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Predicted Light Curves and Spectra

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1 Predicted Light Curves and Spectra
DD Mergers and SNe Ia: Predicted Light Curves and Spectra Wolfgang Hillebrandt (for Rüdiger Pakmor, Markus Kromer, et al.) MPI für Astrophysik Garching


3 What started it (for us): The abundance tomography of SN 2005bl
(Hachinger et al. 2009)

4 Are some of them (or all?) “super-Chandra” mergers and/or “sub-Chandra” detonations???

5 The basic idea: The brightness of a SN Ia (the mass of radioactive 56Ni) may be a result of different white dwarf masses !

6 So, let’s have a look at “mergers” …
(Pakmor et al. 2010)


8 Density Temperature

9 A detonation???

10 A resolution effect???



13 C O IME “Fe”

14 Light curves ...


16 … and spectra

17 Changing the mass ratio …

18 detonation unlikely!

19 Summary and conclusions
Violent DD mergers are a robust explosion mechanism for SNe Ia (q ≥ 0.85) Faint explosions (91bg-like): M(Ni) ≈ Msun (for M(WD) ≤ 1 Msun ) Question: How frequent are more massive WD binaries?

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