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Massimo Bezzi - Vice President

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1 Massimo Bezzi - Vice President
European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Lift Directive implementation in the EU market and related standardisation activities Luciano Faletto 8th July 2019

2 Massimo Bezzi - Vice President
Lift Directive evolution from 95/16/EC to 2014/33/EU The recent development of the LD evolution is based on the Activities of the European Commission DG Grow deriving from: Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 on European standardisation: Coordination of standardisation policy Formulation of standardisation requests to the ESOs Publication of references of harmonised standards in the OJEU EFESME aisbl – European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 6, Rond-Point Schuman, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: – –

3 Massimo Bezzi - Vice President
Lift Directive evolution from 95/16/EC to 2014/33/EU EU DG GROW is also funding CEN/CENELEC/ETSI and the Annex III organisations : SBS Small Business Standards ETUC European Trade Union Confederation ANEC The European consumer voice in standardisation ECOS European Environmental Citizens Organisation for Standardisation EFESME aisbl – European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 6, Rond-Point Schuman, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: – –

4 Massimo Bezzi - Vice President
Lift Directive evolution from 95/16/EC to 2014/33/EU LD Amendment - Revised MD 2006/42/EC of 17 May – in force from 2009 for risks not dealt with in the LD, the health and safety requirements of the MD 98/37/EC (2006/42/EC) are applicable this applies particularly to risks for inspection and maintenance staff several machinery standards are thus also relevant to lifts: 2014…. 2006 1995 EFESME aisbl – European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 6, Rond-Point Schuman, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: – –

5 Massimo Bezzi - Vice President
Lift Directive evolution from 95/16/EC to 2014/33/EU free spaces should still be given the first priority (should always be provided for the pit and headroom in new buildings) the dimensions given in the current ENs are inadequate and should be improved alternative means could provide an equivalent level of safety providing they did not rely on safe methods of work and had a high level of integrity and for that very clear requirements would be needed in the ENs 2014…. 2006 1995 EFESME aisbl – European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 6, Rond-Point Schuman, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: – –

6 Massimo Bezzi - Vice President
Lift Directive evolution from 95/16/EC to 2014/33/EU Improvement of the Section 2.2. of Annex I of the LD relating to the prior approval by the MSs where the solution of permanent free spaces is impossible to fulfil Improve Market surveillance and traceability of safety components Notification of the notified bodies - improved NBL coordination is needed Limit lower speed of lifts to 0,15 m/s - platforms unintended car movement to be eliminated Provision of adequate instructions and tools EFESME aisbl – European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 6, Rond-Point Schuman, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: – –

7 Massimo Bezzi - Vice President
Lift Directive evolution from 95/16/EC to 2014/33/EU As regards GROW C.3 lifts sector, in addition to the institutional activities: participates in events organised by the sector's European level stakeholder groups including those of the SMEs, is in dialogue with SME industry associations (SBS, EFESME, ELA, ELCA?) through correspondence, meetings, etc., and monitors the correct implementation and interpretation of the legal framework for lifts. EFESME aisbl – European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 6, Rond-Point Schuman, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: – –

8 Massimo Bezzi - Vice President
Lift Directive evolution from 95/16/EC to 2014/33/EU For EFESME/SBS, the correct interpretation and implementation of the legal framework for lifts is: To develop standards more SME friendly Standards that include requirements for: Special tools for maintenance & rescue Instructions for maintenance & rescue Detailed planning of adjustments & replacements For the whole lifecycle of the lift EFESME aisbl – European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 6, Rond-Point Schuman, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: – –

9 Massimo Bezzi - Vice President
Lift Directive evolution from 95/16/EC to 2014/33/EU SBS is involved in many initiatives of the EC & the ESOs and is an observer in the Committee on Standards SBS submits regular reporting to the Commission, based on their Experts’ Reports SBS has numerous contacts with the various Commission services by the activities as planned in the work programme Lift sector SMEs take part in SBS activities EFESME aisbl – European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 6, Rond-Point Schuman, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: – –

10 Massimo Bezzi - Vice President
Some info on current standardisation work? in CEN TC10 WG1: Lift standards WG13: Machinery Standards ISO TC 178: WG4 & WG6 :Lift standards WG10 : Energy efficiency ETSI: Digitalisation NB-L; for LD Implementation in the Market: Recommendations for Use (RfU) Position Papers (PP) EFESME aisbl – European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 6, Rond-Point Schuman, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: – –

11 Massimo Bezzi - Vice President
Lift Directive evolution from 95/16/EC to 2014/33/EU EFESME aisbl – European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 6, Rond-Point Schuman, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: – –

12 Massimo Bezzi - Vice President
Some info on local standards for modernisation UNI developed a series of Technical Specifications that: Give guidance on how to modernise existing lifts These TS are suited to the Italian market situation They refer to the different versions of the standards existing at the time the lifts were installed the modernisation is intended also to improve the original level of safety, as far as possible I translated in English some of the many clauses for you to understand how they are structured UNI might help Bulgarian SO plan something similar EFESME aisbl – European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 6, Rond-Point Schuman, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: – –

