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Te Awakairangi Review DRAFT Proposal.

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Presentation on theme: "Te Awakairangi Review DRAFT Proposal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Te Awakairangi Review DRAFT Proposal

2 Cardinal’s Directive Overview
The Cardinal tasked all parishes within the Archdiocese to: Make wise and prudent use of our buildings Adopt a preferential option for the poor and be more outward facing Respond to the critical situation with the availability of priests Ensure that parishes are supported in making and implementing decisions for the future Cardinal’s Directive Overview

3 In the time since we started this journey we’ve spoken to over 300 people and received hundreds of comments. What we’ve heard is: We need to look after our priests and provide them with a comfortable and secure place to live We need to look after our community, families and provide appropriate facilities for worship We need to support and nurture our youth to grow their spirituality and become future leaders of the church. This includes a stronger connection with our schools We need to increase our outreach to the poor and marginalised in the wider Hutt Valley community We need to encourage lay leadership What we’ve heard so far

4 Proposed Solution In order to support this vision we propose to:
Maintain three churches; at Taita, Naenae and Lower Hutt This will ensure we have a presence in the Northern parts of our Lower Hutt community where there is the most need and provides us with the ability to walk and talk the ministry of Jesus – by reaching out to the poor and marginalised and by providing resources to support and strengthen our ministry for youth Close and clear the Avalon property of church and presbytery and sell the land The revenue from this sale will offset some costs of development and ministry support Subject to affordability either: Re-configure the church at Taita by expanding into the foyer, replacing the fixed pews with benches or chairs, expanding the kitchen facilities and adding sliding doors to the altar so it can be closed off and the rest of the space used by the youth in a variety of ways or rented by the community as a hall Build a new larger church at Taita that provides a modern mass centre and multi-function facilities This provides a place for families, elderly, poor and the youth to come together not just for sacrament and worship, but also to grow and develop as a community. It also gives the youth a place that they can make their own Proposed Solution

5 Proposed Solution In order to support this vision we propose to:
Demolish the existing presbytery and build new, modern accommodation units for our priests at Taita with common spaces to eat and socialise This provides a warm and dry place for our priests to live collectively but have their own personal space Subdivide the presbytery and its land at Naenae, sell that property and use revenue generated to strengthen St Bernadette’s church This provides a safe place for the children of St Bernadette’s school to celebrate mass and the presence of God and allows for further outreach in the community Close the offices at St Bernadette’s and Ss Peter & Paul and have one office built alongside the development at Taita This provides us a steady presence in the areas of the community with the most need and helps to bring our parish together as an integrated community Demolish the existing presbytery at Lower Hutt and use the space to provide more off-street parking around Ss Peter & Paul Church This provides more access to the church, especially as the mass count may grow for those who move from St Martin de Porres Hire a youth and/or outreach coordinator to support growing ministries Allow us to show Jesus’s teachings by reaching out and supporting our youth and the poor and marginalised by having a greater focus on outreach through a dedicated role Proposed Solution

6 We want to hear your feedback
We want to hear your feedback! or write to the parish council or parish office, place your feedback in the collection basket or talk to a member of the PPC, Steering Committee or Pastoral team. A document outlining the proposed changes will be available in the foyer, on the website and ed to you. The Finance Committee is forecasting the ongoing costs for this model The Finance Committee is contacting an engineering company to provide us costs and guidance for our proposed solution We will pass on this information when we receive it This proposal is not final. We need to manage the final decision and implementation in a fiscally responsible way which means the proposal may change but we feel this solution caters to the pastoral needs of the Lower Hutt Catholic community. Once further information is received from the finance committee and your feedback we will update the proposal for the Cardinal and release it to the parish. What happens next?

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