase Requisitions/Purchase Orders/Receiving
After creating a requisition use the Manage Requisitions page to: Review Requisition Information Budget Check a Requisition Cancel a requisition, or line, before the PO has been dispatched Reviewing Approval Workflow Copy a requisition Print a Requisition Navigation: Main Menu → eProcurement → Manage Requisitions

8 Purchase Requisitions/Purchase Orders/Receiving - FAQs
How many line items and fund codes can be added to a requisition? You can create a requisition up to 100 lines and have different cost distributions and units of measure per each line How are shipping fees applied to a requisition? Add shipping/freight amounts in comments and the Buyer will add them to the purchase order. Do not need to create a line devoted to freight. How are in state and out of state sales taxes added to a requisition? Taxes will not be entered on a requisition. They are applied at the Purchase Order (PO) level and double-checked at the Accounts Payable/invoice level. When adding comments and attachments at the line level, with multiple lines, do we need to add the attachment for each line for the same invoice? If there is only one attachment and it pertains to all lines, you only need to add it to the first line. Buyers see the bubble with squiggle lines which alerts them to comments and attachments.

9 Purchase Requisitions/Purchase Orders/Receiving - FAQs
If submitting a food requisition, do we need to put the food memo and quote/invoice all in one attachment? No Food Memo is required for food purchases at USC Aiken. Cam Reagin’s approval on PeopleSoft transactions takes the place of the food memo. Cam can be added as an ad hoc approver when you complete your purchase requisition or payment request. Cam Reagin is the only food approver on the USC Aiken campus. Where can I find the purchase order number? The purchase order number is located on the Manage Requisition page; from here you can see the Requisition Lifespan. Navigation Path: Main Menu > eProcurement > Manage Requisitions If the Purchase Order has been dispatched for a particular requisition the icon gains color, You can click on it and it will open to a page that will have the PO number on it. What is the difference between "PO Created" and "PO Dispatched"? “Created” means that the requisition has been assigned to a Buyer. The Buyer reviews the procurement for that requisition. Once the buyer approves the requisition, they will dispatch the PO to the Supplier via . The Manage Requisition page will change from “PO Created” to “PO Dispatched”.

10 Purchase Requisitions/Purchase Orders/Receiving - FAQs
When will the Purchase Order be sent to a Supplier on an existing Requisition? If the PO is in an open status (all approvals has been received), then a buyer is assigned. Once it has moved to a status of Dispatched, the PO has been sent via to supplier. You can check the status of the requisition using the Requisition Lifespan diagram on the Manage Requisitions page. Navigation Path: Main Menu > eProcurement > Manage Requisitions Where can we go in PeopleSoft to see if a Purchase Order has been paid? To see if a Purchase Order has been paid use the following navigation: On this page, enter the criteria you need to find the Requisition. Click the expand button next to the Requisition ID to view the Lifespan. The Payment icon indicates payment. It is important to note payments from multiple POs can be included in one payment, so you must match it to your voucher.

11 Purchase Requisitions/Purchase Orders/Receiving – FAQs
What navigation do you use to create a new receipt? It is recommended to use the following: Navigation Path: Main Menu > Purchasing > Receipts > Add/Update Receipts Be sure to select the correct tab on the Receiving page. If you already have receipts created use the Find an Existing Value tab, if you want to create a new receipt use the Add a New Value tab. Who should be responsible to receipt the order? The requisitioner will receipt but some departments may decide to have their managers do it. It is an internal decision. Whoever received the goods, which may or may not be the requisitioner, should receipt in PeopleSoft. Is it safe to say that the only invoices that need "receiving" are the ones that are paid off a PO? Yes, that is correct. All Goods should be receipted.

12 Purchase Requisitions/Purchase Orders/Receiving – FAQs
How do we look up the remaining balance on a Blanket Purchase Order to know if a change order is necessary to increase the purchase order amount? You can use the PO Inquiry page to look up the remaining balance on the PO. Navigation Path: Main Menu > Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Review PO Information > Purchase Orders Type the PO order number in the Purchase Order field and click the search button. The Amount Summary area of the page will give you the remaining balance information. What is a match exception? The Matching process is used to validate procurement documents (PO, Receipts as needed and Vouchers) prior to paying the supplier. This check-and-balance ensures that no payment is issued until ‘matching’ is complete.

13 Match Exceptions The Requisition Requester will start receiving notification of match exceptions for the following conditions: No Receipt - a receipt has not been entered into PeopleSoft for goods and services where receiving is required. Life to Date Voucher Quantity is Greater Than PO Quantity - an invoice has been received for a quantity greater than the quantity entered on the purchase order. Life to Date Voucher Amount is Greater Than PO Amount - an invoice has been received for an amount greater than the amount entered on the purchase order. s will continue to be triggered every 2 days until the match exception is resolved by the Requisition Requester. Your prompt resolution of these exceptions will help to ensure timely processing of payments. Use the chart on the next slide to help resolve each of the exceptions listed above.


