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Welcome Scotland County Substitutes

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1 Welcome Scotland County Substitutes
January 29, 2019 AB Gibson Building Scotland County Schools


3 Substitute Evaluation Process
To have record of your classroom experience To continue the instructional process left void by the teachers absence To help substitutes grow professionally To offer assistance when needed

4 Substitute Evaluation Process
Will be completed by the teacher upon there return AESOP will send the teacher an Teacher will complete the evaluation document the same day AESOP District Administrator will keep all documents This will start February 4th

5 Substitute Evaluation Form
Made up of 10 questions Any strengths or weakness Ratings: From 1 to 5 with 5 being the top rating

6 Questions #1-Arrived on time and observed daily schedule
On time to school Follow daily schedule left by the teacher Start of class, end of class, get to lunch on time? Did you leave a note about the daily schedule to the teacher?

7 #2 #2: Followed Lesson Plans?
Did you follow lesson plans left by the teacher? Did you leave notes concerning activities completed or not completed? Rule of thumb; always complete what the teacher has left for the class. If you cannot find plans always contact administration

8 #3 #3: Provided Favorable Learning Situations?
Were you engaging with the students? Did you give work and sit behind the desk? Did you answer questions? Were you welcoming? Did you leave notes to teacher concerning students efforts? Hint: Always give clear directions. Take your time with directions and do not hurry through directions; Offer as much help as possible. Leave notes for the teachers with questions that could not be answered

9 #4 #4: Good Rapport With Students?
Did the students have a good experience? Was the classroom orderly? Hint: Always greet your students at the door, go over rules that have been left and be respectful. Do not take anything that happens personal. Try to get to know student names

10 #5 #5: Use Acceptable Methods of Control
Use your resources (teacher next door, Administration, School counselor) Do not yell: once you yell, students know they are winning the battle. Do not let students sit anywhere they want Hint: Do not waste a minute: greet students, explain the lesson, the process for the day, roam throughout the classroom. Do not sit behind the desk. Move a chair to the front of the room to supervise students.

11 #6 #6: Readily Adapted to Substitute teaching situation
Substitute assignment might be in a EC self-contained classroom What do you do if you have classroom management issues? What will you do if you are asked to cover another class during the school day? What do you do if you cannot find lesson plans for the day? Hint: Be flexible as a substitute, offer your assistance as needed. Always make sure that you have lesson plans.

12 #7 #7: Left a summary of work covered
Leave a summary for each class or lesson. Items such as; students understood the assignment; students who struggled with lesson or assignment; students who did not complete assignment; students who had discipline issues Hint: When the teacher returns, he or she should be made aware of the happenings from the day before

13 #8 #8: Left The Room In Orderly Condition
Desks Marker boards Turning off technology Floors Teacher desk including lesson plans and your notes to the teacher Hint: Take time to make sure that the room is like it was when you arrived in the morning

14 #9 #9: Cooperated With Staff Left a good impression with school staff?
Did you communicate with office staff upon arrival and exit? Did you talk with Administration sometime during the day? Did you talk with teachers next to you? Hint: Always leave a great impression; Help when help is needed; Make connections so you can be a substitute that is continuously asked to sub.

15 #10 Dress Professionally
Though we do not have a dress code, substitutes should always dress to impress their audience No items such as flip-flops, sweat pants, shorts Hint: Always dress to impress!!

16 Other Important Items Never contact parents; administration and other school officials will handle Immediately report to school officials if you hear of someone trying to harm themselves or others Report to the office if you see a person who does not belong

17 Safety Tips Keep a class roster for every class
If someone leaves the room, make sure that they have a pass and that they sign out of the room and sign back in Students should only leave your class if it is an emergency Where do you place the class during a lock down or a drill Always look at the fire exit and take a class roll with you as you exit the building during a fire drill.

18 Questions Again, Thank you for all you do to help Scotland County Schools continue to grow greatness in all of our children!

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