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Year 3 Year Ahead Meeting
Miss Bannan Miss Chappell Miss Greenwood
Who is in Year 3 ? Phase Leader/ Assistant Principal – Miss Greenwood
Year 3 Lime Teacher – Miss Bannan Year 3 Lime Teaching Assistants – Miss Carroll and Miss Unsworth Year 3 Scarlet Teacher – Miss Chappell Year 3 Scarlet Teaching Assistants – Mr Reece PPA Cover/ Computing teacher – Mr Warren Staffing
What will the children be learning about?
Curriculum overview Special events in the year
We are really looking forward to teaching Year 3 this year and we have some very engaging and exciting topics that we will be exploring, including: Autumn Term - Who first lived in Britain? (Stone Age- History) Spring Term - Why do so many people go to France on their holidays? (Geography) Summer Term - What makes the Earth Angry? (Volcanoes- Geography ) Summer Term - Why were the Romans so powerful and what did we learn from them? (Romans – History) In Science we will also have the opportunity to investigate topics such as: Autumn Term - Rocks and Soils Autumn Term - Keeping my body healthy Spring Term - Light and Shadow Summer Term - Magnets and Forces Summer Term - Plants
What trips and visitors will the children be having?
Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Year 3 Topic Stone Age (History) Body (Science) Rocks and Soils (Science) France (Geog) Magnets and Forces (science) Light / Shadow (Science) Romans (History) Volcanoes and Earthquakes (Geog) Plants (Science) Trip Stone Age Visitor 10th and 11th September Make your own fossil planned by teachers Teachers to arrange rocks exploration day – Making cakes / chocolate to represents different rocks Teachers to arrange a French day / cafe– Block MFL lessons / food tasting / parent workshop Shadow puppet work shop 9th and 10th March Roman Visitor 15th April 2020 Teachers to arrange volcanic explosions
How can you help you child?
One of the best ways to help your child with their learning is to read with your child every night, we will look at this in more detail later on in the presentation. Times tables are going to be nationally tested at the end of year 4 , so in year 3 it is vital to practise times tables with your child every night By the end of year 2 children must know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables By the end of Year 3 children must know their 3, 4 and 8 times tables By the end of Year 4 children must know their 6, 7 and 9 times tables Sitting with your children each week to complete their homework is also a great way to help your child. Attending our ‘Sharing Our Success’ afternoons will help to keep you up to date with what your child is learning Attending parent evenings is a great way to get a personalised and more detailed update of your child's learning.
Homework Timetables Timetables practice sheets get sent home every Friday – tested the following Friday The timetable practice sheets need to be returned the following Friday or any day before Children will be tested on their timetables every Friday afternoon Spellings Spellings test work on the same basis Spelling books will be handed out every Friday with the spelling lists stapled in Children will be tested the following Friday on their spellings
Home reading Each child has their own reading journal, children will bring reading books home every night. Family members should read with their children every night and then leave a comment and a signature in the book Children then need to bring the reading book and the reading journal back into school every day so we can then also read with them Children are given a certain coloured book to read Each child has been told what colour book band they are on however if your child cant remember their colour , please speak to your class teacher to find out what book your child should be reading If your child comes home with the wrong colour book or your feel the book your child has come home with is too easy or too hard please speak to the class teacher who will happily speak to you about this Reading journals New reward system for reading How parents can help
Home reading Children are rewarded for reading at home
If you read with your child once a week they will receive a bronze certificate If you read with your child three or more times a week they will receive a silver certificate If you read with your child five or more times a week they will receive a gold certificate Once children have read their books, they will complete a reading raffle ticket which will then go into a prize draw and winners from the raffle will be selected at the end of each term. Reading journals New reward system for reading How parents can help
Homework The school has bought each child their own spelling and reading journal therefore you can understand that if books are lost we cannot replace them
Topic Homework Topic homework gets sent home at the beginning of each term and needs to be completed and sent back at the end of the term Topic homework is based on the topics we are studying in History or Geography Three throughout the year one for each term – Autumn , Spring and Summer On the back is a knowledge mat that gives you all the information you will need to help you child successfully complete their topic homework and further aid their learning in topic lessons.