15 Retrieving Purchasing Card Electronic Statements
Cardholder Registration For Electronic Visa Statements 1. Go to 2. Click on the Not Registered link 3. Complete the registration form through your password hint 4. Enter: a. the 16 digit Account Number b. Name on Account (Enter the name exactly as it appears on the purchasing card with ALL CAPS) c. the card Expiration Date field 5. Click the REGISTER ACCOUNT button 6. Verify your login credentials 7. Click the Continue button Follow the steps to your HOME page Credit Card statements reset on the 28th of every month. Please allow a day or two to retrieve the statement through the Payment Center.

16 PeopleSoft Email Notifications
Not receiving s related to PeopleSoft notifications? To verify the correct address is setup in PeopleSoft; Go to section in My System Profile. Use the following navigation: Main Menu > My System Profile Update your address to and click the SAVE button.

17 Purchasing Card PeopleSoft My Wallet Overview
Procurement Card transactions (charges) are interfaced from Bank of America into PeopleSoft My Wallet daily. Cardholders and Liaisons are responsible for reviewing and updating each card charge before they are consolidated into the Expense Report statement. The following is required for each card transaction: a. Entering a justification and description for each transaction. b. Reviewing and updating the use tax applicability. c. Attaching the receipt to the transaction (may also be done on the expense report). Some of these requirements may be completed on the expense report page; however, updating use tax applicability must be completed on the my wallet details page.

18 Purchasing Card Using PeopleSoft My Wallet Navigation:
Main Menu > Employee Self Service > Travel and Expenses > My Wallet Select the Cardholder by searching by USCID, Name or Employee ID Select the Account Number and click SEARCH Select the credit card account number for the cardholder and click SEARCH Click on the Expense Type to open the My Wallet Details Page. Expense Type Drop Down Box Each MCC (Merchant Category Code) defaults to an Expense type; however, this is a default only. The expense type can be changed if needed. The expense type defaults the general ledger account on the expense report. Changing the expense type on the my wallet page may prevent the need to change the GL account on the expense report entry page.

19 Purchasing Card Using PeopleSoft My Wallet (Cont’d)
Description (Shows as “Additional Details” on My Wallet page) Describe the procurement card transaction. This description will interface into the expense report. A description for each procurement card transaction is required; however, it may be entered on the expense report later. Apply Use Tax if supplier has not charged sales tax Use tax is a sales tax on a purchase on which no tax was collected from the supplier on their original invoice. If Use Tax is applicable, check APPLY USE TAX box. Office Location - This field is required when the use tax checkbox is selected. General guidelines for use tax: If the item is tangible then tax shall be charged.

20 Purchasing Card Using PeopleSoft My Wallet (Cont’d)
Attach Receipts to a My Wallet Transaction Receipts for each transaction is required; however, your department process may require all receipts to be scanned as one batch and attached to the expense report. If so, an individual receipt attached to the procurement card transaction is not required. To add a receipt, click the attachment link Click Add Attachment Click Choose File Select the file and click “Open” Click Upload Enter a description (optional), add additional attachments (optional), then click OK After adding the attachments, the link changes and displays the number of attachments On the my wallet page, the attachment logo changes after attachments have been added

21 Creating a Card Statement Expense Report
The Procurement Card expense report can be started at the beginning of the month. As transactions are interfaced from Bank of America into PeopleSoft, they may be added into the expense report. There is no need to wait until the end of the month to create the expense report statement for each cardholder. Navigation Main Menu > Employee Self Service > Travel and Expenses > Expense Reports > Create/Modify Click the Add a New Value tab. Verify the USC ID you are creating the Expense Report for is correct. Change the USC ID if needed. Click the Add button. Verify you are creating the Expense Report for the correct person.

22 Creating a Card Statement Expense Report (Cont’d)
Click the dropdown for the Business Purpose field to select Procurement Card. It is important to select the correct business purpose. After entering the expense report, the business purpose can’t be changed! In the Report Description field, enter an appropriate description. It’s encouraged to create one expense report for each month so describing the report as “March Statement” may help during the reconciliation process. Select the My Wallet link near the Expenses line. The my wallet page is displayed. Check the transactions to be copied into the expense report. After selecting the transactions to be reconciled, click the Done button. This will return to the Create Expense Report page and display the selected transactions on individual lines. Attachments: Statements and receipts can be batched together at the top of the expense report (near the Default Location field).

23 Creating a Card Statement Expense Report (Cont’d)
Review the Accounting Details (Chartfields) on each line for accuracy and update accordingly. Change the chartfields if necessary and click “OK”. Click the Summary and Submit link at the top right of the page if you’re ready to submit the card statement expense report for approval. Certify the expenses submitted are accurate and comply with policy. Expense report and credit card statement must match. Click the Submit Expense Report button. If there are any errors or missing data, the Expense Details page will be displayed and the fields requiring attention will be highlighted in red. The “Expense Report Submit Confirm” page will be displayed. Click the OK button. Click “Refresh Approval Status” to update the status to Submitted.


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