13 Some more info on current standardisation work?
ISO TC 178 Objectives for Worldwide Lifts Safety standards Improve harmonization of technical requirements for lifts (elevators), worldwide Improve the efficiency of the industry and all of its stakeholders EFESME aisbl – European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 6, Rond-Point Schuman, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: – –

14 Possible Roadmap + + + ? ? ? ? Roadmap to be prepared by the JPCSG
Dec. 2014 Dec. 2017 Dec. 2020 Dec. 2023 Dec. 2026 Phase I: Identical adoption of EN 81-20/50 as ISO /7 and creation of regional TSs Phase II: First amendment to ISO /7 (CEN Lead) Phase III: Regular (every 3 years) revisions and incorporation of regional TSs Main Input Final result EN 81-20/50 ISO /7 (Identical EN81-20/50) ISO /7 ISO /7 ISO /7 + + + ISO/TS North America ISO/TS Japan ISO/TS Asia Pacific ISO/TS North America ISO/TS Japan ISO/TS Asia Pacific Amendment Items Amendment Items ISO/TS North America ISO/TS Japan ISO/TS Asia Pacific ? CEN/TR 81-12 CEN/TR 81-12 Main Action(s): ISO/TC 178 decide (resolution) on adopting EN as identical ISO standard ISO/TC 178 decide to initiate the amendment of the ISO standard ISO/TC 178 propose Vienna Agreement, Parallel Approval Process ISO/TC 178 delegate the lead to CEN/TC 10 CEN/TC 10 to agree on ISO proposal CEN/TC 10 to invite ISO experts to join the work This will require CEN/TC 10 commitment to adopt the ISO standard as it is! ISO/TS ? Main Action(s): The result of the amendment will be subject to full and simultaneous ISO and CEN approval process Amendment is limited to the list of “items” agreed in advance Basically, regional TSs remains as they are This will require CEN/TC 10 commitment to adopt the ISO standard as it is! ISO/TR 11071 ? Main Action(s): ISO/TC 178 to decide whether to entrust CEN/TC 10 with the revisions or take the lead by ISO Main objective of the revisions is to eliminate regional differences through solutions that satisfies all parties involved ISO/TS ? A17.1/ B44 US TAG and Canadian CAC and A17 Stds & B44 Technical Committees to agree that ISO /7 and ISO/TS NA be considered equivalent to A17.1/B44 for requirements where scopes overlap. Commence process of convergence of TS NA with main body of A17.1/B44 Code. Work with ISO TC 178 WG4 and CEN TC 10 to refine TS NA Continue convergence process Continue convergence process BSLJ Roadmap to be prepared by the JPCSG EN 81-20/50 Roadmap to be prepared by the EUCSG

15 CEN members and affiliates
CEN Affiliates Austria Lithuania Belgium Luxembourg Bulgaria Malta Croatia The Netherlands Cyprus Norway Czech Republic Poland Denmark Portugal Estonia Romania Finland Slovakia France Slovenia Germany Spain Greece Sweden Hungary Switzerland Iceland The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Ireland Turkey Italy United Kingdom Latvia Albania Lebanon Armenia Libya Azerbaijan Republic of Moldova Belarus Montenegro Bosnia and Herzegovina Morocco Egypt Serbia Georgia Tunisia Israel Ukraine Jordan CEN PSBs Australia Kyrgyzstan Mongolia

16 Main Issues The European Commission requires a better compliance to the requirements of the Mandate/M549, issued in September 2017, concerning the revision of the CEN Standards for Lifts in conformity with the new Lift Directive /33/EU Six newly revised standards were already refused to be cited for Harmonisation in the Official Journal of the European Union A recent roadmap was agreed with CEN for the alignment of the standards involved and is being followed for the proper development of all the standards, to be completed by end of year 2021

17 Some more info on current standardisation work?
EFESME & SBS activities involved in the process Support EU Commission mandatory requests for SME friendly versions of the revised standards proactively propose a more open approach to the CEN TC10 interpretation of the EC requirements Participate to the CEN TC10 development of the required revisions of all the involved standards Publish Position Papers and Articles to circulate our approach to these matters and obtain support by other standardisation organisations. EFESME aisbl – European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 6, Rond-Point Schuman, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: – –

18 Massimo Bezzi - Vice President
CONCLUSIONS Participation to the technical meetings is fundamental New products are developing very quickly Customers & SMEs would need tools and instructions!!! Our contribution also in EU Committees is precious We need to involve other associations in the standardisation process Essential support from SBS Improve coordination between experts EFESME aisbl – European Federation for Elevator Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 6, Rond-Point Schuman, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: – –

19 Massimo Bezzi - Vice President
Thank you for your attention Any Questions?

20 Massimo Bezzi - Vice President

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