What activities have you completed?
Can you create a stone age outfit ? Remember captions and labels ! Can you write a diary entry of a Stone Age person ? Can you tell me about the 2 periods that came after the Stone Age era ? The Stone age boy has collected 234 berries for his stone age family. He has drawn a picture below to represent that number . Is he correct ? Explain your answer . Who First Lived in Britain ? Can you tell me about the 3 periods that occurred during Stone Age era ? Clue- One of them is the Neolithic Period What activities have you completed? Visited the Cinema Been to the Park Been to the Library Watched a film Played with friends Read a book Gone swimming Played a board game Listened to the radio Done something for charity Visited family Visited a museum Been to a farm Been to an art gallery Been on a bus, tram or train Visited a different town Visited a city Rolled down a grass hill Been to a zoo Carried out a good deed Can you draw a portrait of a Stone Age Settlement / house ? Remember to use labels You could visit your local library and search for some Stone Age themed books. They could be fiction or non-fiction. Take a picture for our reading corner!
Stone Age KS2 Knowledge Mat
Subject Specific Vocabulary Exciting Books archaeologists People who work out our history by looking at artefacts that have been found. artefact An object made by human beings, usually with historical or cultural interest. Neolithic Is the later part of the stone age and follows the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic age. B.C. Before Christ. A date like 250BC means 250 years before Christ was born. chronology The ordering of events, for example the stone, bronze and iron age. Sticky Knowledge about the Stone-age period tribal Groups of people who live together. The stone-age period is said to have started just over 3000 year ago when humans started to live in Europe. Important hunter-gatherers People who mainly live by hunting, fishing and gathering wild fruit. The stone-age was followed by the bronze –age period. This is when humans started to use metal. Skara Brae Is an archaeological site found on the Orkney Islands in Scotland. It is a stone age village that has been well preserved. shelter A house where stone age people would have lived. The bronze-age was followed by the iron-age when tools and weapons became more advanced and were used for farming. civilization A group that lived during a period of time long ago. settlement A place where there were several stone age shelters, like a small village. During the Palaeolithic Age (old stone age), man gathered food by hunting wild animals and birds, fishing, and collecting fruits and nuts. Stonehenge Is a famous stone age monument in Wiltshire. Prey An animal that is hunted for its food. During the Neolithic Age (towards end of the stone-age), the humans formed settled communities, and domesticated plants and animals for the first time in history.
Why is France so Special?
Can you sketch an image of the Eiffel Tower? Can you research and write a fact file about one famous French Landmark ? Alex knows the River Seine is 777 KM long. He has represented that number below … Has he represented it correctly ? Yes or No ? Explain why . Can you name the 7 continents and then tell me which one France is in? Why is France so Special? Can you name 3 rivers in France ? Can you name two neighboring countries to France? Visit your local supermarket – Can you find any traditional French food?
France Year 3 Knowledge Mat
Subject Specific Vocabulary Exciting Books Continent A continent is a large solid area of land. Earth has seven continents. In order from largest to smallest, they are Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. Capital City The capital city is a city where the central government of a country is based. The leaders work in the capital city. Equator An imaginary east-west line encircling the Earth midway between the North and South poles. Hemisphere A hemisphere is half of a sphere. People use the word to describe one half of Earth. Geographers, or people who study Earth, have divided the planet into two hemispheres. These are the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Sticky Knowledge about France Know that the currency in France is Euros Major English cities Know what the French flag looks like Paris Climate Climate is the average measurements of temperature, wind, humidity, snow, and rain in a place over the course of years. Climate is like the weather, but over a long time. Know all 7 continents (Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, North America, South America, and Antarctica) Know that France is in Europe Urban Characteristic of a city or city life Know that Paris is the Capital City of France Know that Paris is an urban area where people live and work close together Euro A coin or note (money) used by many countries of the European Union Name other countries in Europe and their capital cities e.g. Spain (Madrid) , Germany (Berlin) Italy (Rome) Attractions of London Currency Something (such as coins or notes) used to buy goods , services and to pay people for their work. Currency changes in different countries. Name the seas and oceans around the UK - Know what the Equator is and know that the world is split into a Norther and Southern hemisphere Eiffel Tower Arc De Triomphe The Louvre Museum The Alps Mount Blanc Human Feature Human features are things that are built or man made and are not naturally on Earth. Know that France is in the Norther Hemisphere Know that countries closer to the equator are warmer Physical Feature Physical features are natural objects such as mountains and rivers. They are naturally on Earth . Know that countries further away from the Equator are colder Know that France is closer to the Equator than England and therefore the climate is warmer Mountain Range A mountain range is a series of mountains that are connected together generally to form a long line of mountains. Know that in France they speak French Know that the population of France is 68Million years ago and is larger then England which is around 56 million
Who are the Romans? What mark did they make ?
Write the Roman numerals 1-12. What is 50 and 100 in Roman Numerals ? Design a poster showing all the things the Romans changed in Britain e.g. roads , calendars and coins. Research and write an information text about Julius Caesar or Boudicca. Name 3 reasons the Romans invaded Britian Who are the Romans? What mark did they make ? Name 3 counties that the Romans invaded Why not … Visit Castleshaw and walk to the Roman Fort?
The Romans KS2 Knowledge Mat
Subject Specific Vocabulary Exciting Books centurion A commander of a group of 100 Roman soldiers. emperor The Roman emperor was the ruler of the Roman Empire during the imperial period. aqueduct A large system for carrying water from one place to another is called an aqueduct. gladiator A gladiator was an armed combatant who entertained audiences in the Roman Republic. Sticky Knowledge about the Romans Julius Caesar was probably the best known Roman leader. He extended the empire through invading other lands. Londinium This was the Roman name for London. conquer To overcome and take control of people or land using military force. Boudicca was a queen of the British Celtic Iceni tribe who led an uprising against the occupying forces of the Roman Empire. invade Enter a place or land with the intention of occupying it. Rome was created by two brothers, Romulus and Remus who were abandoned after they were born. Important Places Romanisation When the countries that the Romans conquered became very much like Rome. Romans used to eat food like dormice dipped in honey. Colosseum An oval amphitheatre in the centre of Rome which held up to 50,000 people. Hadrian’s Wall A long wall built by the romans across the north of England. It was to keep out the Scots. It is now one of Britain’s most famous tourist attraction. senate Similar to the Roman version of our parliament Roman baths A number of complex of rooms designed for bathing, relaxing, and socializing, as used in ancient Rome. When the Romans came to Britain they helped us by creating roads; a written language (which was Latin); introduced coins and even introduced rabbits to our country.
Sports PE will be every Tuesday Children must bring their PE kit to school every week This includes a white polo shirt Black or blue shorts or jogging pants A jacket – weather permitted
After School Club After school clubs are led by one adult therefore limited places are available If your child didn’t get to attend the club they wanted to this term they will be given a chance next term We have drama and football clubs available so far this term If parents are interested in their child attending a club please speak to your child's teacher
How you can contact the teachers?
Year 3 class teachers or classroom assistants will be available to speak to at the classroom doors before and after school We will also be available to speak to on ‘Sharing our Success Days’ and Parents Evening If you feel you need to meet the teacher for a more formal or private issue meetings can be arrange directly with the class teacher If you feel you need to speak to an assistant principal then Miss Greenwood will be available in the mornings and after school in the year 3 classes
Thank you for all your help and support so far Any questions?
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